Just the beginning...


Painter of Worlds...
Jul 25, 2019
And thank you for taking the time to read this. I just want to say a bit about myself as I feel it's important to have at least a feel for who is behind the character.

I am a very experienced role player that has played in a number of RP games and have ran several myself. From LARP to MMO's to table top of many systems and many more. Many things have influenced my creativity and works such as games I play/played, books, movies, etc. I read quite a lot and some of my favorite authors are Robert Jordan, Anne McCaffrey, Nora Roberts, R A Salvatore, Anna Bishop, Patricia Briggs, Brandon Sanderson, Kristen Britain, Mercedes Lackey and much, much more.

Please understand, the internet is not always safe. Sharing age, RL (Real life) Names, locations, family style and other like information can cause issues. Where as I believe in OOC (Out-of Character) communication, until I've grown a trust and rapport, I probably won't share much more about my personal life. It is nothing against you.

No one is perfect and no ones the same. My grammar and spelling are FAR from perfect as I am not a first language English speaker. I do understand that sometimes we are in a rush to reply. That misspells and fat fingers happen, but please, make it understandable and give it substance. If a character is moving or acting out an action, please try your best to describe said action or event. As far as length goes, size doesn't matter -smirks and wiggles brows-, so whatever you see fit as far as a length of a reply is fine. If it is to short and doesn't give my character something to reply and respond to, things can run flat. My length tends to be 1-3 paragraphs depending upon how much from a co-writer I am given to respond to, but if the plots really good and I am really into it, you can expect more paragraphs here and there. If it becomes to much to keep up with, tell me.

O/O - F-list start


1. Communication

To build and agree on the world the characters are interacting within, stepping out of character is needed. Sometimes, posts can be confusing and hard to respond to. Being able to take a moment to ask what the other player meant helps to be able to respond in better detail. As people grow to learn each other's styles, OOC communication will be needed less often, but at the start, I believe this is a must. It isnt just important in starting the RP but in knowing if RL (Real Life) has gotten to heavy and replying is not something that can happen easily. If life turns you on your head, if the RP is no longer catching your intrest, if the character does something you dont like, if you do not tell me, how am I to know? If you are unwilling to do that, I am sorry and I am not sure that you would enjoy RP with me.


I am not looking to become a DM/GM/Storyteller of the RP. There are days I will lack inspiration, that my muse will fail to show up. I believe everyone has those kind of days. What I ask is that you are willing to add to the story, yourself. It doesn't matter to me if the RP starts from a plot or an idea from you, or from me. I always welcome adding to it and expanding its concept. If you want your story and world left alone, tell me before we start RPing. I might not find as much interest in a RP where I am just being dragged along but if your world captivates me, I can just enjoy the creation of my character. I will throw out ideas OOCly but that is all they are and do not need to be accepted. I will not tolerate being aggressively attacked for questions or ideas, though.


I like my role-play creative power sliced down the middle. To be able to stick my fingers into the paint pot and stir a little. Feel free to pitch me your ideas and twists on any of my own stories or plots, as long as it makes sense and isn't blatant god-modding. There are going to be days we are not on the same page, and that happens. It doesn't mean that I don't want to hear your ideas. If it doesn't fit into the story we are working on, we could always work on another one that it will. That flexibility is also to be applied to when we RP. If I am awake and its 11pm and my co-writer is in the mood to enjoy a little escape, I will try to offer the same, as well as be honest when I have hit my threshold.


We are doing this as a hobby and if a hobby is not fun, then what is the point? If for any reason, you are not enjoying yourself, I encourage you to look back to #1. Tell me. Together, we can bring the story back to a place that you are enjoying yourself or even start another one. Its not that hard to tell when someone is no longer into the RP or enjoying themselves. Flat responces can be hurtful, not only to the person but to the RP. I rather pause the PR and find a middle ground where we both can enjoy ourselves than trudge through.


Please, don't rush it, don't smother it, and don't force it. I'm fine with smut, a good ERP scene can be beautiful but its better when it is built with tension and through plot. If and when we do get there, please, don't overdo it. By this I mean if every scene is just sex, that will get boring, fast. I prefer plot and the exchange of ideas and creative writing and seeing what happens next. I would love the sexuality to have a plot impact, not just smut for smut's sake. I dont find enjoyment in my character flopping back in the bed, spreading her legs and screaming "TAKE ME!" Doesnt mean that wont happen but I do not intend that to take place the first few times, if ever, they are together. The work, involvement, pressure and sexual tension of two people finding their limits and cravings intrest me much more. I am rather open when it comes to sexuality and fairly flexible with sexual kinks. Males playing females or males, females playing females or males, neither playing both? If the story supports it, I welcome all creative juices.

RP does not have to include these things or even all of them but I enjoy an escape and I find that I can escape myself better if aspects that I can not or do not come across in RL are involved. It does not have to be High Fantasy, in a world that is nothing at all like earth, though I am not against that. A touch of it makes things more drawing and interesting to me. In Paranormal, I speak of the definition. " Things that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding." Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Empath, Fast Healing and so much more. Once again, not needed but enjoyed.


1. Mass control

I would request that you don't control my character, as I won't control yours. If you ever feel as if I am, I am always open to moving OOC and discussing it with me. I do not intend to ever do this and if you feel I have, give me a chance to change it or explain what I meant.

Power Gaming and Meta Gaming

A character that lacks realism tends to feel vapid. If yours cant be hurt, can never be in danger, slips from any issues with out any consequences, every time, I will loose interest and fast. Its a character and its loss might smart but it wont kill me. If mine ends up dead because they can not escape a situation, all that means for me is I have more access to be creative in creating another. The same goes with your character always knowing what is going on in their world. We are all flawed and someone who is flawless makes RP for me to vapid to enjoy.


It can belong in the story or the role-play but it just does not belong in my in-box, instant messenger, PM, so on and so forth. Venting and speaking OOC about issues can sometimes happen but if you cross the line, I will tell you. I am here to escape and enjoy myself, not dabble in things that cause stress. I have enough of that in my real life, please, I don't want more in my escape.

Unexplorable Kinks

I do have a few hard no's that I promise that no matter how hard you ask, I will not be swayed.

Two people in an arranged marriage and them learning each other and seeing what may happen is different. If my character says no and yours doesnt care, I will walk away from the RP and more than likely, never return.
I have nothing against others that may enjoy this but I would ask it not to be involved in any RP I am.
Coprophilia/Urolagnia/Emetophilia, Ect.
In short form? Scat, Watersports, Vomiting or other fetishes that evolve those kind of excretions. It bothers me highly.
Adultery/Cheating/Cockhold, Ect.
This concept is to involved in Real Life for it to hold interest for me in RP.

I Don't Knows

There are many things that I have come across that I just don't know about. If I don't know or haven't experienced it yet, doesn't mean I am opposed, just don't have a knowledge base. I am open to trying new things and ask that if a scene happens that I become uncomfortable with, please help me bring it to FTB (fade to black) or change it so we both can enjoy ourselves. Thank you.


If you have any question or RP ideas you would like to start, I welcome a PM and you asking them. I am always open to share, as long as it helps the possible RP along. I will be, of course, adding and editing this post as time goes on. Its relatively simple to start, just getting it up for people to read.

Update: This is still a work in progress. I have edited this a few times now and intend to several more and to just keep adding ideas. I hope to have the time and motivation to start adding plots here soon.
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