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Fx F or NB Futa/F searching for F - Fandoms, Celebrities, and Originals, Oh My!


Jun 26, 2013

I can't believe I have to put this sort of message here... but I very much need OOC chat when it comes to roleplaying. Quite often I will be thinking about the RP, and want to make suggestions. If you do not like these suggestions, they don't need to be implemented. DON'T UP AND QUIT THE RP.
Additionally, I enjoy back and forth posts when it's possible, but I do not expect this from my partners. What this means, is if I see you online, I might say that I'm around for a few hours, and see if we can do back and forth. If, for whatever reason, you do not like these messages, DON'T UP AND QUIT THE RP.
I've just had two partners quit on me for what I think are minor issues, and it's extremely frustrating. There was no attempt to work things out, just a sudden 'cya later' and no response since.
Sorry for this rant, onto the roleplay stuff...

Hi all! As you can tell from the title, I am looking for female partners, who roleplays fandoms, celebrities, and original topics. When I say female partners, I solely mean the character you play in the roleplay. If you identify as male, female, or anything else in real life, I do not mind, as long as you play a convincing female in game. I usually play male, but in the context of this thread, I am seeking to play as a female or futa character.

Out of character, I seek a roleplay partner that is patient with me, as I usually have quite a few roleplays on at the same time. This means I may forget certain things you like or dislike, which will make me appear like a jerk. Additionally, someone looking to collaborate and compromise on ideas is essential, as I do not want to be forced into an idea I don't like, nor do I want to be the one doing all the work.

In character, I love roleplays that have a good balance of plot and smut, though some RPs might have more of one or the other. This tends to happen to me with original plots, as I don't normally get enthralled with deep plots in original settings. Fandom plots usually have more or equal amounts of plot than smut, but feel free to ask which way this works for a particular plot or pairing I have listed. I will probably end up making a ons and offs list, unless I see other people on the site using F-List like I do (I haven't had a good look around yet). If you message me before I put up kinks and limits, then I can tell you in PMs what my preferences are.
One thing I will add, is that I love when people can play multiple characters. I love a good plot where it is 1x2, 1x3, etc., as you will find with some pairings listed. Usually I try to make this fair if my partner requests me to, but it is dependent on the wishes of both me and my partner.

Below are my biggest cravings. Unless something has a strike through it, then I am happy to do any pairings listed below the cravings menu.

Any celebrity play
Contestant x Celebrity Judge
Barbara Dunkelman
Meg Turney
Ashley Jenkins

Margaery Tyrell (Especially based off this image)

Very much craving creative use of powers in sexual play.If a Harry Potter RP, maybe a certain spell has some amazing results. If a superhero RP, then their powers somehow come into play. I want this to be a part of the RP, but not revolve around this.

I thought I better put this here first. Below I will post the various symbols I'll use with my pairings, and what they mean. If multiple of the plot/smut symbols appear, that may mean either the plot I have in mind can go either way, or that I have multiple plots, each with a different plot/smut ratio.
$ - More plot than smut
^ - More smut than plot
& - Even plot and smut (or indecisive)
* - Craving this pairing

I am a big fan of fandom RPs, absolutely love them to death. If you come to me with a fandom request of something I have listed, that would be great. When it comes to OCs and Canons, I only RP against people that play canon characters. I play Canons or OCs. When it comes to you playing as an OC in a fandom world, if it is OC x OC, I likely will not be interested. If it is Canon x OC with myself as the Canon, there would need to be some strong convincing...
If I have not listed something, then message me about it and ask. I don't watch anime though (I have a passing knowledge of Pokemon thanks to the games), nor do I watch shows like Doctor Who or Supernatural. Below I will post the fandoms and pairings I have.

Characters I'll play: OC, Hermione, Padma, Ginny, Gabrielle, Cho, Molly
Characters You'll play: Hermione, Tonks, Fleur, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Cho, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Padma, Parvati... Basically suggest someone, I'll likely play against them.

Characters I'll play: OC, Sansa, Arya, Missandei, Myrcella
Characters I'll play against: Daenerys, Missandei, Margaery, Sansa, Arya, Melisandre, Ygritte, etc.

Characters I'll play: OC, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, (SUGGEST)
Characters I'll play against: Black Widow, Scarlett Witch, Valkrie, Captain Marvel, etc.

Characters I'll play: OC, Poison Ivy
Characters I'll play against: Harley Quinn, (SUGGEST)

As with fandoms, I love celebrity play. This does not mean just using them as face claims; I enjoy roleplaying as an OC (or a celeb with the right plot) against a celebrity. This means their name, age, appearance, and career. If you can portray their personality well, that is a definite bonus. One key thing with most, if not all plots, is I enjoy the celebrity aspect, so they should be famous. Hiding from the press, not wanting to take risks in public, wanting to please their fans. I don't want to see someone play a celebrity that's happy to walk down their street naked. If they become corrupted somehow and then open to doing that, then that is fine.

I will name a few celebrities, the more asterisks (*) next to the celeb, the more I'm craving them. I may use the symbols from the legend for various celebs. If I do not use them for someone, it means I have no specific plot in mind. The celebrities will be put in three sections: Singer, Actress, and Youtube Star.

Katy Perry &
Nicki Minaj
Jessie J $
Delta Goodrem $
Taylor Swift &
Rihanna &

Emilia Clarke & *****
Natalie Dormer *****
Sophie Turner ^ *****
Maisie Williams $ *****
Emma Stone *****
Emma Watson *****
Jennifer Lawrence
Mila Kunis
Jenna Fischer
Daisy Ridley ^
Scarlett Johansson

Youtube Stars
Barbara Dunkelman ******** $
Meg Turney ******** $
Ashley Jenkins ******** $
Jenna Marbles

If a symbol has not been used to display that I have a specific plot for them, that only means that we use one of the general celebrity plots I have, and I have a lot of those :)

Now, onto the originals! As I mentioned somewhere above, my original plots usually don't interest me as much, unless they involve celebrities or YouTube Stars. I only do modern RPs, although I can be convinced for post-apocalyptic RPs too, but don't count on it. My original plots are usually smut orientated, so I won't put down the smut symbol for this section. If you're wondering about a specific pairing, ask and I'll answer.

Daughter x Mother
Daughter x Parent's Girlfriend
Sister x Sister
Cousin x Cousin
Niece x Aunt

Student x Teacher
Teacher x Student
Nerd x Cheerleader
Nerd x Popular Girl
New Kid x Cheerleader
New Kid x Popular Girl

Boss x Employee
Employee x Boss
Employee x Employee
Employee x Client
Client x Employee
Cop x Cop
Cop x Criminal
Criminal x Cop
Victim x Cop
Cop x Victim
Prisoner x Cop
Patient x Nurse
Doctor x Nurse

HOLIDAYS - (When referring to 'kid', the character would be the correct age by forum rules)
Kid x Mrs Claus
Elves x Mrs Clause
Kid's Mother x Mrs Claus
Mrs Claus x Kid's Mother
Tooth Fairy x Kid's Mother
Tooth Fairy x Kid

CELEBRITY - (Ties into the above celebrity section)
Fan x Celebrity
Bodyguard x Celebrity
Friend x Celebrity
Family Member x Celebrity
Tribal Member x Celebrity *****
Therapist x Celebrity
Foreign Actor x Celebrity *****
Contestant x Celebrity Judge ***

Room Mate x Room Mate
Neighbour x Neighbour
Babysat x Babysitter
Little Person x Average Height Woman (Can be applied to most pairings)
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