Waves of wet heat shifted lazily over the humid floor the jungle before him. Eerie yellow eyes glowing ominously in the dark of the forest night. Vulpine irises moving smoothly left, right, up, and down... in that slow predatory fashion that only a true killer could possess. Ears filtering the screeching sounds that passed for normal in this god forsaken forest. He growled softly a contemptuous light burning within those eyes startlingly cold eyes as a slow smile crept upon his lips. The sight chilling even in this heat. There she was, arrogant, beautiful, and deadly. Walking right into his territory without even a by your leave. When would she realize he was not to be trifled with? Perhaps this time she needed something a little.. less subtle. One she would not forget so easily this time around.
Growling deep inside his throat he crouched letting his eyes move over her.. patient.. perfectly still. His massive form a knot of heavy muscle that seemed to ripple power down his whole body. Like a cat ready to pounce. His well tanned body half naked wearing only the soft brown of leather molded perfectly along the six pack of his stomach downward. The soft pad of his leather boots molding to his hiding spot as well as any moccasin.. A few stray black strands falling wildly over the strong features of his face.. tickling his nose as breath sped and his heartbeat grew.. the cold excitement of the hunt filling him even as the woman beneath moved further into the darkness of his territory.. alert yet as of yet unaware of his presence.
She was right under him now.. he quietly moved his hand to grasp one of the two large knives.. leaning forward his eyes pinning his target even as with one motion he let himself drop forward face first towards his now victim.. somersaulting easily in mid air as his sleek body neatly landed feet first behind his target the hand already at her throat.. neatly holding a knife at her throat.. his other hand snapping forward an viciously pulled back her weapon arm in one painful yet smooth motion. His angry growl evident now as he snarled.. "Move and die." The words whipping across her like something physical.. His calloused fingers taking her chin and with surprising gentleness guided her face towards his.. Cold blues flashing dangerously as they met her's... "Perhaps I've not made myself clear it is quite.. "unhealthy" to provoke a warrior of my tribe.. in our lands.. and quite alone." Emphasizing that last point with his warm breath upon the back of her neck.. His lips softly moving to her ear whispering as if to a lover.. “We can be quite bad you know...” his eyes burning darkly as they moved over her now helpless form held so close to his hard body... A hard protrusion suddenly evident along her back.. His eyes holding her's meaningfully as he let her feel her helplessness.. “or shall I let you be my pet for a time?” He raised his eyebrow and then smiled as he looked her over. “Don’t think that just because you caught me half naked I’ll be any easier or less likely to kill you pretty one.” Voice almost teasing now...
First thing's first. You want to know if I can write? Look up and decide for yourself. It's something I've had floating around for a bit. Hopefully you approve.
Hello there, and here's to hoping you find something you like in this little request.
Right now, I'm solely looking for plays via messenger or via something similar I'm not really all that picky as to which. I like the immediacy of it not to mention I just enjoy these types of plays more than on the forums. As such you'll find me available sometime in the pst time zone. I'm open to ideas and would love to hear from anyone interested. I'm an imaginative flexible roleplayer who knows his way around the rp field. I know how to make a story and am used to leading though I have no problems with being surprised in fact discovering something unexpected is a plus in my mind. I've got a rather wide variety of likes and dislikes and can often match my partner desires. One of the things I like best is bending a situation that at first seems anything but sensual into an experience that causes the blood to pound and temperatures rise. If that sounds interesting feel free to send me a pm and we'll talk. Here's a few ideas. If anything get's your interest look over my o/os and I'm sure we can work out something more detailed later.
What you can expect from me-
I average something like 400-600 words a post. With the possibility of more or less but that is where I seem to gravitate towards naturally. I don't demand the same from my partners just "enough" for each of us to bounce off each other. I think I'm pretty easy going when it comes down to it but if you're wanting short fast posts that just isn't what I do. I like detail and generally will aim for that (for myself) before I go for speed. (expect something like a 20-30 minute post cadence on average)
I aim for something like a 50/50 split between smut and story. A well written plot only makes the smut that much better and allows for a much longer lasting and more satisfying play. That isn't to say I'll never do more sexually oriented plays I just don't expect them to last as long. The same can be true for stories that don't have much smut at all. Smut does not always equal sex though so want to be the worlds best cock tease? I've no issue with that. A bit of sexual tension can go a long ways.
