Fx Male Spark's Requests - From Story Driven to Smut


Aug 8, 2019
Eastern Standard Time
Hey Everyone! My name is Sparkz. I've been roleplaying for almost 8 years now. I've done all sorts of things over the years and I'm pretty much open to anything. Long story short, here's what I am craving right now.

  • Be Nice - goes without saying
  • Be literate, please. Typos happen, I get that. It happens to me too, especially when I am on my phone. But please have good English. There's nothing worse than trying to decipher what a partner is trying to say all the time.
  • I like smut as much as the next person but I like to have a plot behind it and driving it to some sort of goal. Just smut gets old after a while.
  • Be open to discussing plot and other things regarding the story. Be honest about what you will and won't do and I will do the same.
Roleplaying with Me
  • I'm pretty good at getting a post up at least once a week, most of the time it's 3-4 a week
  • I range from casual to rapid fire, depending on how long the posts get.
  • I average at a paragraph per post but I can/will post like 3-5 paragraph posts at a time or I will do just 1-2 sentences, depending on the style of my partner and what is needed for the scene. I typically match what my partner does.

I'm pretty open minded when it comes to smut. I will try almost anything at least once. My f list is here for you to have a look through.

Highlights in no particular order: Incest, bestiality, multiple penetrations, pegging, anal, oral, vaginal, lactation, gangbangs


I like to play female characters, but I will play male as well. For bestiality pairings, I will play the humanoid or the feral. For all of the pairings, I will play either one. Side note, this is not an exhaustive list. This is all that comes to mind at this time.

  • Anything with royalty, political intrigue, etc be it fantasy, sci fi, or historical
  • Any sort of humanoid x feral pairing
  • Any incest pairing (siblings or parent x child preferred)
  • Superheroes! DC or Marvel or original universe. (I'm okay with canon characters but its more fun when you add a new twist to canon)
  • Anything supernatural related (vampires, werewolves, fairies, dragons)
  • criminal x cop (or something similar)
  • pretty much any sort of pairing, I will be willing to do. Any questions, just ask.

Fresh out of ideas at the moment but if you have something that you are dying to do, I am willing to hear and give it a try if I like it.

If you're interested, reply here or PM
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