Fx Any The time has come...for RP Searching


Jun 11, 2019
The Shadow Realm
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my little corner where I do the various stuff and things involving searching for potential RP partners. Let's get right down to business, shall we?

So before we get into anything, there is one important thing I need to point out. I have more of an interest in story driven RPs than ones that are more smut than story. I'm not saying smut can't be a thing, but if it's forced in, I won't be into it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, it doesn't. It's all about the situation...and character chemistry.

Ok, so now that I've likely lost the interest of a lot of people with that one comment alone, let's get to the real meat of things.

General Likes

  • Action, adventure, and fantasy (mainly modern, but I'm fine with other fantasy universes/making up one)
  • Fantasy elements
  • MxF or FxF
  • Original characters
  • Love/Hate Relationships
  • Enemies become Allies
  • RPing in third person
  • Character development
  • Accidental/Awkward Situations
  • Long term RPs
  • Story driven RPs (as mentioned above)
  • Magic
  • School settings (because I swear some of the ideas that come to mind just happen to end up being in a school setting)

General Dislikes

  • The usual nos (scat, vore, watersports)
  • Fandom RPs/Playing as canons (not really my kind of thing)
  • Slice of life RPs (outside the incredibly rare exception, slice of life is boring to me)
  • Tentacles (they can be used as weapons, but I don't like them in a sexual sense)
  • Sexual death/necrophilia
  • Master/slave and dom/sub roles. Not a fan of these at all (this can be negotiated, though)
  • Non-con/rape
  • All smut and no story
  • Shoehorning in smut when it's unnecessary.
  • Impregnation/Pregnancy (if it's a side character who's already pregnant, I'll give this a pass)
  • M/M
  • Overpowered/unbeatable characters (basically Mary Sue/Gary Stus need not apply)
  • "You must post x amount per reply/x replies a day" types (more on this later)
  • Grammer nazis (I'm pretty confidant in my English, but this is a "just in case" kind of thing)
  • Asking about my gender, because why does it matter what gender I am? I could be an ice skating alligator who flies in outer space or something IRL. Such a thing isn't important (in my opinion).
  • RPing in first person. I don't mind if my partner does it, but please do not try to force your RPing methods on me.
  • Plots based entirely within the bounds of reality (I know this means "slice of life," but what I mean here is "RPs with all realism and no fantasy elements")
  • Using real people as faceclaims.
Now, yes, my list of dislikes greatly outweighs my likes, but I am willing to negotiate. Of course, things like "no slice of life" and scat/vore/watersports are things I won't budge on no matter what, I'm open to talking about things.

Like seriously, though. I don't do slice of life outside of rare exceptions. Please do not come with ideas that are strictly bound to the rules of reality. There's a 99% chance of a no.

The Maybes

  • Sci-fi RPs. Never done one before, so I'm on the fence. Fantasy tends to be my go to genre.
  • OOC conversation. Now, you might find it odd that this is in maybe, but let me explain. I'm pretty introverted, and my range of conversation topics is incredibly small (seriously, other than talking about video games, writing, and occasionally anime, I don't really talk about much and tend to just give short responses and, in the case of Discord, reply with just using emotes). Because of this, I'm leaving this in maybes. A bit of yes if someone can get past my...general awkwardness, but a bit of no if you're one of those "wow, you barely talk about anything. You're so boring, and I bet RPing with you is boring too" types.
  • Furries. This one leans more towards no, but I can potentially be convinced.
  • BDSM.
Ok, now for the two remaining people who have stuck around after seeing my rather large list of general dislikes, let's move onto the next part. I swear, this makes me sound more like a tour guide than posting an RP request thread.