Real life comes first. If something comes up and you can't play for a time? It's fine. I'll catch you when I catch you.
Here's the most common scenario when collaborating through ideas... I look at my partner's likes and dislikes then throw out an idea unrelated to any of the ideas I've thrown together down here. The one thing that I'll always consider when looking at a setting is honestly... how well does sensual play fit in that setting? Anyways here's the start.
Steam Punk-
This is a perfect example of something built upon a setting that's hard to play out as a sexual rp aka something akin to the Victorian era. (not saying it can't be done but there are some serious road blocks) It's a twist that allows for the impossible while also allowing us to put a twist on history. Steam engines mixed with magic check... floating cities? Okay. Maybe add a bit of the modern? Sure. It fits.
The office-
An office situation of some sort. Whether it be a seduction of a younger coworker to the switching of roles. Revenge sex upon a bitchy boss. This could be fun with the right person.
high fantasy(and all the other spectrums honestly)-
Broad spectrum here.. whether it be the entrapment of a feline anthro to the wooing of a high elf. Most anything is possible.
Find a pairing and let's make it work.
Modern fantasy-
I love the idea.. It's dark.. brooding.. with modern sensibilities.. Make it exciting and I'll be all over it. Given the right partner I generally play a werewolf or a regular human in a world full of unexplainable things.. mage.. warrior.. fill in the blank. I like this for the same reason I like fantasy it's broad but familiar even while being exotic.
Post apocalyptic-
This one might allow for something far more primal than perhaps others. Perhaps more amoral just by the implied fierce setting and sheer necessity.
Beginnings of ideas
I often tend to just find a seed basically a pairing along with a setting and theme and start writing. Sometimes I don't even know what I'll say until I say it. I have no problem starting like this... also no problem discussing ideas especially if my partner wants something juicy.
Trapped by necessity in a broken world-
Drop dead gorgeous woman finding herself trapped by necessity with a group of males that have had their sense of civility knocked out of them long long ago. What is she to them?
The pain of pleasure... Two broken people finding each other (imagined within post apocalyptic world)-
she's been the trophy of every warlord that has ever managed to get ahold of her and the reason for their death's. What is love in a world broken as it has been? What happens when someone just as broken as she is scoops her up and moves something within her?
The Home breaker-
Handsome young hunk seduces another's wife. There's something sexy about knowing you shouldn't but you can't help but not. There's a whole lot of promise here.
For lust for ms hotness-
I'm suave mr money bags.. you're the hot thing I can't keep my eyes off of.. am I the hunter or the hunted?
Friend with benefits-
I've just met you and you me... maybe we met casually getting to know each other one night and exchanging phone numbers not truly expecting anything to come of it... one day I get a text asking to be picked up from one place or another.. I barely know you but I'm willing to be nice.. and as reward.. well things suddenly get interesting as the clothes start flying..
This could be in "play" or in reality within the rp. Many of my plays revolve around the idea of dom sub. This can go from one extreme (super light) to something on the other side of the scale. It really depends on the sensibilities and interests of my partner.
My girlfriend the pornstar-
Basically my character has been dating his high school sweetheart for years. They applied to the same college but ended up in different ones. They chose to go it long distance until he graduates as she chose to go the artsy rout. Two years later things seem to be going just fine and he gets an opportunity to transfer to a college near her... They rent a house together... it's unusually nice. He notices strange things such as odd bruises and unmatched stories... also she's far better in bed than she'd ever been before. Still, he doesn't connect the dots... not until he decided to browse pornhub one day and found her featured in their own home. Shock turns into anger then cold calculation... She'd been playing the innocent angel until now how was he going to uncover the horns underneath? A little revenge was in order... that and he intended to make her his in a way she'd never been before.
