Mx Female Niksis' little corner of the Internet {M x F}


Who even reads this?
Jun 30, 2015

Now that I've caught your attention, welcome, to my little paradise!

Name's Niki, though on the Internet I'm creeping under the alias Niksis, both works for me, whichever you prefer. I'm born and raised in Denmark though have lived in Ireland for a couple of years.. I've been role-playing for a good number of years at this point. Started out as more vanilla style, PG-13 RP both on various chat boards, Instant Messenger (MSN Messenger anyone?) and the more obscure Pen & Paper style RP. The thought of coming up with stories and live out these stories and scenes in the eyes of someone else always interested me. So much so in fact, so that when other kids did their homework, I wrote short stories and fandom. Now, many years later at the ripe age of 36, I've upgraded to the Adult Scene, though my feet are still firmly rooted in my past, as such I'm far more interested in a solid story than just a quick one-off Smut scene.

It's very 2024, I've noticed, to label yourself either Dominant, Submissive or Switch. So I guess, make room on the bandwagon, ladies, princess', little boys and twinks! IRL I'm a Dom, I guess these days, I'm technically a 'Daddy' Dom, as I have kids... Anyway, I've been in a few D/s relationships over the years, both IRL and Online. As a result, most of the characters in my stories lean more towards the Dominant side of the coin. With that said, however, I have experience writing from all sides of the coin, both in orientation, leaning and gender, so don't let that scare you off!

As a person, I'm leaning more towards a Heterosexual side of the coin, though I have had Homosexual experiences in the past though I wouldn't label myself as Bisexual entirely. Maybe Bi-curious?
I've had a lot of different experiences in the past, none of them which I am ashamed of as all of them has made me the man I am today. I've been in a Master/Pet relationship, I've been a Soldier, I've been a Stripper and I've briefly tipped my toes into the Adult Movie Industry.

If above has not scared you off by now, please, read on. And thank you.

When it comes to expectations from both my Partners and the RP we do, I'm fairly flexible and open. I do have a few expectations though, however after reading through the forums I've noticed these are mirrored by most if not all.

  • Method of RP - I prefer Thread over anything else, this is because I'd like to show others what I do, think of it as a sort of resume for me. I am willing to do PM's if you'd rather not anyone else reads what you write.
  • Perspective - I write in Third Person, this is because I feel personally that it is easier to portray feelings and thoughts in this perspective, something I love to do
  • Respect - I'm an adult, if you're not enjoying the RP we're doing, tell me so we can either change it or stop it
  • Maturity - Now I know Maturity is hard to define, however the site has rules for how old you have to be to join, at least pretend like you're that old
  • Literacy - I'm no grammar-Nazi, as English is not my native tongue I have no right to be. But I do ask that my partners at least make the effort of spellchecking and proof-reading what they post. Mistakes happen, I understand. But those extra two minutes of spellchecking makes a difference
  • Activity - Real life comes first, BMRP is a hobby not a life for me, I don't expect my partners to be on 24/7 and neither will I. Posts come when they come, though personally I aim for at least one post a day when possible
  • Communication - This one is key, I'm not talking about constant banter, but if you have ideas for the RP, questions, concerns, know you'll be inactive for awhile, tell me. Communicate, it's key
  • Honesty - Be honest, it's the least you can do. Don't lie just to try and spare someone's feelings. You'll find that it hurts even more should they find out. If you don't want to RP with me any more, tell me. I'd prefer you tell me why, but at least tell me instead of just disappearing.

This one is easy for me, I'm weird in that I'm open to everything and anything. Even the more Extreme and Dark stuff. As long as it fits the story and the scene, then for me, everything is green. This also allows me to better adapt to my partners kinks without forcing my own on them. My main Kink though, is Description. You can throw anything at me, as long as it's well described then it'll catch me. As a result, my main No-Go in RP is Text Speak or Single-Sentences. I don't need a Novel or a post written in perfect Victorian English. But I need meat in the post, something to work with and I give what I get.

Due to my real-life experiences on the subject, I'm very much interested in Dominant / Submissive type relationships, be they Dom/Sub, Master/Pet or Master/Slave. Now these are far from musts, but when all else fails, those are the pairings I'm going back to.

Pairings & Plots:
This one is much harder for me to write out and will most likely be updated constantly.

Right now, I have no particular Plots in mind, but please, if you're interested do contact me and we'll figure something out

In regards to pairings, again, due to what I have experienced in my life, I'm open to any pairing. Though I'm mostly looking at playing the Male in the story.

Here are a few Pairings that I'm particularly interested in (Keep in mind these are just Pairings without Plots or Settings)






Fandoms without plots:
This is no way near an exhaustive list, these are the ones at the top of my head. If you have a specific Fandom in mind that you'd like to try out, let me know and we'll discuss it. The suggested Plots can be done with both Canon and OC characters, or a mix of both.

Star Wars:

Disney Movies:

Dungeon and Dragons:

Mass Effect:

Fallout series:

Dragon Age:



Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire:



If I have not scared you off yet, throw me a PM and we'll discuss options. I'd like to think I'm flexible in regards to pairings, plots and settings. As long as both parties enjoy the RP, then it's worth it for me.

Also, I'm an experienced GM, so if anyone is interested in a 1x1 GM'ed RP, do let me know as I'm super interested in that!

Much Love
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