General Roleplaying Preferences

  • So before we start the other things, I should elaborate on that one thing I said I'd bring up later. My post length isn't set in stone. Sure, I won't descend into the infamous "one liner" territory, but I'm not the type to mindlessly shove out paragraph after paragraph like a typewriter (not to say that people who can write 3-5 paragraphs a post regardless of what's going on are living typewriters). Depending on what's going on in the RP, I can write more or less. Of course, if there's a big, action packed encounter going on, naturally there'll be more room to write more, but when things are slow and not much is going on, leaving little room to write much, then I'll write less.
  • As for the other part, I work five nights a week, and don't usually get home until 2-3 AM EST. I'm not typically around during the day, and even when I am, I'm likely doing other things in other tabs. I get around to replying to RPs when I can.
  • I'm not gonna jump down someone's throat for a few spelling/grammer mistakes. If I can read it, it's fine. We're all human after all...unless you're secretly a robot or something.
  • I'm willing to RP over PM or threads. Discord is an option, but I'd prefer the other two options.
So for the 1.5 persons still here, you might be curious as to why I'm so heavy on story. Well, my experience with RPing smut is...well, next to nonexistant. I'd rather not go shoving my entire self into that shark filled pool all at once, which is why I skew my story ratio much higher than smut. Me RPing smut is bad to say the least due to inexperience. Please understand.

Ok, now that all of that is out of the way, let's get to what we came here for.

So I have two characters with already established backstories and RP ideas. I'm open to other ideas, but these are here for those interested.

Crystal is a human girl who, when she was young, lived a normal life with her parents and her older sister. In this world, humans and magical beings lived in harmony. The gods of this world saw humans as beyond hope and manipulated magical beings to destroy the humans. This led to incredible disasters and eventually, once Crystal was older, she found the source of the problem and fought against the gods themselves and managed to have the world reset. Being the one to defy the gods, her mother and older sister, who were killed in the earlier days of the disaster, were not reborn in the new world. Along with that, she retained all memory of the previous world, including any traumatic moments that could've taken place.

In the new world, while some humans and magical beings are living in peace, problems are still plentiful. Crystal, as one who defied the order of the gods, has to surrender living a life of peace to fight against the various threats in the world to maintain order.

Personality wise, Crystal tends to be cold and closed off from others. While it seems like she does this for no real reason, it's because she's had people get close to her only to be killed. She feels she has to take on the burden of her situation on her own, and refuses to ask for help. She doesn't like to talk about her family, doing whatever she can to keep emotional walls up and avoid talking about herself or her past. She does have a soft spot for children, though, as she usually drops her icy nature around them. At times, she can be incredibly stubborn, like with her inability to swim, but refusal to learn how. She always has her guard up, especially around those she doesn't trust. She's a bit nicer to people who have earned her trust, and when it comes to matters of love and romance, she's very inexperienced, only having gone on one date in her entire life.

Her specialty is one handed swords, but has experience with other weapons in case she needs to adapt. She doesn't really know how to use magic, and through pestering by a companion from the previous world, she's trying to learn how.

Due to a traumatic event that took place in the previous world, Crystal doesn't trust men very much. She's even more defensive around them than with women. Sex with men is very unlikely, even if they can get past her emotional walls.

F-List Here
All of these ideas take place in a modern fantasy setting.

Revenge of the Big Five - Once upon a time, five incredibly powerful mages roamed the world, learning all types of powerful magic in a bid for world conquest. Their reign of terror was brought to an end in the small town of Glasford, where the five mages were defeated, captured, and locked away thanks to the efforts of powerful warriors able to fight off the group. The five magicians, who called themselves the Big Five, were imprisoned inside a special prison, a tower on a hill known to the people as Tower Penitentiary. Because of the actions of the Big Five and their magic, the people of Glasford began to fear and eventually despite all magic users, leading to a townwide ban on magic. From that point onward, magic users were punished in a way close to murderers and they were left to rot in the mostly unused Tower Penitentiary and the police force of the town was given special permission and tools to use magic themselves to fight off magic users.