A living MMO- (newish)
Of late I've been eating up the brand new (at least for north America) book genre called Lit rpg. Probably the most famous example of this little category is the anime Sword Art Online or the book Ready Player One (not read yet but I've heard good things and it's on my list) but there are numerous books not just Asian inspired that pull from this. In my mind there's a lot here that could easily be the start of a story in this vein. It could go the traditional fantasy rout or something different aka pretty much any sci fi/fantasy/post apocalyptic genre. Perhaps the characters are stuck there or maybe not. Maybe our AI overlords turned everyone into a living battery a la the matrix but this idea would have the players be more aware, have levels, ect. Perhaps one of the characters is an NPC that reached self awareness and hence considers this world the true one? Maybe I play the gm and throw mobs at your character and we find out just who will get what? So many options.
Some more fleshed out ideas-
The taming of the beast- Human/Anthro possible d/s along with a bit of Roman politics with a dash of cortez meeting the new world (new)
Think a sci fi or fantasy world or galaxy ruled by an entity similar to what Rome was where the conquered are enslaved or forcefully assimilated. My character is a young nobleman tasked to explore and conquer a newly found land that before this point had been untouched. Think something similar to Cortez but without almost genocide. His plan would be to bring them into his empire and make them his vassals. He's promised anything he can hold in this new place and so he goes. There he finds a race of beastmen/were's/a humanoid alien race/neko/ or so on. These almost humans seem to be intelligent but they don't have "cities" per say or at least none have been found and hence the actually conquering was going far slower than anyone might think. They are mostly a nomadic fierce people and proud to say the least and after taking a foothold and carving out much of the territory that once had been governed by said people. He is challenged to a personal combat by the leader of that said people after bloodshed and to the victor the greatest of gifts he great chieftain's daughter... along with the promise of that little thing called legitimate succession. Failing that he was to leave to never come back... either that or face unending battle. And then there is the little fact that said daughter would rather gut her to be lord. Oh and what about the expected stream of slaves meant for the capital? So many battles and so little time. (This one could be done without the anthro aspect but it's what came to mind in concept and I'd love to do some world building in this.)
The god's right- higher being/human, greek myth, fantasy setting, or possibly urban fantasy (new)
He'd been watching her for much of her life. Enthralled the her beauty and so much more. Granting her his blessings even as she walked the world without knowing of her benefactor. That is until he hears a whisper of fate, she would find her destined but that destiny would end in her ruin and the ruin of all around her and he would be powerless to stop the fact... An idea formed... what if he took her heart instead? So the eve of the event to come he entered her dream and bound her heart to his... Not quite forcing her love but denying any other. He would make her his and would cheat even fate for her. (This story wouldn't be of any famous god of the times but one original. Perhaps even just a demi god set in either a fantasy or other setting within any mythical pantheon. The root of the idea is set along a Helen of Troy theme... and perhaps a what if scenario. What if the face that launched a thousand ships were taken before the king of Sparta ever saw her? Would it end better this way or far worse. Especially now that it's not just a King's eye she snared but something a bit more powerful. Some food for thought.)
Elements I like
bits and pieces of what I like in my stories. Obviously some cancel each other out so don't take this as an everything every time
Emotional impact <-----!!
I like a bit of zing to my stories. Sometimes that means allowing characters make mistakes such as an accidental affair. Sometimes I introduce a second love interest for my partner. Cheating... Finding one's girlfriend with or married to someone else after a long absence (perhaps my character is sent overseas and is considered MIA and just shows up again). Sudden break ups based off of imperfect info. Memory loss. I like a little jealousy. It tends to make things that much more spicy. I know I focused more on the mixed or negative aspect here but anything that makes the story cause your heart to throb. It could be just for pure happiness or maybe devastation. Aka drama is good. <thumbs up>
A good love story-
Even in my most extreme plays there's often a real attempt to make it something more than a sex fest. I like to have my characters feel a connection and for his partners to feel the same. I'm a varied player but this is often important to me. It doesn't have to be sweet in can be full of teeth or as soft as a kiss but it adds something.
I like to space things out it doesn't have to be all sex... a little sensuality can go a long ways even if they end up just playing along that razor that is sexual tension and never quite fall off into the act. I've had plays where the main characters never quite hit home base for weeks and enjoyed the heck out of them. I am going to say this is likely the exception but it has and can be done.
