Fx Any A Dreamer's Dreams and Ideas

Rose-Tinted Dreams

Librarian of Dreams
Aug 1, 2019
Hello, visitor! And welcome to my (remade) request thread place thingy! I hope you enjoy your stay~

So, let's start with a few basic about me's!

Here's a tl;dr:
- I play female characters, ages 16-24, using anime images or descriptions, no real people pictures.
- I play sub characters, FxF or FxM. I'm in the mood for non-con but consensual is fine.
- I like magic and 'light' bondage

I play female characters, and RP via PM! I can RP via Forum, but I much prefer PM. Discord is not really an option for me. I don't really have a posting schedule, it depends on how my day went, but I can post more often on Weekends than during the week.

I RP in third person, but I can probably pull off Second Person

For my characters, I use anime-style pictures, or drawings, or even written descriptions. I will not use photos or other material depicting real people for my characters, nor will I play real people.

Also, in case you've read this and are sending me a PM, mind telling me about your favourite food or drink? It's not necessary, but it shows me you've read what I put here~

Age-wise, I prefer playing characters that are up to their early/mid twenties in age. Lowest age I'm willing to play is 16.
There is an exception to this where a character is much older than 20, but has stopped ageing somewhere within my preferred age range.

I enjoy playing sub characters, though I can play switch or even dom characters if the plot is interesting enough for me. I also prefer playing the smaller character in the RP, and tend to give have my characters' breasts be on the smaller side. I'm currently in the mood for Non-Con or Dub-Con RPs, but Consensual is fine too if the plot/setup is good.


Now that the basic about me's are out of the way, let's get to my likes/dislikes when it comes to RPs~

Let's start with the fun bit! My likes/kinks/interests~
- Playing virgin characters. I like having my characters be pure or even completely innocent.
- F/F or F/M! I'm into both. Including threesomes/foursomes~
- "Light" Bondage. I'm not too sure about what is considered Light Bondage and what's more extreme bondage, but I enjoy having my characters get tied (or even better, chained~) up, gagged, blindfolded, stuff like that. Doesn't have to be consensual, even~
- All the 'cons'. Non-Con, Dub-con, pretend-non-con and regular consensual sex. All of them work for me.
- Fantasy! I really, really enjoy playing mages. Could also be mages in a more modern setting, but traditional fantasy settings are good~
- Clothed Sex. Includes both "Let's not strip and just have sex" and "I want you to wear this while I fuck you."

There's also certain 'types' of character that I enjoy playing:
- Maids. Either willing or unwilling (regarding either them being a maid or sex)
- Familiars. Something about the idea of being someone else's magical summon sounds interesting to me
- Mages. I like magic-using characters~
- Royalty.
- Adventurers

Here's the stuff I don't like. These range from either hard "no"'s to "very unlikely"
- Gore & Scat/Toiletstuff are Hard No's from me. I don't like mutilation, death, and stuff that belongs in toilets.
- Threats of Death and light injury in Non-con settings are fine, but please do discuss it with me beforehand.
- (Step-)Parent/Child incest. Sibling incest is a maybe, but I don't want an RP where one of our characters is the (step) parent of the other.
- Public Humiliation. I'm just not interested in this.

The follow kinks aren't specifically kinks of mine, but at things I wouldn't mind in an RP
- Hypnotism
- Mind Break
- Impregnation (Feel free to use my characters as breeding slaves if you wish)
- Large Manhoods. Just keep in mind that if they enter my character's womb it will hurt them a lot.


Now that you know a bit more about what I like, here are my ideas!
A > means that the idea It's pointing at is something I'm craving!
Strikethrough means something is already taken, but if you think you have good ideas for a specific idea, don't hesitate to suggest it!

First, Fresh Ideas/Cravings!
These two ideas are kind of similar, and could maybe even be tied together if the RP is very long.

Tool for Evil
MC has a special trait, perhaps she has access to a powerful type of magic, or something about her makes her the perfect tool for casting big spells, or something else. She might not be aware of this, but if she is she is not aware of just how useful she can be to... certain people. Unfortunately for her, those certain people do know. YC in this scenario is a big bad. Perhaps an evil overlord/lady, a dark magician/witch, a demon/demoness, or something else. They've got a plan for world domination, and MC is either the missing link to get it all to work, or at the very least a way to make everything way easier. So, YC has their minions capture MC with explicit orders to make sure they're brought before them unharmed. Once brought before YC, they set about turning MC into the perfect tool for their plan, either by getting them to willingly join forces with YC, by breaking them and turning them into a slave, or by forcing them and using them however YC pleases - the process and details are up to you.

Captured Evil
MC used to be one of the 'bad guys'. Perhaps an important underling of the big bad - a loyal sorceress, a devoted cultist, or important in some other way - or perhaps even the big bad herself. Whoever she was, she gets beaten by YC (or an adventuring party played by you), and one way or another, whatever happens to her is up to the person(s) that defeated her to decide. This could be a kind of redemption arc, where her captor(s) slowly then her into a good person, with some romance included, or she is reduced to a slave and a toy, kept by whoever defeated her for entertainment.

My more fleshed-out ideas for regular RPs!
> Dethroned
MC is a princess, and has lived her life in luxury. Until now. A hostile faction (Hostile Army, Evil Overlord, Revolutionaries) has stormed the castle and overthrown the monarcy, and MC's family has met their end one way or another. All except her. YC, who has an important role in the faction that overthrew the monarchy has decided to spare MC, though her life is now theirs to decide. Will MC be kept around for political purposes, or will she be turned into YC's personal slave, or something else entirely?

I'd like to be GM'd by someone else! If you want, we can even do a 'scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' thing where we GM for eachother!