Five years after the Big Five were (apparently) executed, sightings of mysterious ghosts that appear to be the remnants of the Big Five. The town had been preparing for their annual festival close to Halloween when the sightings began, so progress on festival preparations have been going slowly. People began to question whether or not the Big Five were actually dead, but with no way to prove if they are or not since they were killed inside Tower Penitentiary, people in town would just have to deal with it.

During a break from her schoolwork and her second life as a monster hunter, Crystal had received a letter from her uncle on her late mother's side (who doesn't know that Crystal's mom and sister are dead) inviting her to stay at his place in Glasford since he has plenty of rooms. Unaware of the situation involving the ghosts, she decided to go there, not knowing that there was more to the entire thing than what was on the surface. Maybe you're in town for the festival and happen to meet Crystal, or you're also renting a room at her uncle's place and end up roped into figuring out the truth behind the Big Five along with Crystal?

"Family Reunion" - Because her mother and sister were never revived in the new world (as punishment for defying the order of the world), the only remaining member of her family who she knows is still alive is her dad. She hates him, though. In the last world, he abandoned his family in order to save his own skin. This time, he's become a member of a cult that steals souls and uses them to increase their own strength. Left alone, the cult can be an extreme issue. An official mission was sent out for any mercenaries willing to take it. Wanting the reward money, YC choose to take it, only to be told that someone else also accepted the job and you'll have to work together and figure out who the head of the operation is.

Forest Encounter - Rumor has it that a band of magicians have been causing chaos in the area near a small town. Maybe YC lives in the town or are just passing through the area. In the forest, YC finds signs that a big battle had taken place. Burned trees and the corpses of magicians littered the area. Heading deeper in, YC finds a girl bathing underneath a waterfall with a weapon close by. Upon closer inspection, YC may find her to be familiar. She might be that girl who was in one of your classes in school, but she kept to herself so you never spoke to her. Will you attempt to approach her, even though you know she's probably the one who killed the magicians terrorizing the nearby town?

Invader from Another World - At a luxury hotel, a party for various hired mercenaries, law enforcement, and general heroes fighting against the various threats trying to cause chaos and death was being held. Crystal was forced to attend because her client told her to go so she could get paid for eliminating a group of demons, despite recovering from her injuries. During the party, however, a strange masked man in white with a golden rapier attacks, claiming to be "testing the protectors of the world." Attempts to even harm the stranger go nowhere, as he can teleport and counterattack with impossible speed. Two days later, a town is eradicated by a group calling themselves "the Masked Circle," being led by the same strange man. An official mission has been set up to find and eliminate this man. For this idea, maybe our characters are made to work together on this job, only to find there's much more to it than just some group of masked weirdos.

Into the New World- Being reborn into the new world, Crystal is forced to repeat her last year of high school due to having no official records. However, at first, Crystal has no memory of the previous world, allowing her to live as a normal girl, where she can make friends and do normal things. At night, though, she has strange dreams, which are actually her memories. A month after the school year starts, strange men in white begin "testing" Crystal by sending monsters to try and force her to regain her memories to help deal with their own religious issues. While she tries to deny these memories, thinking they're false. she eventually regains all of her lost memories and reverts to the way she originally was before she lost her memories, beginning her mission to preserve order by working as a mercenary. YC could be one of her friends, who begins to notice she's not the same person anymore, or someone else who has been fighting off crazies and magical beings in secret.

(Despite what I said earlier about not being into slice of life, this is an exception as it begins as a slice of life before the action and stuff comes into play.)
Alice is the princess of the Tridian Kingdom and the sole heir to the throne. She had never met her mother and her father was too busy to take care of her, but she had heard stories of the things her father has done for the land. While Alice did once respect her father, she learned that he played a major role in sparking a war with a neighboring kingdom under the rule of the dark sorcerer, Melchior. The respect Alice once held for her father was quickly reduced to nothing, and the "hero" she once saw was erased from her mind. As the war slowly began to escalate, Alice's faith in heroes slowly began to wither away until any belief in "heroes" was nothing but a waste of time in her mind, but she knew that she was too weak to make any changes herself. During a trip into town on her own while in disguise, she was attacked and nearly killed by a group of thugs, only to be rescued by a man who called himself an assassin. His actions showed Alice her real lack of actual strength to protect herself if the situation came to it, seeing as a war was brewing, and she requested to be taken on as an apprentice to the assassin.