Pseudo Non con- One of my biggest ons is my partners pleasure... hence true non con is usually meh to worse for me. That said, I love non con that's more along the lines of initial resistance turning into full on extasy... There has to be tells. Aka something in her eyes.. or the way her breath hitches.. or an in held cry of pleasure. Given the right situation I'm definitely not against force.. maybe even taking the other character against her will.. but my way of doing things is almost always with the idea of eventually making the other see that despite her pride.. despite the degradation.. she really wants this.. even if it's despite herself. That is sexy. I'd consider extreme nc to be playing the act without any real sense of progression.. No change to the character.. no covered interest. When I find partner's were where there's chemistry here.. it's hawt stuff.
An image is worth a thousand words (sometimes)-
I often throw a portrait of my characters to my partners as well as giving a little eye candy to detail what's going on with the story. Whether that be clothing, places, things, positions, or maybe even full on gifs. I like to litter these in liberally through my story. Yes this doesn't take the place of description but it can definitely add spice overall.
Being dressed up for-
Surprise me and you'll have my attention. From a new set of lingerie to that cute dress you wanted to show off. It can be as naughty or nice as you like. Just don't skimp on the details.
I like to tease and be teased. Perhaps our characters are in a place they can't act out their desires but mine finds a way to make your character wet with just his voice against her ear.
Dirty talk and name calling-
Love it. I like this filthy as can be both giving and receiving. I especially like the juxtaposition of a normally good girl getting turned on by all the nasty things her partner might say in the heat of the moment or with the shoe on the other foot how her mouth takes a nice dive when she's riding that sexual high. It doesn't have to be an immediate effect and it doesn't have to be every time but I like it there.
I like it rough-
I like very few limits and prefer to keep my character "untamed" that said many people have something they just don't like in a play. Let me know yours and we'll see just how far this rabbit hole goes.
Clothed sex-
There's something hot about passion leading to yanking down of my partners jeans, pulling her panties to the side and having my character thrust his... <coughs> I think you get the idea. <grins> Which leads me to...
Sex in unexpected places-
It doesn't always have to be in the bedroom. There may even be a bit of danger involved or even the chance to be caught. Playing with fire so to say. Just the element of unpredictability here.
Loss of control-
Though I usually start on top I'm not at all against a woman taking control. I love a little unpredictability. I'll play pretty much any scene by ear. You want to dom me? Go ahead and try. I'm not promising I'll give in but I won't be impervious to it either.
So I thought of putting a pairings list and realized that the combinations could go on for a bit soo... here's my solution. Mix and match as you like-
I'll play a human/were/alien/monster/barbarian/orc/dragon/anthro/vampire with a human (absolutely nothing wrong with this)/were/cat or fox girl (bit of a soft spot here)/elf (light or dark or any in between also a soft spot)/alien/anthro/succubus/vampires
ect ect. (Aka I'm pretty open here)
These are just a few ideas mix and match to please or let's just make something up. Here's to hoping we can rp some time.<smiles> Laters.
Growling deep inside his throat he crouched letting his eyes move over her.. patient.. perfectly still. His massive form a knot of heavy muscle that seemed to ripple power down his whole body. Like a cat ready to pounce. His well tanned body half naked wearing only the soft brown of leather molded perfectly along the six pack of his stomach downward. The soft pad of his leather boots molding to his hiding spot as well as any moccasin.. A few stray black strands falling wildly over the strong features of his face.. tickling his nose as breath sped and his heartbeat grew.. the cold excitement of the hunt filling him even as the woman beneath moved further into the darkness of his territory.. alert yet as of yet unaware of his presence.
She was right under him now.. he quietly moved his hand to grasp one of the two large knives.. leaning forward his eyes pinning his target even as with one motion he let himself drop forward face first towards his now victim.. somersaulting easily in mid air as his sleek body neatly landed feet first behind his target the hand already at her throat.. neatly holding a knife at her throat.. his other hand snapping forward an viciously pulled back her weapon arm in one painful yet smooth motion. His angry growl evident now as he snarled.. "Move and die." The words whipping across her like something physical.. His calloused fingers taking her chin and with surprising gentleness guided her face towards his.. Cold blues flashing dangerously as they met her's... "Perhaps I've not made myself clear it is quite.. "unhealthy" to provoke a warrior of my tribe.. in our lands.. and quite alone." Emphasizing that last point with his warm breath upon the back of her neck.. His lips softly moving to her ear whispering as if to a lover.. “We can be quite bad you know...” his eyes burning darkly as they moved over her now helpless form held so close to his hard body... A hard protrusion suddenly evident along her back.. His eyes holding her's meaningfully as he let her feel her helplessness.. “or shall I let you be my pet for a time?” He raised his eyebrow and then smiled as he looked her over. “Don’t think that just because you caught me half naked I’ll be any easier or less likely to kill you pretty one.” Voice almost teasing now...
