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Fx Male ~π‘»π’‚π’Œπ’† 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 π‘·π’Šπ’„π’Œ~


The Moost Happi
Aug 3, 2019
the bad side of the tracks
Stay awhile and listen!
First, thank you for visiting my request thread. It'll serve as a comprehensive list of ideas that are currently tickling my fancy and general plot ideas that I'm open to if you want to bring something of your own creation to the table. The next two sections are very important, so please be kind and read all of them before sending a message, it'll go a long way in saving you time and questions. With that out of the way, read on! I hope to hear from you soon!

What are my deal breakers?
For an exhaustive list of my hard limits in what I won't write about, a link to my full F-List is available in my signature. Beyond that, I have a strong preference to conduct my roleplays here, either in PMs or in a thread. I won't do any writing on Kik, Discord, or anything outside of Blue Moon. I won't do anything underage, anything incestuous, raceplay, non-con, dub-con, and I'm not into cheating. To let me know that you're reading this section thoroughly, please include the word 'pink' somewhere in your subject line. I do have more than a decade of experience in writing and after all that time you develop a strong set of likes and dislikes and I'm no exception; I'll be infinitely more likely to start an RP with you if you put a great deal of care into your posts. I won't start writing with someone that puts up two or three-sentence posts, has poor grammar, or writes with their actions in asterisks. In spite of all that I do love writing with someone that has a sense of humor, we won't have fun if we're dry and serious all the time. If you don't take things too seriously then you may be a great fit! However, I will cut off a directionless RP. If you don't have a clear idea of what you want or won't tell me what you're looking to get out of our RP then I'll have to respectfully decline. Because who wants to carry the entire responsibility of the plot! If you're still hanging in there then go with my blessing into the next section.

What am I looking for?
Well, thank you for asking. You're so sweet! I myself am seeking a variety of RPs, but I'm going to put my cards on the table and admit that I'm a lover of slice-of-life-themed works. I'm looking, at the moment, for something a bit more long-term. Being demisexual, I have to have emotional investment to enjoy or even want to take part in anything spicy. At one point I did do one-offs and smut-fests but after a time they became exhausting and I just can't enjoy myself. The wiggle room in post length is a little varied; I prefer to write in nice, meaty, long posts that build up scenes and invoke all the senses, and the more you give me the more I can work with and give back to you. I can go back and forth between multiple paragraph posts or just one paragraph, with obvious exceptions for scenes featuring dialogue. My schedule, like many people here, is hectic and subject to change. I'm not expecting you to respond to my posts within 24 hours, but I am looking for a partner that can write me back at least once a week and give me a heads up if more time is needed because I'm certainly in the habit of doing the same for my partners, also note that I will gently prod you to check in with me after a week of silence and after another week of no contact I will regretfully end the RP. I'm looking for grounded RPs. Outside the expected suspension of disbelief, the more real our writing is the more I'll engage and enjoy what we do. I want flawed and authentic characters that have dimension and come alive on the paper- err- pixels, I mean. And in that spirit, I should add my strong preference for photo face claims. Now with the nuts and bolts out of the way, let's get into the fun stuff.

Tickle my fancy!

Dragon Age
The Tudors
Game of Thrones
Star Wars
Harry Potter

Slice of life
Action, adventure
High fantasy

Plot concepts!
Please note: If you decide to drop me a line, and I hope you will, please be sure to include the typical post length you prefer, a sample of your writing, and the core elements of the RP you consider must-haves; fetishes, face-claims, things like that. Also, none of these plots are set in stone. They are very much open to your input and polishing, I hope you won't hesitate to talk to me about anything you may want to add or exclude.

While I prefer and most often enjoy being in the role of the submissive, in plots that permit that dynamic, I've lately been switching. Femdom is something I've begun to enjoy and would like to experiment more with, if you're interested in being the submissive figure in our roleplay please feel free to mention it to me. If you do and we go forward with something that includes such a power dynamic I will ask your patience as I work through and learn more about that part of myself.


