Fx Male Thoughts of the warrioress

Aug 8, 2019
First, I should warn you that, despite my moniker, I'm actually the pink and fluffy kind, Well, not pink, exactly. More Mediterranean. But I prefer to roleplay softer and gentler. So no pain, anal, bathroom stuff, etc. Possibly very mild bondage and embarrassment, but not major humiliation.

Now, I'm okay with violence in the storyline outside of the "bedroom scenes", but I prefer to keep it out of the bedroom.

So my preferences are, as indicated at the title of the thread, FxM, with me being the female, of course. I am flexible on the genre, but as far as the pair is concerned, my preference is my character being Mediterranean or darker, and your character being Northern European. I can also write East Asian. And I prefer either both characters being young and relatively innocent, or my character being young and innocent, and your character being older and more experienced.

Also, I like the story to develop. Which means that the characters are not going to jump into bed from the get go. And it's very possible that the characters (or at least my character) hasn't thought of sex as a possibility at the beginning of the story. So no "sexual tension building over the last year" scenarios. And if we wrote a mind control scenario, it would be where your character had to take his time in developing control, because if he moved too fast, he would reverse whatever progress he was making.

Also, my preference will be to do RPs in a forum-based thread. Just so you know.

I do have some specific ideas, and I'm not going to lie to you, some of these I lifted when I went through the request forum and said, hey, that's a thought. But like I said, I like the story to develop, and I'm the soft, fluffy kind, so I may not have liked the direction they were going, And some ideas are based on stories I read in other places.

So, my ideas are (in no particular order):

Charmed: MFFF --- This will be the old Charmed, not the new remake. I'll write as the three original sisters, Prue, Piper and Phoebe with Prue never dying, and thus Paige never being "activated." The episode I'm thinking of basing the RP on is "Size Matters", since the sisters' powers (along with their size) are reduced by Gamill, and this could lead to your character being able to rescue them when they're helpless, and gaining their gratitude. This could possibly be an MFFFF, by adding a guest star. Also, your character could be, say, a young wizard (as opposed to a warlock) who is just learning how to use his powers. I believe there was one episode with a wizard. Or you could be a random normal nonpowered 18 year old guy who stumbles into the situation and saves the day. No demons, half demons, warlocks and similar ilk, though.

Harry Potter: MFF --- This is just my opinion, but Hermione is waaaaaaay out of Ron's league. So how about Hermione and Neville? Possibly Fleur in there? I don't know. I'm willing to toss a few ideas around. Say during the final battle, the wand blast between Harry and Voldemort shoots out a few stray sparks and tosses Neville, Hermione, Fleur, maybe one or two others into a pocket dimension with a tropical island sort of environment, and they have to figure out how to get home? I'm willing to toss around a few ideas.

Disney -- I could do a Tarzan or a Beauty and the Beast scenario. My preference is a Beast not turned back into a prince. But proportions on the Beast will not be oversized. Just saying. That isn't a turn on for me. Possibly a few crossovers? I can banter some ideas around.

The artist's stepdaughter --- This is based on a story I once read. You're character would be a successful commercial artist, mine would be his innocent but very well developed stepdaughter in her late teens. I'm thinking of the image I'm including below:

So, anyway, your character and mine have a good relationship, but neither one of us would think of doing anything illicit. Your character, however, does consider my character attractive and, a few weeks back, decide to do "life" drawings of her, just to keep his artistic skills from becoming rusty. He's never seen her nude, of course, but he has seen her in the skimpy bathing suits she only wears at home for sun and such. So he imagines what she would like nude and draws accordingly. And then one days she stumbles on the drawings where he's hidden them. Or possibly he got called away and left them out and she finds them that way. The rp will be what ensues afterwards.

Okay, those are just a few of my ideas, but I thought I'd just limit myself to a handful at first and see what kind of reaction they would get. If anything sounds interesting to you, send me a PM!
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