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Fx Female Star Wars Idea (Old Republic Era)

Backwards Ace

Jun 8, 2015
Had this idea before but it wasn’t ever really picked up, hoping to get someone to play it now, cuz I’m really craving it.

It’s based along the same timeline as the old republic, when there was both a Jedi and Sith Academy. My character is a young but bright Jedi Padawan who is close to being ready for the trials to become a Jedi Knight. Your character is a young Sith, training to become a Sith Marauder. Though Jedi and Sith are natural enemies, our masters have always had an intense animosity towards each other (for reasons we can work out). Our characters meet during one of their famous battles, and our fight gets cut off from theirs/ split off of theirs. Being young, we talk as fight, trying to goad the other/ change the others mind. As time goes on and we meet more and more (through our masters confrontations) we start to connect, eventually our fighting growing less intense, and more playful. Your master notices the connection and orders you to use it against me, which you are more than happy to oblige.

I’d like a fair amount of smut eventually, but I want it to be more story driven. I’m looking for someone who’s literate, no three line paragraphs. Put a little more work into it. You don’t have to be super knowledgeable about the old republic, but know a bit please.
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