Fx Male Something a little different


Aug 4, 2019
The clouds
[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Welcome to my 'fancy'-ass request thread![/BGCOLOR]
Okay, so it's not really all that fancy- but hey, you can't fault me for trying! For starters, allow me to introduce myself- the name's saltylilpeanut but you can call me whatever you want, really. I am a university student with a part-time job so although I try to respond as quickly as I can, sometimes it's just not all that realistic. I usually play female characters, not having a lot of experience playing males but I am willing to try! Because I am a psychology major, psychological thrillers are my weakness. What can I say- I enjoy roleplays that make you think or question your morals. One of the interesting parts about being human is our dark psyche and the understanding of our deep consciousness. Due to this fact, I typically write a lot. I'm talking usually 700-1000 words simply because of the details I put in each of my characters' thought process and experience they may be going through. I believe it's one of the most interesting parts of roleplaying. Although I do not expect my partner to match my posting length, I do like it when my story-pal puts the same amount of effort in their post as I have. While I am not a grammar stickler, I do require decent spelling; I type my posts in word to ensure that I have correct spelling. I'm not asking you to do the same, only to read what you post before you post it! If you hadn't noticed yet, I mainly invest myself into a more story-driven roleplay with smut being an added plus; I'm not talking about a 50-50 story-smut situation, I'm talking about a 80-20 story-smut situation ideally. I can work with a 70-30 scenario but I'd rather keep it above that. It's not that I'm not comfortable with it (obviously), it's just that consistently writing about sex gets rather boring- you can only do so much before you've done it all.

[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]That good-good | Other important ramblings:[/BGCOLOR]​

  • I enjoy roleplaying a variety of different kinks and because I find myself open minded, I am open to trying anything once (so long as it coincides with site rules). Although my favorite kinks include BDSM, rough sex, noncon, and the like, I do enjoy the casual vanilla fluff once in a while. The only kinks I really will not do are the usual ones that are typically rejected by most- bestiality, scat play and death. The chemistry between our characters, I believe, is the most important out of any sex scene. If our characters do not have chemistry, then the scene will lack luster and I can ensure you that I will probably tune out. Just like a woman needs foreplay before the cock, I need some chemistry between our characters before sex. Let it come naturally.
  • Every girl likes to be dominated and something I've noticed searching through this site, that's mainly what's dominating (heh- get it?) the request thread. Although I enjoy it myself, it's not what I am particularly searching for. My characters are strong willed women with goals other than being a fuck-slave to your character. I put a lot of effort into my characters and I created them to see them either grow and evolve, or break down and become psychotic- not to be a stagnant cum-dumpster. That being said, I do want to try and steer clear from the whole dom/sub dynamic for the simple fact that they usually all end the same way.
  • Speaking of characters, I do enjoy explaining and describing my characters rather than using face claims or anime. I believe it gives me an unlimited range on how my character should look. If I want my character to be a large and robust woman with purple hair- I can; likewise to the beautiful princess with hollow cheeks and frail hands.
  • I will only roleplay on bluemoon.
  • Some of my ideas may require you to play multiple characters.
  • I write in third-person. Although I am not against first-person, I do prefer third.
  • Although I do not have a favorite genre, I do enjoy roleplaying in the past- whether it be in the 1600's or in the 80's. This isn't a requirement though and I'd enjoy a present roleplay just as much given my partner.
  • I will ALWAYS be open for new ideas. Just because yours isn't listed below, doesn't mean I don't want to hear it.
[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Canon Plots | Fandom Ideas:[/BGCOLOR]

  • [BGCOLOR=null]The 100: Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet. The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth. Of course we wouldn't play 100 characters but the plot would be the same idea: landing onto earth after a nuclear war to see if it is viable for the people up in space to come down due to their dying ship.[/BGCOLOR]
  • Mulan: I know, a Disney movie- but don't tune out too quick. As mentioned before, I am merely talking about the base plot line so this fandom idea would revolve around a girl feigning as a man who goes to war to prevent her father from going.
  • [BGCOLOR=null]Outlanders: Follows the story of a young woman who was sent back in time from 1945 to 1743 in the midst of the fighting between the Scottish and the British. [/BGCOLOR]
  • [BGCOLOR=null]Tokyo Ghoul: A Tokyo college student is attacked by a ghoul, a superpowered human who feeds on human flesh. The character survives, but has become part ghoul and becomes a fugitive on the run. This is honestly one of my favorite animes and I'd love to act out the plot line. I feel as though this fandom will need some fleshing out, discussion and definitely will require putting our heads together. [/BGCOLOR]
  • [BGCOLOR=null]Westworld: Is an exclusive theme park where those who can afford a ticket can live without limits. Partners Arnold Weber and Robert Ford created lifelike robots that pass for humans called hosts. The hosts allow guests to live out their fantasies (without harming humans) in the park. I think you get the idea of just using the plot and structure backbone, not the characters. [/BGCOLOR]
[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Original Plots | Writing Samples[/BGCOLOR]
[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]*-Yes [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]**-YES[/BGCOLOR]
[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]***-YASSS[/BGCOLOR]
Life had gone completely downhill for Charlotte Rose. She placed her head in her hands and rested on the top of her steering wheel with large, brown eyes staring at her feet. Only being six months shy of earning her bachelors, Charlotte’s family had gotten into a fatal accident that killed both of her parents and left her younger brother, Will, paralyzed from the waist down. Because she had to move back home, Charlie momentarily dropped out of college to be with her family to mourn her parents. However, something she had learned through this was the people were the most selfish when tragedies struck. Not even one of her aunts or uncles offered to care for her brother for the mere six months she would need; in fact, they outright rejected the two.

