Fx Male Search- Under construction


Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys! Obviously, I am searching for a roleplay partner to well, roleplay with. I am generally a plot-driven roleplayer who has been at it for a good amount of years. I have a list of plots down below but if none of them suit your fancy like I may have, then feel welcome to offer up any of your own ideas as well. I generally like to keep things along the line of sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural and other means to be as far from the reality we know today. I have a particular love for medieval or Victorian settings but generally, can work with any setting be it in the present, past or future.

What I look for in my partner:
  • Multi-character narrating: In other words, I need someone who will be able to flesh out all parts of a story with me, not just what's going on with the main characters; I am by no means asking you to delegate multiple characters as the main characters, I am simply asking for my partner to be able to play minor characters and have them interact with both of our own so the plot continues at a steady pace instead of being stagnant.
  • Posting Length: I do require a partner who loves writing and giving me those juicy details just as much as I love writing myself. Bottom line, however, is that it's rather difficult to get a full understanding and thoroughly enjoy a roleplay when my partner is posting mere sentences. Along with this, I do expect decent grammar and spelling. You cannot put shit in an oven and expect to pull out a cupcake.
  • Story Building: I would love a partner that helps build the story with me through their writing. We could plan this out beforehand if you'd like but I personally prefer to keep things a surprise. Isn't it more fun this way? I should also note that I do not like fandoms at all. I love creating stories, not rewriting them. If you wish to do a fandom with me, I will require us to create our own characters and our own circumstances that will loosely follow the plot point of the desired fandom.
  • Bluemoonroleplay forum: I will not take the roleplay outside of this site. I will only roleplay on this site and this site alone. This is the only non-negotiable rule I have.

Things I particularly enjoy:
  • I have no particular hard limits as a roleplayer when it comes to the sexual component. The things I do veto usually involve permanent bodily damage to my character, death to my character or things that are just downright morbidly gross such as bestiality, shit play and/or necrophilia. Things I actually fancy include rough play, power struggle, non-consensual, BDSM and sexual tension (not allowing to orgasm, bantering, foreplay but stopping last minute, etc.).
  • As stated before, I absolutely love anything that falls underneath the category of supernatural, sci-fi, fantasy and most of the plots I have presented, usually will be in either past or present time frame.
My Plots:
  • The Broodmare: Two kingdoms have been at war for nearly three decades, leaving the lands broken and starving. Out of desperation to quickly end the war and amend the lands, the Aster King comes together with the notorious Blood King to strike a peace treaty. This peace treaty involves giving the Blood King his only daughter to wed in order to keep his position within the southern kingdoms all the while giving the Blood King the title as the only king and his daughter, the queen. The two have yet to meet nor have they seen each other's faces, yet they are all too familiar with the others' war crimes and will go into the wedding with possibly sour thoughts and ill spirits- they would kill each other if it wasn't for the kingdoms and their people standing in the way. However, true peace can only be achieved when a son is born and with the rising tensions between the royal families and their people, that must happen sooner rather than later. In Progress
  • The Devil's Keep: During the year of 2020, creatures from the night rose into power. Fables and myths called them vampires but they merely call themselves the Superiors. 200 years later, humans are now enslaved and sold like cattle at auctions to the Superiors who strive on wealth and old world pleasures. Not all humans, however, are enslaved. Outliers along the city limits of the Superiors are hunted down like game, captured and sold to the Superiors where they have no rights nor protection. Although it is frowned upon, it is not uncommon for a Superior to kill their humans and it is even more common for the Superiors to take advantage of their slaves. An uprising along the outlier of the city brews and humans begin to form factions, attacking and killing the hunters that come looking for them nightly. One of the faction's leaders, however, is captured during a night raid and she is taken to one of the most powerful Superior who, instead of sentencing her to death, decides to buy her. Although this may seem like a death sentence in itself to any other human, the faction leader refuses to give up on life- nor her fellow humans.
  • The Hunt: Demons are not welcomed in the mortal world, along with various creatures of the night. They feed off of the humans they are around, whether that be their energies, quite literal human flesh or their blood. Because of this, a group of hunters are formed at the Kingdom's command and are dispersed throughout Kingdom to clean up these retched creatures from the streets. Unbeknownst to the royal family, however, the very creatures they wish to kill have been wedded into the family and the families soon become one. The creatures end up internally- and secretly- killing the royal family and begin to create their own Kingdom. Even after being disbanded, the hunters still continue to pursue these creatures and end up becoming wanted criminals. A particular hunter who had her face plastered along wanted posters soon learns the truth about the royal family and begin to go after the now widower King. She plans to strike him in his sleeping chambers during the night with a silver dagger, not knowing what may happen if the King wakes before her dagger slices through his throat.
*I'd also like to add that the characters I typically play are not what you would classify a 'damsels in distress'- I don't particularly like playing dependent and uneducated females.*
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