Fx Any Itches to scratch


Jul 30, 2019
Hopefully under some tables and desks
Let's see if I got what it takes still to make a good advert, eh?

To make it simple, I'm not just advertising for a singular idea just for 1 or even a handful of people to take. I want this post to describe as much about myself as possible and the ideas I have. This'll be the get-all info dump to give for people who wanna know what I'm into or what I wanna do, if I do plan on making some friends here. So be sure to take notes, yes?

For starters, I'd like to at least list off the things I am not at all interested in. They're significantly lesser than the stuff I am into. So these are the kinks that will not at all fly with me:

1) Bathroom play (piss, shit, vomit, etc)
2) Heavy bondage (some light tying up and gagging is fine tho)
3) Death (in the bedroom, not averse to it elsewhere like in a battlefield or something)
4) Maiming (in the bedroom, can happen elsewhere like in a battlefield)
5) Torture (in the bedroom, can be done somewhere else)
6) Vore
7) Female beasts
8) Twink boys
9) Femboys
10) Ridiculous sizes (I like 'em big, but not to the point the women can't walk or the man rips the girl in half)
11) Inflation

If I were to pick a "meh", I suppose it would be hermaphrodites/futas? I mean, I got nothing against them, nor would I be against playing with one. But during my time of ERPing I just remember them being all over the god damn place. It got so bad that it was near impossible to find an actual woman or an actual man characters, it was just an endless field of futas as far as the eye could see. They just lost their appeal and exoticness to me.

Now for the grand part, the part where I list the stuff I DO like! Granted, this list may be incomplete as I can't possibly remember all the things that I am okay, but you can rest assured to know that the stuff I follow is 100% approval from me and are stuff I liked so much, I remember them! I'll even use a * to note extreme favorites, so be on the eye out.

1) Slutty clothes
2) Muscular men and voluptuous women
3) non-con and con
4) Public sex
5) Prostitution*
6) Blackmail
7) Coercion
8) Drugs and alcohol
9) Male beasts
10) Tentacles
11) Demons
12) Aliens
13) Exotic cocks
14) Sex with clothes on*
15) Recording
16) Animal girls (cats, cows, bunnies, foxes)*
17) Animal guys (wolves, bulls, lizards, and so on)
18) Toys
19) Lesbian
20) Straight
21) Group sex
22) Multi-penetration (not more than 1 dick in the same hole, but multiple hole use)*
23) Gangbang*
24) Slutty Relationship (2 girls in a relationship together (family, rivals, dating, etc) that get dicked down together)*
25) Incest (typically siblings or cousins, don't care much for parent/child)
26) Pregnancy
27) Bukkake
28) Snowballing
29) Vampires
30) Worldbuilding (admittedly, not a thing related to sex, but man can it feel just as good when it gets going)
31) Humiliation
32) Tasteful sexism (after all, a woman does need to know her place when next to a stronger specimen)
33) Sexbot

EDIT: It has come to my attention that some people have been confused as to what I considered a "beast". I suppose I should specify this. What I consider a "beast" is a creture not of humanoid shape...walking on all four legs, no torsos, no arms, etc. Just something that does not have a humanoid shape and can be confused for a wild or domesticated animal. Whether they are fully sapient or have animal intelligence, it doesn't matter.

Next after this, I guess settings would be a place to go? As in, what type of settings I prefer to play in? This'll be easy!

1) Sci-fi (established or custom made)
2) Fantasy (established or custom made)

I don't like contemporary or historical all too much. I enjoy the aspect of making new worlds, or exploring the worlds of mediums I've come to enjoy. Who knows, maybe we can get dangerous with some genre clashes?

I suppose the last thing that should be known about me? Well, I am a HUUUUUUUUUGE poster! I love putting in as much detail and forethought of plot as possible! My first post tend to be like essays almost all of their own, but once the character and scene is established, I tend to even out on an average of 3-5 full paragraphs, give or take. I love to write and describe all the saucy details. I would appreciate if any would be playmates and writers offer the same courtesy? Legible sentences and grammar would go a long way as well! (wouldn't it be ironic if I made a shitton of mistakes while making this due to me just being so nervous and excited to be getting back into this stuff?)

As for what characters or stories I'd be into? Oh! I can get into a great many stories, I've done them all and got disappointed when not many of them were completed or taken very far for a multitude of reasons. I suppose that is the way it goes sometimes in the world of RP...sometimes a good thing doesn't last long enough to be appreciated. I am always up for new ideas and new characters, but I suppose I can list a couple of ideas that I would love to salvage?

1) Blood Soaked Vengeance

There is an abomination of a being, a creature birthed from two dark, conflicting species. A girl who is half succubus and half vampire. She was noble lineage, practically a princess of vampires, but her demon blood tainted the family's bloodline, thus her vampiric mother was executed for treason, and she was sent away. She had never seen her incubus father, and had only know the cruelty of her abusive caretakers. But she managed to break free when vampire hunters attacked their hideout and she ran. Now, she vows revenge and desires nothing more than to reclaim her rightful heritage.

This one I would play a PC and would need a DM who want to take control of something like a game, where my girl tries to gain power, influence, and allies to take her grandfather's throne. I have many, many ideas and worldbuilding already done for this one, so I can at least make it a bit easier for any would be DM.

2) Sordid Prayer

Many people like to believe outside of their cities there is only barbarity, a world dominated by savagery. But those of the so called "lesser races", do know how to make themselves civilized in their own ways. There is a village of (orcs, goblins, trolls, minotaurs, etc) that is still relatively new. This is mostly because of the new chief. Normally, their kind is nomadic, but these individuals were shown a better way. The chief was before he ascended did not enjoy his former position in the tribe nor did he care for the shortcomings of the past chief. He had prayed to the spirits and something answered (whether it be the spirits or a god/goddess). They would give him the intellect and the strength to dethrone the chief and make him the new chief, only if he swore to erect a temple to honor them, and give up his first born child to worship there as their first priest. The man accepted and was blessed. Naturally, he became the new chief and had his child...ren. He had given birth to twin daughters. Not to give up his end of the bargain, he began constructing the temple and disowned his two daughters so they may become the first priestesses.

This is a more casual one. Of course these species will be a lot better to look at (at least for the females, they'll be sexy...the males can be either or). And I am looking for someone who wants to play as one of the sisters as I play the other, and we have fun doing a slice of life style RP of these two basically being temple whores, banging the tribe and the tribe's guests in service to the spirits or god. But who knows! Maybe they'll have some adventure of their own? This one would have an exception to my not caring of parent/child, as I think it's sweet daddy would come in to "check up" on his girls.

There's so many others I can do name and describe, but there's so much. Like 3 involving alien women (one is a naughty schoolgirl just wanting to have fun, another is an exiled superhero(or villain) on Earth, and another is a merchant/scientist that has too much bad luck), then an android girl that doubles as a sexbot and an assassin for a crimelord, another is a wandering paladin of a sex goddess looking to spread the word of her love! This post could just go on forever! And as said before, I am open to doing new ideas if none of this stuff interests you.

Though, I am not just limited to playing girls, I do on occasion play guys myself. However, I just prefer to play a woman as that's where I have the most fun, but I can be convinced otherwise.

Should also be stated that I want to keep RPs as localized as possible. I really don't feel like going to all sorts of sources just to RP with people. So, I'd rather all RPs be done on this site, at all times (I also can't afford a lot of multiplayer games both financially and time wise). So I am only interested in either PM RP or forum RP.

I hope that this wasn't too long of a thing for some people to read. And I also hope to have lots, and lots of fun!
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