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Fx M or F Looking for some dark role play, and a potential long-term chat partner


Jul 31, 2019
Hello there. I'm a 23yo woman, new to RP, but I've been writing erotica as a personal hobby for years. I've wanted to break into RP for a long time, but I never got around to it.

EDIT <I feel I should mention that I have ADHD, and I have been intensely flighty and impulsive as of late. As a result, my interests are more akin to a revolving door. Referring to my list below, lately I've been feeling the Draco Malfoy, Fairytales & Folklore, and LOTR themes (more specifically, something involving the leader of the Nazgul, the Witchking of Angmar. Or perhaps an orc, like Azog from the Hobbit movies, or an Uruk-hai. Either way, Eowyn might make it a great pairing.)

Also, I would not exactly describe myself as dependable. If you're looking for someone who can update and respond like clockwork, however often, you should probably look elsewhere. But I am also the kind of person who might devote an entire day to messaging you, or writing back and forth. I'm likewise understanding that life happens, and almost everyone ghosts other people. For me, it's mostly because of anxiety. It's happened to me a lot, and I've done my fair share. At this point, if I don't have an intense connection with someone or a long-established relationship, I try not to let it get to me.

Now then, if you're still interested, please keep reading.>

I actually enjoy writing from the POV of the male or female aggressor quite a lot as well as the victim POV, so I'm open to RPing with men or women in either role. But I would really like to develop an ongoing connection with someone, long-term, to chat and perhaps develop some kind of friendship or relationship with. Mostly looking for men in that regard, but could change in the future. I'm a wretched, marred, and mutilated excuse for a human being myself, morally and psychologically, that is, and I've really been keening to connect with someone who feels the same way.

As for the RP, I'm looking to play some pretty dark scenarios. Some of my favored elements include but definitely are not limited to: noncon, dubcon, sadism, ageplay (open to discussion of very young women), home invasion, kidnapping, bimboification, double or triple penetration, MFM or gangbang, forced orgasm, humiliation, animal transformation, werewolves, aliens, tentacles, physical size difference, F/f D/s, physical and mental abuse, tragic cruelty/emotional sadism, intelligent aggressor, tricked/sold/forced into sex slavery or abusive marriage, siblings/step-siblings (particularly sisters), demons or Satan, incubus, dragons...

I'm also interested in working on something with a little more depth, and perhaps more focus on emotions and emotional pain than straight up smut.

I can do in or out of fandoms. I have some interest in:

Harry Potter A/U where Draco Malfoy is not cowardly and incompetent, but rather calculating and imaginatively cruel - Draco Malfoy/Hermione, Ginny, Luna, OC, or whoever sounds fun
Alien/AVP - Xenomorph/OC, Yautja/OC
The Hollow Kingdom - Marak/OC or Aganir/OC
Various fairytales, fables and fokelore, with or without any kind of adaptation or twist. I mean OG hardcore fairytales, not Disney adaptations.
Lord of the Rings
Star-Trek TOS Mirror Dimension - Spock/Christine Chapel or OC
Star Wars - Darth Vader/Leia or OC
Pitch Black - Riddick/Jack
The Dark Knight - The Joker/OC (if that's even possible to get right)
Southern Vampire Mysteries/True Blood

That's just to name a few. And I'm open to ideas, within those fandoms or in others, or in original work.

Hit me up if you'd like to discuss any of this. :)
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