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Jan 11, 2009
Cut to the core I seek to find
What is the source of my own mind
Twisting in circles in a world without rhyme
I seek something that may be beyond my time
Try as I might some mole hills are indeed a mountain
This pathway is what will lead me to that fountain
But try as I will the path remains foggy
As I slip into the state of being groggy

One path becomes clear
Burning past all the fear
The path that will lead me past it all
The path that he leads me is where I won't fall
Try as I might to please them all
Trying to do that is what is making me fall

'It's all in my mind' I tell my self lightly

I can't seem to finish this piece, or title it. But perhaps it's because it's not completed in real life yet. Who knows.
Uninteresting rhyme scheme (though the repetition of 'fall' has some promise as does 'the path'), cliched images and phrases. Lack of title really detracts from poetry in my mind (though, uncompleted, it's hard to find a title).
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