Fx Female The Burn List


Pet looking of master
Dec 25, 2018
Hello, Flame here! So I’ve recently had several cravings that I want to try out.
But first the rules.

First no one liners, I will leave if this happens, I understand it can be difficult to come up with a post sometime but that can be fixed with communication. Second, no god modding, there are a few exceptions to being able to control my character but for the most part my character is mine and yours is yours. Third keep rp life separate, I don’t give IRL info and will immediately leave if you ask for any of that no exceptions.
Got those? Good, let’s get to the niddy gritty.

Plots. Pm me if your interested

1. A New Vampire.
Mc is just a normal girl who lives with her best friend YC, they go to college and work jobs but always find time to spend together. But one night something happens, a shadow creeps into MC’s room, the next morning YC comes in to fin her best friend dead....or is she? Cold and not breathing she seems dead, but then her eyes open. Not the color they were but deep crimson. How are they to handle her being turned into a vampire? They weren’t supposed to be real!

2. A Spiders web.
Our characters decide to take a long camping trip to a Brazil wildlife reserve. But while traveling they come across what seems to be an old temple, exploring is always a good idea right? But they don’t pay attention to all the webs.
(Warning, spider Futa, ovipositor)

Will add more later
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