Blinking back the tears, she sat back and lifted her head up against the rest behind her. She was swamped with debt from her parent’s death and Will’s medical bills. Hell, she couldn’t even afford housing let alone proper care for him. Charlotte was incredibly thankful for her best friend’s help who allowed the two to use her vacation home while she figured out what exactly to do with her own situation. To make this woman even more of saint than Charlotte had anticipated, Lisa even employed her older sister to help care for Will until Charlotte was able to scrounge up enough money to pay for herself. Going to an Ivy League school and becoming friends with the elite had its perks.

Before exiting her busted down, 1999 blue cruiser, Charlotte slicked back her dark, auburn waves and pulled it back into a tight ponytail. The idea of becoming a live-in maid when just three months ago, she was going to a top university and was the top of her class with a promising future made it even harder for her not to cry. How could she be denounced to nothing but a maid for the extremely wealthy? She gave out a sigh and took her frustrations out on the metal door, slamming it shut before rounding to the back and grabbing her duffle bag from the trunk. Charlotte lugged it over her shoulder, wobbling backwards on her heels for moment before steadying herself.

Thoughts of Will popped in her head. She had to remind herself that she wasn’t doing this for herself or for the debt left behind from her parents but for Will. Her twelve-year-old brother who didn’t have a choice in any of this. Charlotte gave a sweet smile as she walked up the old fashion cobbled-stone path that led up to the gates of the enormous manor, her mind filled with nothing but the thoughts of Will. The poor child had been through a lot and still managed to keep a smile on his face. She even asked Lisa’s sister to keep her informed of Will’s emotional health and nothing negative had been reported. He was a Rose and they were known for being emotionally strong- or so she’d like to think.

Upon reaching the gates, the young woman pressed the button on the intercom and waited until an older gentlemen’s face appeared on the intercom’s screen. His mustache covered his upper lip and bushy brows furrowed down to hide his eyes. Although he had no hair, the man’s face was unusually youthful looking for someone she assumed was in his in early seventies. After a few minutes of silently staring back at the man who stared at her through the screen, the intercom’s screen flashed off and a loud buzzing nose signaled the gates to open. After today, she would not longer be known as Charlotte Rose, a bright young student with a hopeful future, but Charlotte Rose, the maid for one of the wealthiest men alive.

And it sucked.
Basic Plot Overview: (SLICE OF LIFE, DRAMA, PRESENT) A young woman's life comes to a halt when her entire family gets involved in a grizzly accident that left only a single survivor- her younger brother who is now paralyzed. Swamped with debt and medical bills, the girl drops out of university and begins to look for jobs in order to care for her brother and pay the debts off so she can continue her education. Upon answering an add that paid an extremely absurd amount for a live in maid, she gets an interview and lands the job. Although she has never met the man she is working for, she knows him to be one of the wealthiest men in the area. Although she dislikes the idea of being a maid, the pay makes her oblige to do her duties; however, what happens when she discovers that her employer is more than he meets the eye? What exactly is he hiding?

It had been exactly ten days and thirty-seven minutes since a man came crashing through the atmosphere and landed on earth. Flipping through the clipboard, blue eyes scanned the papers that had so little information on this humanoid creature who somehow survived falling through the earth’s outer layers and into the forestry soil of the Smokey Mountains. Dr. Gabriella Holmes had been elected as head physician to oversee the health of this humanoid creature in a part of a scientific research team to figure out what the hell he is exactly. She bit down on the inside of her cheek as she pushed her glasses back onto the bridge of her nose.

