Fx Male Once Upon A Time... in Hollywood *SPOILERS* (Retro 60s/70s Setting)


Jun 9, 2019

Once Upon A Time... in Hollywood
(Retro 60s/70s Setting)
Brief Synopsis:
Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood visits 1969 Los Angeles, where everything is changing, as TV star Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his longtime stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) make their way around an industry they hardly recognize anymore. The ninth film from the writer-director features a large ensemble cast and multiple storylines in a tribute to the final moments of Hollywood’s golden age.


Quentin Tarantino is one of my all-time favourite directors. His latest feature film, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, explores a setting I have never visited in the realm of roleplay. The movie piqued my interested in the glamorous life of Hollywood in the 60s and 70s, which is not a time period I normally write in. More than anything, Tarantino's character, Cliff Booth, completely captured my attention.

Brad Pitt's - CLIFF BOOTH:


The t h i r s t is REAL for Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth.


Of all the characters in this film, my biggest interest was evidently Brad Pitt's complex character, CLIFF BOOTH. The stunt double, who's comical character was also rumoured to have murdered his wife on a boat and gotten away with it, is drawn to the flirtations of an underage hippy and cult member. His character in the film is sarcastic, witty, and your stereotypical all-around-tough guy who beats up multiple people throughout the film. He struggles financially and romantically, living in a trailer with a mostly recluse lifestyle now that his is older and lonely. His only friend is Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio), a once A-list celebrity whose career has begun to diminish and the industry changes.

I'm looking for a partner who will ideally fulfill the role of Cliff Booth, or a character similar to his. Aspects that I would want to keep from his character are a) financial struggle b) romantic struggle - a lone ranger with no current love interest c) social struggle - his only friend being a wealthy actor/ celebrity and d) a hardened back story of some kind (such as in Cliff Booth's case, the fact that he was previously an accomplished solider and the possibility that he murdered his wife).

Contrary to the loose "love-interest" of his in the film, a overtly sexual teenager named "Pussycat" who attempts to seduce Cliff but fails per his own rejection, I'm looking to pair his character with an original character (OC). There are several options for OCs that I can portray, which I will outline below.

If you're interested in playing your own ORIGINAL CHARACTER, I may be tempted to accept if the character is interesting enough. I am looking specifically for that ultra-masculine, alpha/ "tough-guy" persona. I do, however, wish to keep the setting inspired by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I'd still like to explore an alternate reality with the characters in the film, as well as the spin-off depicted for the Manson cult and murders.

Female Character Options:

Important to note:
While many of these characters are inspired by real people, Once Upon A Time... in Hollywood is set in an ALTERNATE REALITY.
While the biographies may be loosely based on real life, they are works of FICTION and are developed with creative liberty. :)

1) The Manson Cult Member --- LUNA LOVEY
Face-claim(s): Julia Almendra OR Marloes Horst

In the film, Cliff's character picks up a hitchhiker teenager, a hippy named "Pussycat" whom he gives a ride to her residence at Spahn Ranch. Upon arriving at the ranch, Cliff quickly realizes that the ranch has turned in to a colony of hippies, most of whom appear to be under-aged teenage girls. The ranch, which is actually the stomping ground of Charles "Charlie" Manson's infamous cult, appears degraded and filthy with a strange atmosphere that Cliff recognizes is unusual and bizarre.

Originally, the teen named "Pussycat" tries to seduce Cliff in the car, however despite his attraction to her, he rejects her advances due to the fact that Pussy has no ID (as she is under the age of 18). While at the ranch, Cliff stirs up quite the commotion after demanding to speak to the Ranch's owner, an old friend and colleague, George Spahn. Although he finds George exactly as another cult member, Squeaky, describes, he realizes that George is old, blind, and likely has dementia. Despite the fact that the cult is clearly taking advantage of his property, Cliff leaves without further confrontation. That is, until he finds his front tire with a knife it in. Cliff forces the perpetrator, Tex, to change his tire after punching him into submission. The fight garnered a crown of cult members, all of whom were young women unable to intervene.

One of the bystanders in that crowd is cult member "Luna Lovey" (real name Loretta Morgan), who was kidnapped from Oregon by Manson's crew and subsequently indoctrinated.

2) The Rescuer --- ROSARIA ROSALES
Face-claim: Zhenya Katava

Rosaria is a hot-tempered Latina of mixed Mexican-American descent who travels from New Mexico to California in search of her missing sister, Margarita Rosales. Margarita, whom at only 15 years old, disappeared from her hometown of Sante Fe. Although a missing persons report was filed, police made little efforts in searching for her, as she was labelled a troublemaker and runaway. After a year and a half of dead ends and failed police attempts, Rosaria takes matters into her own hands and leaves Sante Fe in pursuit of her sister. She follows different leads, both dead-ends and mysteries, until she catches a break when a trucker positively identifies a photo and small butterfly tattoo of Margarita. The trucker, who claims not only was he enticed by Margarita to have sex, was looking to hitchhike to Los Angeles. As Rosaria follows the trial to Hollywood, she soon discovers her sister has garnered a reputation as a dumpster diver and prostitute, going by the street name "Pussycat".

