Fx Male Literate Writer with Story Driven plots looking for partner


Jul 31, 2019
Hello! I'm female with many years of writing experience. Today I'm looking for a long term collaborative writing partner that is interested in original roleplay. No fandoms, sorry. Ideally, you should be someone that is open to brain storming ideas and creating stories together.

I’m used to roleplaying on Discord so please bare with me as I’m getting used to this forum.

What I’m looking for:

- A roleplay that is story driven! Don’t get me wrong, I love smut but I think a good balance of story and smut is ideal. Pure smut is very boring for me. I’d really like our characters to form connections, build tension, have romance and drama.
- Someone that writes in third person, past tense, multi paragraph length, novella style. Details are amazing, I’m descriptive and literate and love to go in depth with characters and environments, I would really appreciate someone with the same style.
- Someone that writes male characters as I prefer to write female ones.
- Preferred genre is modern fantasy (this is very vague and can include anything from mages to vampires, other dimensions, you name it, the sky is the limit!). But I am open to high/medieval fantasy as well. I am not interested in “slice of life” but could be persuaded to sci-fi with the right plot and partner. (See below for some of my plots & ideas!)
- Romance should be part of the story. Not every character needs to be romancing each other, but I would really like for the two main characters (M x F) to be involved romantically (over time).

A few additional notes:

- I’m interested in writing more than one character and would enjoy it if you would as well, but this is not a deal breaker.
- I love to use face claims/reference pictures for characters, so please be ready to do so (real photographs or realistic art pieces only, no anime/cartoon/video game pictures).
- I’m located in Eastern US/Canada time zone. I don’t mind if you are in a different time zone as I’m used to sporadic replies when it comes to roleplaying. As long as we are able to keep in touch (OOC chat) and are open to communicating I believe things can work out. One to two replies per day would be ideal (or more frequently when permits). Just note that I do work a full-time job and cannot constantly be on my computer or phone to write at every hour of the day.
- I’ve enjoyed writing M x F x M relationships/dynamics in the past and would love to explore this again if you would be comfortable with it.
- My preference for relationship dynamic is one of equal partners. But I’m open to playing a more dominant female role if you are more the submissive type. I will be strict with this one, I’m not interested in carrying the story and your character. If you are switch that is ideal, I like someone that can be flirty and feisty once in a while. If are you are more dominant, don’t expect me to play the submissive damsel in distress.
- My list of kinks is not very long. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I am vanilla but I’m also not extreme. We can discuss further in private.

Feel free to have a look at my plot ideas below. I’m actively looking for partners to write about these ideas. As long as they are up, you can message me. When doing so please tell me about yourself, what interested you about my request and which plot you would like to explore with me. If none of them really resonate with you but you think we could be a good match anyway, feel free to message me and we can chat!

Nothing is set in stones, I’m open to your ideas and suggestions. I also have suggested face claims for the characters of each plots. They are suggested because those were the ones I thought of when I was drafting these ideas. Again, they are not set in stone, if you really don't like them, we can look at other ones together. But I'd be really happy to stick with them if you are up for it.

Plot ideas:

High fantasy

This is the tale of two different individuals that come together for duty. Contracts were a common thing in the capital city and for most adventurers this was their main source of income. Should an adventurer be alone, they would be assigned to another lone wolf. Our two characters know nothing of each other and are assigned to each other by the local authorities upon choosing the contract to handle a small band of rebels causing havoc in a small town not too far from the capital. They meet at a local tavern and set out on their quest at sunrise the next day.

Your character is a healer/guardian, assigned to my character whom is a battle mage (wielding magic and proficient in combat). They don’t see eye to eye at first but when they are forced to work together and engage in battle, they realize they are a better match then they had originally thought.

If you wish to play a sub male, this might be the right plot for you(although there is another just below that can be geared towards this as well). Otherwise the two can be equal partners. If you aren’t up for playing a healer/guardian, I’m open to other ideas.

Suggested face claims
Male: 01 - 02 - 03
Female: 01 - 02 - 03


Modern Fantasy

In this modern day, on Earth, there are two worlds. There is the human world; where humans live normal lives oblivious to what is going on around them in the underworld. The underworld is invisible to humans without the gift, a gift from the angels. Various creatures exist in the underworld; vampires, werewolves, fairies, demons, warlocks, witches and so on. Those blessed (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with the gift are humans whom walk both worlds and help keep the peace between them. The gift is generally passed on genetically and from a very young age the gifted are trained within the academy. Training varies from knowledge of the underworld and its laws with the human world, weapon and hand to hand combat and casting spells or creating runes (for those with magical abilities). The gifted are officially deemed “hunters” once they graduate from the academy and reach the age of 21(or older). From there they will be assigned to a more experienced hunter in order to learn from them, but also help them on missions. Hunters will very rarely work alone. If they are not assigned a new hunter trainee, they are assigned in pairs as partners.

Note: Generally speaking, other creatures do not take part in the academy, but warlocks and witches are often allies and mingle with hunters on a friendly and frequent basis. Werewolves usually stick to themselves and their packs. Vampires are part of covens, the head of the coven will deal with unruly vampires and hunters will only get involved if things get out of control. Fairies live in secluded forest areas, generally minding their own business as long as nature goes un-bothered. Demons are malicious and will often cause havoc, possessing and killing humans. Angels are very rarely seen or even heard of.

Scenario one: Your character is assigned to an older, experienced female hunter whom recently lost her partner.
Suggested face claims:
Male: 01 - 02 - 03
Female: 01 - 02 - 03

Scenario two: Your character signed up to take on a new graduate and is assigned a young woman from a well renowned family whose parents are part of the Clave (the group of veterans that governs over the academy).
Suggested face claims:
Male: 01 - 02 - 03
Female: 01 - 02 - 03

Scenario three: Your character is a warlock, he was minding his own business in the city when he stumbled upon a female hunter fighting demons. Seeing as she was quickly getting overrun by them, he decides to step in and land a hand.
Suggested face claims:
Male: 01 - 02
Female: 01 - 02

Your scenario: Like the general idea of this modern fantasy world but are not really feeling any of the three scenarios mentioned above? I’m open to hearing if you have another idea you’d like to bring forward to take place in this world, as long as it involves the academy and its hunters one way or another.



Two individuals that are destined to be together through-out their different lives, past and present.

Your character is a vampire who’s lived through centuries. He has a good life, perhaps even has a few children (humans he has turned) or maybe he is a loner. One day he meets a human woman and they both feel a strange pull of attraction towards each other, they are unable to stop thinking about each other and become involved. As they form a relationship he realizes he cannot drink any other human’s blood since drinking hers (others’ blood may suddenly be poisonous and cause an extreme reaction, or simply taste foul from then on). Unsure what this means, he investigates and gets entangled into an adventure he hadn’t wished for.

Note: The change could have been brought on by a witch whom placed a curse on him, or just their soulmate bond that clicked into place. Or anything else really! I’m up for discussing different ideas.

Suggested face claims:
Male: 01 - 02 - 03
Female: 01 - 02 - 03

This plot is not set in stones! If you would like to write and explore a soulmate story with me, but don’t want to play a vampire character, feel free to bring your ideas forth and we can chat in private.
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