Because of this newly appointed position, she would be spending almost every waking minute of her day with this creature. Gabe would interact with him daily, feed him, write his vital signs on charts if he had any. Surely nerves were causing her to hesitate the research project all together, her hands shaking the paper slightly as she placed them down her desk and folded her fingers into each other. She pressed her lips to her knuckles as she began to gnaw over the proposal. If Gabe studied this creature, she would be able to do any amount of research she could- unorthodox or not and it would all be approved and paid for by the government.

Memories take her back to the days were her late husband and her had just given her son his very first pet- promising him if he had taken care of the gold fish, he’d get a puppy. It always seemed as though people regret their decisions of overindulgence when the person they wish to spoil, is no longer with them. Gabe bit her knuckle hard at that thought; she hadn’t lost her son yet. He had been in a vegetative state since the accident and while any mother would’ve pulled the plug by now, but she wasn’t an ordinary mother. Gabe was the scientist; the researcher. She was the top of her field and excelled in everything she studied.

Although her confidence had long been lost, Gabe was sure if anyone could help save her son, it was herself. She stood from her desk and looked back down at the two pages that supposedly made up the file for this ‘man’ that had fell from the sky, motivation swelling in her chest and overcoming the fear that held her down to the chair. Regardless of who or what this person was, she would find out and she would save her child. Or die trying.
Basic Plot Overview: (SCI-FI, FANTASY, PRESENT) A fallen angel has been strike down from the Heavens above and landed on earth, causing an entire thirty acres to be wiped completely out from the impact. The government, scrambling for answers as how, what, why and who, quickly captured and isolated the angel for further research. In comes the head scientist for the project who had lost her family due to an accident that had occurred the year prior; in order to get unlimited funds and research material provided by the government, she begins to lead a research team on the Angel.

Exactly one year ago today, Emily Saunters was raped by the man who was directly behind the door in front of her. Exactly one year ago today, Emily Saunters was a fun and loving girl. Boy had things changed. Now, she was cladded in dark red lingerie, a white fur coat and her trusty black bag. Wine lips parted slightly as the door jangled opened, revealing a man with messy blonde hair and a lazy smile that danced at the corners of his lips upon seeing her. Switching her weight onto her other heel, Emily lowered her head while peering up at him through her lashes. Her jaded eyes lingered along the form of his body before a manicured finger pressed against his chest. “Are you going to invite me, in or are you just going to let a poor girl freeze?”

He opened the door wider and allowed Emily to walk through, mossy eyes never leaving his as she slid underneath his arm that held the door open. Her fingers lingered across his chest with her index tapping to a melody only she could hear as her coat dropped off her shoulders. The man took a step back, turning to her once the door was closed and a breath got caught in his throat at the sight of her lingerie. His hand shot to his chin as he took in the red-head and all her glory. Her long wavy hair pinned to the side while her green eyes were framed with trashy liner. Emily’s head tilted to the side while her hands found their place on her hips. “Do you like what you see?” She watched him as he neared her, tilting her head up towards him to kiss her.

Instead of a kiss, Emily gently pushed him. “Not yet, you have to earn it.” She circled around him, her fingers dancing along his shoulder and collarbone as she did so. For a moment, her fingers withdrew, and her attention was in her purse as she pulled out rope. Wrapping it around her forearm and fingers, Emily’s eyes bore into him. “Want to see if you’re worthy of a kiss?” A smirk played at her lips as she rounded back near him. Her free hand found its place back on the center of his chest, his eyes staring down at her finger before trailing back up her arm and over her body. With a forced but playful push, he fell onto the bed and invited Emily to follow. She straddled him, kissing his neck as her hands followed up his arms and intertwined with his momentarily.

She allowed him to feel the rough fibers of the rope before tearing away and sitting up on top of him. Although petite, Emily’s grip was strong and the way she tied him to the bed was anything but gentle. An excited growl resonated within his chest once she finished tying him, her hands locating his member through his pants as she lowered her hips back down. Emily played the man through his jeans, humming to herself as she located the button and zipper and slowly unfolded him. Her eyes found his once more as she took a condom out from her bra, opening it with her teeth. The excitement of being tied up and taken advantage of by a woman half his size excited him. Her smile widened at this fact, turning around only to place the condom on.
Once on, Emily wasted no time and moved her panties to the side. She wiggled herself backwards and slid down his shaft, the lubricant from the condom made it easier for her to start without any foreplay- as he had done the year prior. Her hips began moving back and forth, looking down at him as she rocked. She leaned forward against him, kissing his neck once more with hands that explored his body. They ran over his side, flattening on his stomach, grazing against his nipples and meeting at his sternum. Those forestry eyes now blackening as she kissed up his body, her hands rose near his throat. Emily’s tongue cam out of her mouth, licking up the center of his rib cage at the same time her hands closed around his throat.

