I've got this craving right now to write something about a pair of roommates, with little to no romantic interest in one another, deciding to become friends with benefits or otherwise have a casual, just-for-fun sexual relationship. While a lot of my RP tastes tend toward the fanciful and unrealistic, I want to go hard the other way with this one; I'm looking for an absolutely minimal amount of glamorization, smuttification, and distortion of reality here. I want this to be about two characters who could absolutely be real people, doing things that one could totally imagine happening in real life, and having all the emotions about it that that would really entail. That almost certainly means some messiness and angst, since in my experience, these kinds of relationships rarely stay as clean and simple as one would hope, even if no one develops romantic feelings; it's just a fact of human brain chemistry that sex changes how you feel about a person, and that's not always easy to navigate. Let's dive into that and have some fun with it.
Regarding the "F or NB" tag: in this case, when I say NB, I mean an actual nonbinary character in the real-life sense, like, a person who identifies as such. I would prefer such a character be assigned female at birth, and in general I'm more attracted to feminine presentation, but we can discuss that if you want to go this way. Cis female characters are fine too, though.
Some themes I'd like to incorporate into this, in rough order of how high a priority they are for me:

Regarding the "F or NB" tag: in this case, when I say NB, I mean an actual nonbinary character in the real-life sense, like, a person who identifies as such. I would prefer such a character be assigned female at birth, and in general I'm more attracted to feminine presentation, but we can discuss that if you want to go this way. Cis female characters are fine too, though.
Some themes I'd like to incorporate into this, in rough order of how high a priority they are for me:
- Non-traditional beauty standards. Partly this is a style thing--I'm especially in the mood for my partner's character to have something of an alt style, punk or goth or something like that, so if you're willing to play such a character that would be fantastic. More importantly, though, I just want to avoid idealized looks for our characters; I want them to be described like ordinary people, not fantasy avatars or models. For that reason, I want to avoid visual references, since it's nigh-impossible to find ones of people who don't look unrealistically beautiful. Feel free to play a character who doesn't match up to popular ideals of beauty in any way you like. I'd appreciate the same freedom with mine.
- Awkwardness during sex. Let's be honest, sex in real life is often far less effortless and smooth than the way we write about it in smut. People get nervous, they don't always know how to please each other right away, they have trouble getting off. I want to acknowledge that stuff. Likely it'll diminish as our characters get more comfortable and learn more about each other's tastes (if that's the way it goes, which it may not be).
- Casual sex. Not just in the sense of the relationship being casual rather than romantic, but also being casual about when, where, and how sexy stuff happens. One character giving the other head while they're reading or watching TV, or coming home to find the other in the shower and hopping in to play with them. That kind of stuff.
- Polyamory. It's not the only way I could go, but one thought I had about why our characters might not see one another as romantically compatible is if your character identifies as poly, while mine doesn't. If your character has other partners, romantic or casual, we could explore how they both navigate that whole situation. (If this is starting to sound like a very specific set of ideas, yes, it's based on something that has happened to me in real life.)
- Naturism/nudism/casual nudity. I like the idea of our characters being open with their bodies around one another at home. Possibly this could be a result of them getting involved sexually, or it might be what precipitates that. In the latter case, let's keep in mind we're going for realism; if one or both of them were to start going naked around the place, they almost certainly brought it up and asked permission first, and that was probably a conversation that happened after they'd already known each other for a while and felt comfortable broaching the subject (unless your character is the one who initiates it and is the sort of person who's chill enough about stuff like that to bring it up early on, and if so, let's keep in mind what it would actually be like to have that conversation with someone you don't know very well).