Fx Any Well-written shorter term RPs

Gen V

Aug 9, 2019
Hi everyone!

Right now, just to really get myself into the swing of some more sexual RPs (most of my RPing so far has been strictly PG-13) I’m looking for some shorter term and probably quite smut heavy RPs. I'm up for quite a few different gender pairings so I'll just post a quick list of what I'd be up for, and then towards the end of the post I'll sling in a few pre-made ideas.

Futa x F
M x M (in an instance where one is a crossdresser / sissy etc.)

But there's a catch… I’m a quality queen. I don’t accept the idea that having a shorter term RP means that the quality of the writing should suffer. The good news is that if you're anything like me then you'll actually see this as a good thing, so yay!

Here is what I want in our RPs

Partners who will pull their weight in adding ideas and moving the story along.
My character is mine, and yours is yours. You don’t control mine, and vice versa.
A good level of detail in writing, specifically in regard to actions, senses, and thoughts/feelings.*
Add some dialogue, people don’t do things in complete silence.
RPs either through thread or PM on this site only – No IM, email, or discord etc.

* You might notice that I didn’t mention post length. That’s because if you follow this particular rule, length will take care of itself. Typically I write from anywhere between 2-10 paragraphs for those who want an actual number. But let me be honest and say I do not give one single fuck if you match the length or not. Just to really drive that point home I'm going to highlight it once again.

I do not care if your post is half the length of mine, so long as it has all the detail it needs in it.

And now for some plot ideas!

By all means feel free to suggest changes or additions to ideas, or even something completely different!
However, plots specifiy what genders I am looking for. Don't ask to change that - the answer will be no.

Becoming the on board entertainment (MxF, multiple partners, possible to add some FxF elements) (TAKEN)

A young girl (16-18) on a three-week cruise with her parents is growing increasingly bored. The boat couldn’t dock at their last three stops due to weather, and so now everyone has been stuck on board for a whole week.By now they’re at each other’s throats due to cabin fever, and finally she gets permission to go out on her own, they give her twenty euros and tell her to go watch a movie in the onboard cinema. Is she going to do that? Hell no! with cold hard cash in hand she’s going to head right up to the bar and see if she can get served.

Of course, they ask for I.D. and so now our teen is sitting sulking at the back of the bar with a glass of orange juice, when an older man sits down opposite her. They talk, he buys her a few real drinks, before asking if she’d like to come back to his cabin. She politely refuses, he then suggests that he can make it worth her while, tapping his wallet…

Afterwards, my characters finds out that a few other people saw the exchange, and other men, maybe some couples, are approaching her with similar offers.

Will you just concentrate? (Futa x Female)

One of our characters is a futa and enjoys flaunting the fact that because of her unique nature she has a fantastic and varied sex life, though never for long with the same partner. Our other character is female and has much less luck, as well as a fairly significant crush on the futa character.

The two of them are paired up together to work on a project (either for school or work, depending on age) that requires them to meet up at home. Our female character starts to get frustrated (and envious) with the fact that the futa seems more interested in her phone (tinder, dating apps etc.) and finding her next fuckbuddy, leaving all the work for her partner.

Finally she snaps and makes the offer – and if the futa character puts in two solid hours of work without interruptions, she’ll give her a handjob. The next day come around and the same thing happens again, except this time, a handjob isn’t going to be enough…

A different kind of sex ed class (FxF)

In a small suburban neighborhood, there is a close knit, fairly religious (and very conservative) community. So conservative in fact that after months of protesting, they managed to get the local school to drop sex education classes in favour of an ‘abstinence is the only way to stay safe’ lecture. One particular girl (15-16) is affected more than most by this, as her parents are the ones who ‘led the charge’ and when it comes to matters of sex and intimate anatomy, and won't even discuss the basics with her until she is married.

As a result, rumour, half-facts and jokes have blended together to leave her with some strange and very outdated ideas of sex. To make matters even more confusing, she’s fairly certain that she’s more interested in girls than boys. Weeks later, a rumour starts to circulate that a women who bought a house just down the street is actually a former porn star. Of course, in this neighbourhood nobody will actually admit to watching porn, so nobody confronts her. That is, until our younger character approaches her one day and makes a strange request for sex-ed lessons.
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Time for a bump, RPs involving futas go to the top of the list for now.
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