It will take running into Cliff Booth before she discovers Margarita, or "Pussycat", is residing at the Spahn Ranch, alongside dozens of other vulnerable women her age.

3) The Hustler --- AUDREY ADDINGTON
Face-claim: Emma Roberts OR Barbara Palvin

Audrey Addington, more notably known as "Barracuda" to the Los Angeles Police Department, is a well-known scam artist and con-woman. Known for various scams related to gambling, Air Travel cards, payment cards, and fraudulent checks, Audrey has escaped all attempts to capture or stop her crimes. Her nickname "Barracuda" was coined by the LA Times, who used the term "barracuda" to describe this con woman's conniving ways. As a master in disguise and master of hustling, Audrey Addington has become infamous for the multiple identities she has portrayed and signatures she has forged. With rising pressure from victims - businesses, entrepreneurs, and celebrities alike - to identify Barracuda, many have hired their own investigators in an attempt to catch her. All efforts have thus far proven unsuccessful, with LA police releasing a bulletin asking for the public's assistance, as well as a bounty of $10,000 for any information that would lead to her arrest.

4) The Hollywood Daughter --- JUDY STEWART
Face-claim: Bambi Northwood

Judy Stewart is the daughter of one of the biggest actors of all time, Classical Hollywood star James Stewart. Judy is a fraternal twin sister to Kelly Stewart, born to Gloria Hatrick MacLean. on May 7th, 1951. Although wealthy by status as children of the most famous man in Hollywood, the two had a quiet upbringing and childhood at the Beverly Hills home. Both born into a life of fame, neither Judy or Kelly pursued a career in acting as they grew to young adults. Kelly went on to study evolution to become an anthropologist, while Judy's two step-brothers also pursued other interests. Judy's step-brother Ronald was killed in 1969 while serving in Vietnam as a lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Following Ronald's passing, Judy, whom was freshly 18 years old, fell into a bout of rebelling and chose to drop out of school. Judy eloped with her boyfriend of only three months, whom her parents and sister disproved of. Judy left the family home into an apartment with her new husband and the two engaged in a lifestyle of partying, drinking, and drugs. Worried for her safety, the Stewart family hire a private investigator to spy and keep track of their estranged daughter.

5) The Mob Boss' Daughter --- CONSTANCE CASTELLANO
Face-claim: Emily DiDonato

Constance Castellano - commonly known by her nickname Connie - is the daughter to Paul Castellano, the acting Don and Italian mob boss to Don Carlo Gambino. Throughout the 40s and 50s, the Gambino crime family had risen to become the biggest and strongest mafias of the "Five Families" of New York. Their leader and founder, Carlo Gambino, had recently appointed his trusted front-man, Paul Castellano to act as the Don and run the mafia upon his declining health in 1964. Paul, referred to as "Big Paul", "Big Paulie" and "The Howard Hughes of the Mob", headed the biggest Cosa Nostra family in America. He had four children including three sons, and one daughter named Constance Castellano.

As business boomed and the Gambino family grew to power, tensions rose between among the other four families. In this alternate reality, In an effort, to smooth business, Paul Castellano sends his son, consigliere, and his daughter to California to solidify a deal with a drug cartel by the border. The deal goes south, and although Constance's brother and the consigliere manage to flee, Connie is taken hostage by the cartel and kidnapped.

Connie can either escape on her own, requiring help to get back to New York, OR she can remain captured, where she will need to be rescued.

6) The Heiress --- BETSY WARNER
Face-claim: Fran Summers

Betsy Warner is the daughter to Jack. M. Warner, the son of founding father Jack Warner of the Warner Brothers. She resides in Los Angeles with her sister Debbie. Despite the two having an abundance of wealth from their father and grandfather's growing company, the two live mostly quiet lives. Although rich, they are mostly unknown to the public, for the only indication of their wealth is their last name, Warner. Betsy, the youngest of three siblings, had always planned to work in the film business and possibly pursue an interest in acting. However, as she worked alongside her siblings for Warner Brothers, she found herself displeased. Her friends were wealthy, many of them rising celebrities of their own. Betsy had partied with the finest people, danced at the nicest clubs, but she was bored... Tired of the wealthy lifestyle she had been handed on a platter. In an attempt to live a more fulfilling life, she decides to become a nurse and begins working at the Los Angeles County General in the Emergency Department.