Her lips were no longer red when she lifted back up. Her hands tightened and her thumbs pressed harder against the thyroid cartilage. Moans turned into gasps as she leaned her entire body into the act of chocking him. Of course he wouldn’t remember her. If he had, he surely wouldn’t have been so inviting- or so she’d like to think. The corner of her lip rose in disgust as the man struggled against the ropes, his body seizing as her grip hardened even more. They never really show you in horror movies how much harder it is to kill someone by strangling them, but Emily would be absolutely sure she did not commit the same mistake he had.
She would kill him.
Basic Plot Overview: (ACTION, DRAMA, PRESENT) A young woman is wanted for the murder of a young man who, unbeknownst to the world, brutally raped her the year before. While on the run from the law, she gets captured by an FBI agent who promises to clear her name in exchange for an assassination of an important political figure. Although she doesn't have much choice, she agrees and the two work closely to try to take down this political figure who ends up having ties to not only the FBI agent but the man she had killed for vengeance.

The night creatures hummed a beautiful tune to mimic the waterfall that cascaded over a calm-current river. The breeze slowly swayed the trees surrounding the river with rocks protecting them and framing the waters. Only the clatter of the armor broke the musical that hummed around a slender silhouette. Scars littered down her back and side, skin worn from years of fighting and combat. The mask that covered her face unraveled to reveal a young woman with bright hazel eyes, button nose sprinkled with freckles and tousled hair that was black that it blended with the night.

Although naked, years of training and hunting have taught her better than to enter the waters unarmed- even if she was bathing. Keeping a dagger harnessed to her thigh, the woman allowed the water to kiss feet. Her toes crinkled with the cold contact of the waves and goosebumps scattered throughout her body. She took a few more steps into the river until it was up to her waist before she dove in, allowing herself to swim underneath the surface to clean herself of any debris and dirt. She knew it would be some time before she could bathe again, and the woman made sure she’d enjoy every second of it.
Colliding with the surface, the young woman slicked her hair out of her face and found footing against a rock that sat in the middle of the river. She stood on it, crouching a bit on one the larger grooves for support before sitting down and dipping her hand in the waters. Scrubbing her arms, she thought about the target that her master had sent her out to find. He was apparently a dangerous man that had a heavy price on his head- a price that could feed her tribe for months. It was almost an honor to be sent after him; after all, a man with such a price on his head would need a skill assassin to kill him.

She leaned down her legs, scrubbing her toes and feet as her attention turned to her tribe. This woman was apart of the what was called the Anubi Tribe and often, she was called Catori which meant spirit. The Anubi tribe was infamous throughout the entire lands as being ruthless assassins who always got the job done no matter who the target was. She had spent her entire life being trained to kill and to kill perfectly. Anyone who decided to go against the tribe whether that be revenge missions, wars or arrests were automatically annihilated within minutes.

Her fingers gently ran over the scars that decorated her legs, scrubbing them clean before slipping back into the water. Her fingers threaded through her curls to shake them free of the grime they’ve collected from long nights of traveling. After she was done scrubbing herself, Catori swam low to the surface back up to the rocky shores of the river. The moonlight reflected off the beads of water that dripped from her lean body. She slicked her hair back, wringing it out with her hands before pulling it back into a tight bun.

At first dawn, she would be within kilometers of the city that her target was located and by that night, she would strike him down. Catori had hoped to be back in her village within the fortnight. She wrapped her under armor clothes around her body, pulling her pants across her waist to tie them tight against her hips before equipping herself with her armor. Pulling her mask back over face, the woman was completely hidden, and it was nearly impossible to tell who she was or even what sex she was. Within hours, she would reach the city; and within hours, her target would be dead.
Basic Plot Overview: (ACTION, FANTASY, PAST) The Anubi tribe are a infamous tribe that trains their children to be deadly assassins. To show just how cruel and horrid their training is, upon the turning of age, a child from each family is chosen that surpasses their family's skill and their tongue is removed from their mouth. A young female assassin is chosen to go after a dangerous man with a heavy price on his head. The game of cat and mouse ensues and in order for her to successfully kill the man, the assassin must watch him from afar to learn his habits and routine- is there a possibility that she had underestimated this mans ability?


[BGCOLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ending Note | Final Words[/BGCOLOR]
[BGCOLOR=null]Well, if you've made this far, then feel free to shoot me a message! I consider myself pretty laid back and hope I didn't scare you away. I tried to make this thread as fancy as possible but I just lack some computer skills unlike some of the players in this thread (wonderful posts guys!). I hope to hear from you soon! [/BGCOLOR]
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