This plot features a princess, I don't know if you managed to suss that one out, and her loyal knight. Set around the 16th century, I love the Tudor era, my character is the king's firstborn and takes to her responsibilities like she was born for it (insert laugh track), the problem, however, is that she's quickly approaching an age that will diminish her eligibility as an unmarried woman. 21. In the darkened corners of her father's court, the word 'spinster' is already hurled at her back. Her parents approach the matter of her marriage with a new sense of urgency and the normally unshakeable young princess is left rattled. The only person she can trust to be herself around is the steadfast captain of her guard. She's known and trusted her loyal knight for as long as she can remember and he's grown to understand her better than she does herself. When her parents trot her before suitors like prized livestock, he's forced to wrestle with the feelings of possessive indignation and adoration he's developed for his charge. Soon, the two can no longer deny the feelings they have for each other and a choice makes itself known: Flee or fight for their love? For the princess, it's a simple enough decision. What's a handful of lives given for the security of her position as future sovereign? In a daring game of cloaks and daggers, dancing and subterfuge, will the seasoned warrior even recognize his budding ruler at the end of it all? Is there a point where the ends no longer justify the means?

This plot will be a bit of a longer burn, with the ratio greatly favoring plot over smut and a bit darker than most of my other ideas. And as I'm sure you noticed, there will be an age difference between the two lovers.

In this plot, you will have the option to play a canon superhero or one of your own creation. For the purpose of this summary, your character will be represented by Superman. Any alterations will, of course, be discussed beforehand to suit both of our tastes.


Something new is afoot in Metropolis. In the bright light of day tall buildings still gleam, millions of feet still pound the sidewalk, and a symphony of engines and horns still sing across the congested roads. It's under the thick blanket of night that something unfamiliar rears its head. Bathed in the ethereal light of the full moon, strange things befall the citizens of this sprawling city. For most, mercifully, it's benign, the left shoes of an entire family disappearing in the night and reappearing on the feet of statues spread across the area some days later, the pets of a whole apartment building being rearranged and shuffled among the homes at random, priceless pieces of art vanishing from museums only to be discovered hours later and proudly displayed on the walls of a seedy bar's restroom. In the grand scheme, these incidents don't draw the same attention as the horrors that befall the people less fortunate. Screams of victims still echo through the alleys and side streets of the city, but they're nearly always swallowed by the screams of their abusers. Would-be rapists, violent muggers, and human traffickers vanish without a trace. They're found not long after, they're difficult to miss, as gruesome monuments to the wages of their sin. They're often gutted and hung in public places, their offenses carved in large letters across their naked bodies. The reporters at the Daily Planet can scarcely stomach it, much less ease the fears of their readers by interviewing the victims this stranger has saved. None has seen the face of the killer, only the flash of yellow eyes in the darkness, the glimpse of a pallid grey tail, and, on rare occasions, the silhouette of curved, pointed horns but always, the echoes of sneering laughter follow the disappearances. Police do find evidence and are consistently baffled by it. The task of catching this thing falls entirely on Clark's shoulders and as much as his natural talents grant him a boon, it always manages to just slip through his fingers. Perhaps he should avoid discussing his plans too loudly near the ever-smiling new intern at the newspaper.

In this, I will play a villainess as she settles into her new home in your hero's city. She enjoys the daring cat and mouse chase for a while, but things shift when she becomes charmed by her new 'admirer'. This plot will feature a lot of tooling towards our own kinks and wants. If you feel intrigued by my villainess, I'd love to hear from you and discuss ideas.


Who adores a good monster love story? Everyone! Who enjoys playing a monster boyfriend? You do! Let's make something happen!

There are quite a few ways this genre can be played, and I'd love to talk about plots and pitches if you're interested. Shoot me a message with your preferred monster and we'll find out if we click!

Thank you for reading this far! If anything tickled your fancy and you think we may be a good match, I can't wait to hear from you!
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