Adventurer in Trouble
MC is a young adventurer, out on her own, hoping to achieve greatness. Unfortunately for her, she finds the exact opposite. What exactly happens is up to us to decide, but among the things I'm interested in are:
- She gets captured by some Evil Overlord-esque person who either takes her as a slave and toy, or as a companion and Ally.
- She gets assaulted by a bandit (or multiple). This could either be a oneshot, or it could be a longer RP with her potentially being sold off.
- She gets assaulted by a (tentacle) monster. Probably a oneshot.
- She teams up with someone. Either they fall in love or her companion assaults her (in which case YC probably has some way to prevent MC from fleeing)

Something with Tentacle Monsters
idk, I kinda want an RP that involves tentacles. Open for suggestions. Can be consensual and non-consensual.

New Purchase
Very simple. YC buys MC. Details are open to discussion~

Summoned Plaything
A very simple plot idea, YC summons MC (in the magical sense) to serve them in various ways, including sexually. MC can be either willing or unwilling, and maybe also have additional powers (due to her likely being magical in nature).

Not Quite what you Expected
At last, the ritual is complete. Finally, YC will be able to summon a powerful, ancient being mentioned only in ancient stories. As the summoning finishes, YC takes a few steps back to try and get a better view of the horror they summoned... only for there to not be anything. There's no giant demon monster. For a few moments, it looks as though the spell failed... But then, YC notices a girl lying inside the magic circle...
Turns out, the legendary being spoken of in ancient takes takes on the form of a sleepy girl (MC) who doesn't seem too keen on using her powers, and not some kind of horrible creature bent on wiping out life...
What happens next is up to us. Either this can be something romantic, with YC taking care of MC, or something more non-con, with the spell binding MC to YC, turning her into what is essentially a very powerful slave that cannot harm her master.

> Mage Non-Con
MC is a young mage. Maybe she's a fresh graduate of a magic school, still studying, or self-taught (or maybe some older mage in a younger body if you want). Either way, she's out on her own when YC ambushes her. Perhaps YC has been targetting her specifically for a reason, or MC is just the first person YC comes across, we can decide on that. YC manages to render MC defenceless and decides to have their way with her. This could be a oneshot, or YC could decide to take MC home with them.
YC could also be a group of people, perhaps bandits or slavers. Feel free to suggest things!
A twist on this would have MC be an adventurer, and YC be some "Big Bad" of sorts (Evil Overlord, Evil Mage, etc). Either MC goes on the offensive and gets defeated, or YC has their minions capture her.

Left is me, right is you. Bold means extra interest. > means craving.

- > Non-vampire/Vampire
- Unwilling Maid/Master
- Maid/Master
- Slave/Owner
- > Adventurer/Big Bad
- Adventurer/Adventurer
- > Familiar/Master
- Royalty/Royalty
- > Royalty/Big Bad
- Peasant/Big Bad

Though I am capable of GM'ing for people, I'd rather not right now. Still, leaving this here for future use.
I'm open to GM'ing RPs for people! Though I am GM'ing for plenty of people right now, so I'd rather have a normal RP! This means that I take up the role as narrator, playing multiple characters and letting you run rampant in a world, exploring and doing things you want to do. Your actions will have consequences, of course, but it gives you a lot of freedom to play around. I tend to improvise massively when I GM, meaning that I can easily adapt to what you do, but it also means that on days where my inspiration is low, I won't be able to put out posts of as good a quality as normal. Of course, if you want to GM for me instead, I'd be down for that too! I'm also open to the idea of group RPs, feel free to talk to me about it.
Before I Begin
Some basics I'd like you to read! If you want me to GM for you, I want to know these things about you, so please mention them to make things easier.
Do you RP via thread, or PM? Are you okay with Anime-style or drawn images, or would you prefer descriptions? Do you prefer to be a dom, or a sub? What is the age range for characters you're okay with?

- Settings -
These are ideas for settings. Feel free to pick either a setting you like, or suggest your own. Mixing and Matching is possible too!

Fantasy Setting, Roman-style. Expect traditional fantasy elements but with a Classical Period twist instead of a Medieval Period one. Colloseums, Great Empires, Wilderness and Barbarians.

Standard Fantasy
Your standard Medieval Fantasy setting. Castles, Hamlets, Highwaymen and Ruins.

Taking things a step closer to the modern era, we go to the late 19th Century! Massive Metropolises and Dark Alleyways. Fantasy elements are still around, but get a more mystical air to them as they are not as common as in other eras.

There are more settings, of course. Feel free to suggest some and chat about it with me! I don't bite unless you want me to.

- Plots -
These are some plots I've thought up ahead of time. You don't have to pick one of these since I can just come up with something for you on the go, but if you're interested in one, let me know! Most work with any setting, but I'll mention it if I feel like a plot doesn't work with a specific setting.

Hidden City
Rumour has it that deep underneath the city there is an old, abandoned city, with great treasures and secrets hidden in it. YC goes to investigate the rumours.

More to be added!

Below are a few scenes and/or positions I'd enjoy. Mainly intended as part of a bigger RP, these could probably be done as very short oneshots
- MC tending to YC while MC is under a desk, table or kotatsu.
- MC getting bent over a desk or table as YC has sex with her.
- MC lying on her stomach, with YC on top of her.
- YC having sex with MC while carrying her or pinning her against a wall.
Last edited:
Well, it's been roughly a month, but I'm back now. Drama happened and I went on a hiatus. Now that the Drama has mostly been resolved, the Hiatus can end!

If you were RP'ing or planning an RP with me before I went on Hiatus, feel free to message me again if you're still interested in what we were working on before I left, or something new entirely.

Oh and I also rewrote the first post.
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