First thing's first. You want to know if I can write? Look up and decide for yourself. It's something I've had floating around for a bit. Hopefully you approve.
Hello there, and here's to hoping you find something you like in this little request.
What you can expect from me-
I average something like 400-600 words a post. With the possibility of more or less but that is where I seem to gravitate towards naturally. I don't demand the same from my partners just "enough" for each of us to bounce off each other. I think I'm pretty easy going when it comes down to it but if you're wanting short fast posts that just isn't what I do. I like detail and generally will aim for that (for myself) before I go for speed. (expect something like a 20-30 minute post cadence on average)
I aim for something like a 50/50 split between smut and story. A well written plot only makes the smut that much better and allows for a much longer lasting and more satisfying play. That isn't to say I'll never do more sexually oriented plays I just don't expect them to last as long. The same can be true for stories that don't have much smut at all. Smut does not always equal sex though so want to be the worlds best cock tease? I've no issue with that. A bit of sexual tension can go a long ways.
Real life comes first. If something comes up and you can't play for a time? It's fine. I'll catch you when I catch you.
Here's the most common scenario when collaborating through ideas... I look at my partner's likes and dislikes then throw out an idea unrelated to any of the ideas I've thrown together down here. The one thing that I'll always consider when looking at a setting is honestly... how well does sensual play fit in that setting? Anyways here's the start.
Steam Punk-
This is a perfect example of something built upon a setting that's hard to play out as a sexual rp aka something akin to the Victorian era. (not saying it can't be done but there are some serious road blocks) It's a twist that allows for the impossible while also allowing us to put a twist on history. Steam engines mixed with magic check... floating cities? Okay. Maybe add a bit of the modern? Sure. It fits.
The office-
An office situation of some sort. Whether it be a seduction of a younger coworker to the switching of roles. Revenge sex upon a bitchy boss. This could be fun with the right person.
high fantasy(and all the other spectrums honestly)-
Broad spectrum here.. whether it be the entrapment of a feline anthro to the wooing of a high elf. Most anything is possible.
Find a pairing and let's make it work.
Modern fantasy-
I love the idea.. It's dark.. brooding.. with modern sensibilities.. Make it exciting and I'll be all over it. Given the right partner I generally play a werewolf or a regular human in a world full of unexplainable things.. mage.. warrior.. fill in the blank. I like this for the same reason I like fantasy it's broad but familiar even while being exotic.
Post apocalyptic-
This one might allow for something far more primal than perhaps others. Perhaps more amoral just by the implied fierce setting and sheer necessity.
Beginnings of ideas
I often tend to just find a seed basically a pairing along with a setting and theme and start writing. Sometimes I don't even know what I'll say until I say it. I have no problem starting like this... also no problem discussing ideas especially if my partner wants something juicy.
Trapped by necessity in a broken world-
Drop dead gorgeous woman finding herself trapped by necessity with a group of males that have had their sense of civility knocked out of them long long ago. What is she to them?
The pain of pleasure... Two broken people finding each other (imagined within post apocalyptic world)-
she's been the trophy of every warlord that has ever managed to get ahold of her and the reason for their death's. What is love in a world broken as it has been? What happens when someone just as broken as she is scoops her up and moves something within her?
The Home breaker-
Handsome young hunk seduces another's wife. There's something sexy about knowing you shouldn't but you can't help but not. There's a whole lot of promise here.
For lust for ms hotness-
I'm suave mr money bags.. you're the hot thing I can't keep my eyes off of.. am I the hunter or the hunted?