So yes, she's a princess who lives a double life as an assassin. She uses twin daggers and can use wind magic thanks to both training by her teacher and required learning as heir to the throne. As a princess, she acts kindly to people, but keeps any ulterior motives hidden. She has a deep dislike for heroes and people claiming to be heroes, thinking of them as mere hypocrites and liars, just like her father. She's completely unconvinced that there are actual heroes in the world. She doesn't show her emotions as much during her assassin work, and will use any advantage she can get in an encounter.

Alice is straight, so M/F pairings only, please.

F-List Here
The following ideas are Medieval Fantasy.

Legend of the Hero - There is a story of a hero from another world who will stop the resurrection of the infamous Dark Dragon, who aims to destroy the entire world. Of course, this is just a story that parents tell their kids to inspire them to reach for their dreams...well, at least that was what they thought. When the king of the neighboring Catamor Empire is killed by poison and his personal mage knight Melchior takes the throne instead of the king's son, the man sold his soul to the Dark Dragon for extreme magical power and began to take steps towards the dragon's revival. By driving Alice's dad to sparking war and using his new power to summon monsters from the void, Melchior put everything in motion. One of the steps of his plan was to summon the hero of legend from their world of origin and have them eliminated before they could interfere in his plans, but he's unaware that someone else had been hired to eliminate the hired hands the mage had ordered to kill this "hero" after they're summoned.

The Curse of Genesis - Melchior, the usurper king of the Catamor Empire, sold his soul to the Dark Dragon for power. With this, he has gained magical abilities beyond the reach of most men. Using this power, he fills his soldiers with a cursed magic, known simply as Genesis. While it can greatly increase their abilities and even allow those who aren't magically adept to use dark magic, it corrupts the body and soul, destroying the original person and making them a monster of their former selves. Slowly, the Genesis soldiers are spreading, causing absolute havoc throughout the land, and due to their sheer might, few have been able to effectively stop their wrath.

Rise of Nightmares (working title) - YC and MC are childhood friends who go to the same high school. MC is a shy member of the school's drama club, and while she's very lacking in self confidance, she's a good actress and has the envy of some of the other drama club members. Both MC and YC had to stay after school and meet up, only to hear strange noises coming from the third floor. When they do however, they find several students, all of them killed, along with a shadowy monster who was clearly the culprit for their deaths. Of course, we're talking about two humans with no special powers against some weird, creepy monster that just murdered a bunch of kids. As one would expect, two humans against a supernatural monster doesn't go well, and they're also killed. On the brink of death, the two are visited by a teacher, one they've never seen before, who seems to know a lot about what's going on. The creature who put them on the brink of death was a creature of the dark known as a Nightmare. They've existed as long as humans, but for a while were locked away. Someone, somewhere, brought Nightmares back to the world, and without any special powers, everyone in the city is doomed to face their deaths. However, the old man gives the students a chance to save themselves and help stop the Nightmares and those who have become evil as a result of their twisted power. Gifting the two with special powers and weapons, the teacher uses a strange power to rewind time to before the two are murdered by the Nightmare. Of course, they'll retain their memories of the original incident to make sure it doesn't happen again, and from there, they work together to prevent a repeat of the first incident, save their city and hopefully find a way to end the Nightmares for good.