7) The Singer & Go-Go Dancer --- BETTY BROWN
Face-claim: Ebonee Davis

Betty Brown is an aspiring singer and go-go dancer at the Red Velvet nightclub in on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood. With the rise of Motown and Soul music, Betty came to Hollywood from New Orleans in hopes of pursuing a career in singing. She has been in Los Angeles for several years, having moved with her friend and current coworker Cadence Kincaid from Louisiana. Despite her hopes and dreams of being a big star, not Betty nor Cadence have had much luck aside from working at Red Velvet full time. Without much opportunity to sing, Betty has become a Go-Go Dancer for the club, using her rhythm and body to at least gain popularity. Although she has met many upcoming and rising stars, none of the encounters amounted to any opportunity for Betty.

I'm purposely leaving both these characters bios fairly open for addition.

8) The Club Waitress --- CADENCE KINCAID
Face-claim: Aiyana Lewis

Cadence Kincaid is a waitress at the Red Velvet nightclub. Both her and Betty Brown (see above) are friends, having moved to Los Angeles together from New Orleans in hopes of living the American Dream. Although Cadence is also a singer, she found her talents belittled to serving as her beauty and charisma garnered her many tips and a fairly sustainable income. Although both Cadence and Betty struggle financially, the two manage by renting a cheap apartment together and splitting costs.

I'm purposely leaving both these characters bios fairly open for addition.

9) The Foreigner --- SUNITA BHATTACHARYA
Face-claim: Raudha Athif

Sunita Bhattacharya is a Indian immigrant born to a Rajasthan Gypsy mother and an Muslim-Indian father. During the British Raj, English soldiers recruited Indian men to fight in the Second World War. Sunita's father was one of those men, immigrating to the United Kingdom following the end of the war. Upon returning to India after British Raj ended in 1947, he met Sunita's mother in Gujarat (North India), whom was a travelling gypsy from the Rajasthan tribe. Their relationship was taboo due to gypsies being seen as the lowest possible social class, so to protect their children, Sunita's father sent her and her brother to the United States to live with her uncle at 13 years old. Despite her parents promises to flee the city of Gujarat as tensions rose between Muslims and Hindus, both Sunita's mother and father were killed in the 1969 Gujarat riots, which took the lives of more than 600 people.

Upon their death, Sunita's uncle, whom was recently widowed, tried to marry Sunita in an illegal ceremony. Sunita refused and in vengeance, her uncle sought to return Sunita to India for an arranged marriage. Although vehemently refusing, Sunita was unable to leave her brother behind, who tried to convince her to flee the home in order to escape the arrangement. Under suspicious circumstances, Sunita's brother passed away and Sunita decided she had endured enough. She gathered as much as she could fit in a small bag, stole her uncle's wallet and valuables, and fled. She ended up travelling to California where she stated mainly homeless and poor Despite her challenges, Sunita manages to stay alive by selling hand-made jewelry on the busy downtown streets of Los Angeles.

10) The One From Hallyuwood --- MOON MIN JINJU
Face-claim: Song Hye-kyo

Moon Min Jinju, who's first name is Jinju (pronounced jeen-joo), is a South Korean-born singer married to a successful film entrepreneur known famously in Hallyuwood. Just like Hollywood is to America, Hallyuwood is the entertainment and film industry of South Korean, which compromises one of the biggest in the world alongside Bollywood (South-Asian industry). In this storyline, Jinju is unhappily married to a producer seeking opportunities to merge South-Korean and American film, whom has forced her to move to the United States in order to pursue this endeavor. Although highly educated and bilingual, Jinju finds herself increasingly miserable in this new world and in her marriage, which is plagued with arguments and emotional abuse. In an effort to curve Jinju's complaints and entice her to have a baby, her husband Junsu moves her from a condo to a bigger house out in Hollywood Hills, where she resides on the same street as actor Rick Dalton, as well as filmmaker Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate.

Despite the new house and new life, Jinju is bored and lonely, and soon seeks comfort in the arms of another man.


How I roleplay:

- Exclusively through BMR (either PM or Threads --- no emails unfortunately)
- Writes 3-8 paragraphs (really depends on my partner
- Proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is a must
- Story-driven > (over) smut UNLESS otherwise discussed
- Generally play against dom and/or dominant characters and darker, more complex male characters
- Tends to make the RP interactive using gifs, images, music and sometimes video content (not mandatory for my partner reciprocate, but always appreciated!)
- Usually uses OOC private messages to discuss potential plot twists, character development, etc. (not mandatory)
- Cannot guarantee daily replies. I require patience as I am a busy, busy individual in the real world and currently dealing with health issues.

Kinks and other elements I'm looking to incorporate:

- Issues with Social Classes and possibly Race
- Darker themes such as murder, violence, crime and drugs
- Age difference (the bigger the better)
- Dominance over my character (I like to play a submissive role, generally, though I am also open to discussing switch and other possible scenarios)
- Romance, but also erotica
- Creativity (if you cannot bring anything to the table, it will be a boring RP)
- Action and adventure (I like to keep the story rolling)
- Historical accuracy (I'm lenient but need it to be appropriate content for an alternate reality in the late 60s and early 70s)


*** PM me if you're interested! :) ***
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