Friend with benefits-
I've just met you and you me... maybe we met casually getting to know each other one night and exchanging phone numbers not truly expecting anything to come of it... one day I get a text asking to be picked up from one place or another.. I barely know you but I'm willing to be nice.. and as reward.. well things suddenly get interesting as the clothes start flying..
This could be in "play" or in reality within the rp. Many of my plays revolve around the idea of dom sub. This can go from one extreme (super light) to something on the other side of the scale. It really depends on the sensibilities and interests of my partner.
My girlfriend the pornstar-
Basically my character has been dating his high school sweetheart for years. They applied to the same college but ended up in different ones. They chose to go it long distance until he graduates as she chose to go the artsy rout. Two years later things seem to be going just fine and he gets an opportunity to transfer to a college near her... They rent a house together... it's unusually nice. He notices strange things such as odd bruises and unmatched stories... also she's far better in bed than she'd ever been before. Still, he doesn't connect the dots... not until he decided to browse pornhub one day and found her featured in their own home. Shock turns into anger then cold calculation... She'd been playing the innocent angel until now how was he going to uncover the horns underneath? A little revenge was in order... that and he intended to make her his in a way she'd never been before.
A living MMO- (newish)
Of late I've been eating up the brand new (at least for north America) book genre called Lit rpg. Probably the most famous example of this little category is the anime Sword Art Online or the book Ready Player One (not read yet but I've heard good things and it's on my list) but there are numerous books not just Asian inspired that pull from this. In my mind there's a lot here that could easily be the start of a story in this vein. It could go the traditional fantasy rout or something different aka pretty much any sci fi/fantasy/post apocalyptic genre. Perhaps the characters are stuck there or maybe not. Maybe our AI overlords turned everyone into a living battery a la the matrix but this idea would have the players be more aware, have levels, ect. Perhaps one of the characters is an NPC that reached self awareness and hence considers this world the true one? Maybe I play the gm and throw mobs at your character and we find out just who will get what? So many options.
Some more fleshed out ideas-
The taming of the beast- Human/Anthro possible d/s along with a bit of Roman politics with a dash of cortez meeting the new world (new)
Think a sci fi or fantasy world or galaxy ruled by an entity similar to what Rome was where the conquered are enslaved or forcefully assimilated. My character is a young nobleman tasked to explore and conquer a newly found land that before this point had been untouched. Think something similar to Cortez but without almost genocide. His plan would be to bring them into his empire and make them his vassals. He's promised anything he can hold in this new place and so he goes. There he finds a race of beastmen/were's/a humanoid alien race/neko/ or so on. These almost humans seem to be intelligent but they don't have "cities" per say or at least none have been found and hence the actually conquering was going far slower than anyone might think. They are mostly a nomadic fierce people and proud to say the least and after taking a foothold and carving out much of the territory that once had been governed by said people. He is challenged to a personal combat by the leader of that said people after bloodshed and to the victor the greatest of gifts he great chieftain's daughter... along with the promise of that little thing called legitimate succession. Failing that he was to leave to never come back... either that or face unending battle. And then there is the little fact that said daughter would rather gut her to be lord. Oh and what about the expected stream of slaves meant for the capital? So many battles and so little time. (This one could be done without the anthro aspect but it's what came to mind in concept and I'd love to do some world building in this.)
The god's right- higher being/human, greek myth, fantasy setting, or possibly urban fantasy (new)
He'd been watching her for much of her life. Enthralled the her beauty and so much more. Granting her his blessings even as she walked the world without knowing of her benefactor. That is until he hears a whisper of fate, she would find her destined but that destiny would end in her ruin and the ruin of all around her and he would be powerless to stop the fact... An idea formed... what if he took her heart instead? So the eve of the event to come he entered her dream and bound her heart to his... Not quite forcing her love but denying any other. He would make her his and would cheat even fate for her. (This story wouldn't be of any famous god of the times but one original. Perhaps even just a demi god set in either a fantasy or other setting within any mythical pantheon. The root of the idea is set along a Helen of Troy theme... and perhaps a what if scenario. What if the face that launched a thousand ships were taken before the king of Sparta ever saw her? Would it end better this way or far worse. Especially now that it's not just a King's eye she snared but something a bit more powerful. Some food for thought.)
Elements I like
bits and pieces of what I like in my stories. Obviously some cancel each other out so don't take this as an everything every time
Emotional impact <-----!!
