Fx Any My Mechanical Lover


Lover of Dragons
Jun 22, 2019
Hey there everyone, its Serena.

I'm looking to do somewhat of a wholesome role-play with this scenario, although I'm fine with it getting dark.

MC (Serena) has been suffering from something commonly known as Lock In Syndrome. It's a disease where slowly you lose the ability to move and communicate in any way. You eventually become 'locked' in your own body, unable to talk or move in any way. Once it had reached the point of no return, a strange company reached out to you, offering a solution and promising to fix my problem. They said that they could transfer my consciousness into a new frame, allowing me to live normally again. No strings attached, no catch. All they gained was some on-the-field research and evidence that their science works.
YC agrees for me, allowing them to perform the procedure that would turn me from an organic into a synthetic. Of course, they ask you if there's any modification you would like made to me, be it physical or psychological.

(Here, you would be able to maybe add some trigger words or commands into my psyche, which when said or done would make me do something, and I would think that its completely normal (Or I could be aware of it, and try my best to not to do it, even if its ultimately futile))

Here are some pictures of synthetic androids I am happy with playing. Take your pick~

Mecha Fox Girl
Mecha Dragon Girl
Mecha Feline Girl
Mecha Feline Girl (2)
Mecha Canine Girl
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