Birth of Nightmares (also working title) - In a small town, strange incidents have been taking place. At the same time, a once average family grew incredibly wealthy almost overnight and became a major controller of businesses all over town. The whole thing is...suspicious, to say the least. MC is a transfer student moving in with her older brother since her parents will be out of their home for a year. One day, on her way home from school, she stumbles into a parallel world and is attacked by a strange, shadowy monster. Luckily, she's saved by a talking dog and is later briefed on the situation. For this idea, YC could be a friend MC makes at school, her older brother, or someone who's hunting Nightmares for their own reasons (justice, greed, something else).

Land of Familiars - In this world, there exist humans gifted with amazing magical abilities, power strong enough to open rifts in dimensions to summon magical beings known as Familiars. These mages are highly regarded for their abilities, but since only their side of the story was ever told, it was never revealed that Familiars were pulled out of their own dimension by force. Familiars had no rights. They were used as slaves for menial chores, hard labor, and some were used as sex slaves. Others, however, due to their unusual abilities and sturdy bodies were used as tools of war, even being the main weapon in what was known as the Familiar War, where the small island nation of Estryae managed to greatly expand by conquering a major part of the country of Pecrea with an army made mostly of Familiars. At the same time, hundreds of those Familiars were brutally slaughtered without remorse, seeing as they were disposable puppets.

Hundreds of years had passed since the Familiar War and the new Estryae Empire was bigger and stronger than ever. YC is a member of a large family who are descendants of one of the original summoners of Familiars, but unlike your brothers and sisters who have been able to successfully establish the dimensional link and summon a familiar, YC has yet to do so, making them a failure to the family and the target of constant bullying and name calling. During a trip to the capitol, YC meets a strange old woman who tells them of a dream she had. A world where Familiars aren't slaves to humans, where they won't be mindlessly killed solely because they're servants to humans or forced to do things they don't want because of the mage's link. At the same time, she also requests YC to summon a Familiar that has free will and isn't bound to a link, but such a thing goes against everything YC has ever been taught about Familiars. To YC, Familiars are nothing but magic weapons to further their own goals, not companions who have wills and lives of their own like a person. However, the old woman's story had some merit to it. Why, even after the establishment of the Estryae Empire are Familiars still being used like slaves? Why is the military presence in the empire still so strong? Various things didn't add up, but at the time, it wasn't YC's problem.

On the night of a full moon, several days after their encounter with the strange old woman, YC headed to the basement of their family's house to attempt another summoning. Unlike their numerous failures, YC finally managed to summon a Familiar from another dimension, a pink haired girl with the ears and tail of a cat. From first impression, she lacked the sheer power other Familiars had, and while YC considered just killing her and attempting another summoning, they remembered the old woman's words and decided instead to keep the Familiar without forcing them into servitude with the mage's link. Of course, because YC's family valued the slavery of Familiars, the two would need to keep the lack of a link a secret.

Little did YC know, however, that one of their oldest brothers was scheming something terrible. He was a prodigy among YC's family, able to summon three different familiars. At only 18, he had become a soldier in the Estryae military and worked his way up to a commanding role. However, he had been acting far too different, as if he was being possessed by something.

Other random pairings with no clear ideas

Childhood Friends
Enemies turned Allies
Rival Mercenaries
Traveling Companions
A group of vampires who don't act like normal vampires
Prisoners forced to fight for their lives in an arena

And...yeah, that should be all. Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day or night.
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Yeah, I still haven't figured out some kind of unique way to bump these. Not sure if there's a character limit on this site, so if I ever come up with more ideas, I might just edit my second post...or something.

Also bump.
You know, deciding whether or not to write a prequel first or just go for the first segment of the plot is always a pain for me. Well, not exactly, but you know how it is.

(This has nothing to do with RPs. I write stuff in my own time. Also, I guess this is a way to bump these.)
I may or may not be working on another plot idea or two, but because I have no idea if there's a character limit on this site or how long the ideas will end up being, I'm putting them in a separate post.

Anyway, bump time.
It's been 3000 years...and I'm bumping this. Actually, it's been a month. Also, a new idea has been added. I'm getting around to adding other ones eventually.
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