Fx Male Catgirl x human male. Long term, story first.


Jul 19, 2019
I’m 30+ year old female from Finland. I have been years of experience from free form text roleplaying. My style is descriptive, so I instead of sending pictures to tell what things look like I write what they look like.

I’m looking for a long term partner for F x M roleplay in Discord, Skype or PM. Story and smut, with the story before smut ideology. Story is my biggest fetish : p Smut is boring and lame without story. Even the most vanilla sex under a cover in dark can be exciting because of a story. I have no problems to play smut, but it has to suit story/scene. If it doesn’t it will wait until it’s its time. Not like “there was 50 lines of story so now there will be 50 lines of smut.”

I don’t have any idea at the moment, but I’m open to brainstorming. To avoid ghosters and dead weight I want to roleplay with someone who contributes to story from the beginning by creating it together with me. I’m open for medieval fantasy / urban fantasy / mix of worlds genres.

I roleplay a catgirl. I often play her as young, feminine pretty little thing with cheerful, and little simple, personality.

Themes I love in rp:
-Story. Something that everything is build on, a red string through the game. Role1 x role2 go adventuring together isn't a story. Ofc roleplaying is mostly about adventuring, but I don't see walking around and slaying monsters etc as a story.
-My char being in somehow inferior position (i.e. slave/ex-slave)
-Teasing. She will come onto him like a freight train, but he will resist it because of X (morally wrong, not allowed by code/norms)
-Slow build-up. No instant crushes. It really kills the game when he is like “let’s get married!” “I love you!” when chars have known each other for 1-2 days. Let things evolve slowly at their own pace.

More information and kinks can be found from my F-list profile, but I will tell beforehand that breeding and incest are on my no-list. Thought it’s only fair to tell it because they seem to be very popular kinks. :p

-Experienced roleplayer.
-25+ year old.
-Long replies. No need to force them long when there isn’t happening much in the game, but if I keep getting 2-3 sentences all the time it won’t do. Para or two is ideal.
-You have time AND will to play. I’m happy with reply or two in a day, and I know that life happens so sometimes people have to keep a longer break from roleplaying and that’s okay as long as you inform me from it. However if you can’t reply because of important things, like taking cat out for a walk or sorting out your socks, we aren’t a match. I prefer people who make time to roleplay instead of those who put basically everything in front of roleplaying (i.e. taking a cat out for hours or sorting socks).
-You are able to contribute to a story. You participate actively in roleplaying. I would love to have someone who takes the lead in roleplay instead of being the one who always drags the game forward like a stone sleigh.
-The closer to GMT +2 the better.

No to these
-Ghosting. Whatever is the reason that makes you want to quit the rp, just tell me. I won’t come after you. It’s just considerate thing to inform the other one that the game has ended, whether the reason.
-Roleplay leeches & everything goes. Roleplay leech is someone who gives nothing into a rp, he just reacts to what happens in a rp and once he loses interest in it he just disappears like a fart into Sahara desert. Everything goes people are quite the same. When brainstorming they say “everything is okay/great/etc”. It’s impossible to squeeze a opinion out of everything goes person and after post or two he disappears.
-Pairing as rp idea. Pairings like knight x princess, sister x brother, student x teacher aren't ideas in my books. They aren't even chars. RP idea has some kind of beginning AND ending, so how chars meet isn't enough. (In addition, I don't do incest or school themes).

Your char
-Human male
-Tall and muscular. I understand that 180cm is a giant to some people here, but here it’s nothing special. 180cm is the minimum. The closer to 2 meter the better.
-No facial hair or chest hair.
-Not you. Don’t play yourself.

Current ideas
No one will hit you harder than life itself.

Our chars are two unlucky individuals, living in a slum, doing odd jobs or petty crimes to get by. Maybe one of them was something one eternity then or maybe they are struggling to get up from their shitty situation.

However these those miserable souls meet and decide they have had enough. To get away from hell that is their lives they decide to rob a bank (or something else). Things don’t go as planned and they will face many problems before they can even attempt to flee the city.

Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain.
More or less modern world where man made creatures (basically anthros) exist. They are used to do all those jobs that the humans don’t want to do themselves. They are the slaves of modern day. MC is a fighter, forced to fight on illegal arenas.

I haven’t got further with this idea yet, so your input would be appreciated. This can go more in future is needed.

These ideas are more of sketches at the moment, so brainstorm them with me until they are complete : )

I probably forgot something, but I will edit this later : )

Last edit: 14.10.19
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~ Bump! ~

Open for a roleplaying. Would love some interesting char(s). Someone who isn't 100% good nor bad, but something in between. Maybe someone who seems cold, but deep down is a gentle, good guy. Irl you near GMT +2 so we could even sometimes roleplay at faster pace when we are both online at same time.

Here... waiting for someone to come and get me.

I'm fed up at trying to set up plots, make chars etc just to be ghosted. Now, be my knight in shining armor and take the lead of narrating a story! I will contribute to the story. I'm not expecting you to do all the work. Preferably someone near GMT +2 time zone and able to use metric system.

Added two ideas. Added stuff about pairing.

Please be near GMT+2 or have be up on insane hours.
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