I like a bit of zing to my stories. Sometimes that means allowing characters make mistakes such as an accidental affair. Sometimes I introduce a second love interest for my partner. Cheating... Finding one's girlfriend with or married to someone else after a long absence (perhaps my character is sent overseas and is considered MIA and just shows up again). Sudden break ups based off of imperfect info. Memory loss. I like a little jealousy. It tends to make things that much more spicy. I know I focused more on the mixed or negative aspect here but anything that makes the story cause your heart to throb. It could be just for pure happiness or maybe devastation. Aka drama is good. <thumbs up>
A good love story-
Even in my most extreme plays there's often a real attempt to make it something more than a sex fest. I like to have my characters feel a connection and for his partners to feel the same. I'm a varied player but this is often important to me. It doesn't have to be sweet in can be full of teeth or as soft as a kiss but it adds something.
I like to space things out it doesn't have to be all sex... a little sensuality can go a long ways even if they end up just playing along that razor that is sexual tension and never quite fall off into the act. I've had plays where the main characters never quite hit home base for weeks and enjoyed the heck out of them. I am going to say this is likely the exception but it has and can be done.
Pseudo Non con- One of my biggest ons is my partners pleasure... hence true non con is usually meh to worse for me. That said, I love non con that's more along the lines of initial resistance turning into full on extasy... There has to be tells. Aka something in her eyes.. or the way her breath hitches.. or an in held cry of pleasure. Given the right situation I'm definitely not against force.. maybe even taking the other character against her will.. but my way of doing things is almost always with the idea of eventually making the other see that despite her pride.. despite the degradation.. she really wants this.. even if it's despite herself. That is sexy. I'd consider extreme nc to be playing the act without any real sense of progression.. No change to the character.. no covered interest. When I find partner's were where there's chemistry here.. it's hawt stuff.
An image is worth a thousand words (sometimes)-
I often throw a portrait of my characters to my partners as well as giving a little eye candy to detail what's going on with the story. Whether that be clothing, places, things, positions, or maybe even full on gifs. I like to litter these in liberally through my story. Yes this doesn't take the place of description but it can definitely add spice overall.
Being dressed up for-
Surprise me and you'll have my attention. From a new set of lingerie to that cute dress you wanted to show off. It can be as naughty or nice as you like. Just don't skimp on the details.
I like to tease and be teased. Perhaps our characters are in a place they can't act out their desires but mine finds a way to make your character wet with just his voice against her ear.
Dirty talk and name calling-
Love it. I like this filthy as can be both giving and receiving. I especially like the juxtaposition of a normally good girl getting turned on by all the nasty things her partner might say in the heat of the moment or with the shoe on the other foot how her mouth takes a nice dive when she's riding that sexual high. It doesn't have to be an immediate effect and it doesn't have to be every time but I like it there.
I like it rough-
I like very few limits and prefer to keep my character "untamed" that said many people have something they just don't like in a play. Let me know yours and we'll see just how far this rabbit hole goes.
Clothed sex-
There's something hot about passion leading to yanking down of my partners jeans, pulling her panties to the side and having my character thrust his... <coughs> I think you get the idea. <grins> Which leads me to...
Sex in unexpected places-
It doesn't always have to be in the bedroom. There may even be a bit of danger involved or even the chance to be caught. Playing with fire so to say. Just the element of unpredictability here.
Loss of control-
Though I usually start on top I'm not at all against a woman taking control. I love a little unpredictability. I'll play pretty much any scene by ear. You want to dom me? Go ahead and try. I'm not promising I'll give in but I won't be impervious to it either.
So I thought of putting a pairings list and realized that the combinations could go on for a bit soo... here's my solution. Mix and match as you like-
I'll play a human/were/alien/monster/barbarian/orc/dragon/anthro/vampire with a human (absolutely nothing wrong with this)/were/cat or fox girl (bit of a soft spot here)/elf (light or dark or any in between also a soft spot)/alien/anthro/succubus/vampires
ect ect. (Aka I'm pretty open here)
These are just a few ideas mix and match to please or let's just make something up. Here's to hoping we can rp some time.<smiles> Laters.