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In the realm of darkness

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daddys little slut

Jan 9, 2009
Fog rose from the forest, like the tendils of some misty beast, the mangrove trees forming a cage in the brackish water. A figure jumped from tree to tree, clad entirely in a black cloak of dragon scales, and a rapier in her right hand. She jumped back down to her group of companions, who were sitting at camp.
The figure was Jessica "Dragonlily" Hiroki, theif, sadist, and mistress of illusion. "So the castle has a guard shift of fourty men and there are three shifts, plus a platoon of the kings knights. In other words, nothing big!" She giggled and pointed, hopping up and down with almost childish excitement. "Come on, they should be discovering the gaurd i killed about now and i wanna see their faces!"
Misha grinned playfully at her sister then stood up from her makeshift seat. "I'd like to see that. I'd like to then smash in those faces once I've had my fill." "Burning Lily" as she was known in this place twirled her spiked pace on her finger using the leather strap. "C'mon cutie, if anything I'm waiting on you now." She started walking off in the direction of the patrolling guards, enchanting her mace with a hint of her frightful blast. It shimmered a little to show the magic that was inside the high-quality steel.
Vera"The Hammer"Mark regarded her companions with a cool glance as she saw to her weapon of choice,morning star.She brushed a stray lock of her chestnut brow hair away from her Icy blue eyes and stood up to follow Misha and Jessica."Just save a few lovely skulls for me to break open dears.."She said with a soft voice as her lips twitched slightly in a smile.As she aroseher coak swayed slightly in the breeze showing her slim form,few would think that she could crush a man easily.As much as she enjoyed bloodying her weapon she wasnt too fond of bringing down the entire castle guard on them and it showed in her look of slight irritation.
Aasiya Sat on a rock near the fire with her legs crosses and her back sitting straight and the metal tassles waving slightly in the wind, she watched with blind folded eyes as the women she ventured with made thier way towards the castle, she scouted the area making sure the area was clear, not that they couldn't handle themselves if anything were to pop out at them by suprise, her white lips twitched slightly as she watched the two walk through the forest, she had her Bow and arrows strung across her back and herSword on her hip, she could easily defend herself if the need was to arise, she soon got up and followed the one named Vera easily letting the two brutes of the pack be at the front.
Jessica laughed and jumped from tree to ree after her sister, her cloak flowing in the stale wind that wound its way through the mangrove roots. She held her off hand blade tightly in white knuckles. the heavily bloodstained edge coated in fresh fluid. Once they got to the grisly scene of the castle courtwayd, the girl was positively giddy with anticipation. Hanging from the perfect white tree in the cent of the courtyard, was the gutted body of a gaurd, his heart stuffed in his mouth, his skin removed, and his genitals as well, his intestines were arrayed into a pentagram, with a word in blood and an organ at each point. The top had the word lust and was adorned with his genitals, next was the word blasphemy, which held his lungs, third was the word pride, which held his tongue, fourth was the word envy, which held his eyes, and lastly was the word Murder, which held his severed hands.
Once Misha reached the edge of the swamp at the courtyard she smiled giddily. "She's getting really good at this." She said under her breath as she dispelled her witchwood walk. She inspected her sister's work with great pride then held up one of his eyes and popped it into her mouth. She waited by the wall for the guards to make their patrol around here. She would greet them once they found the bodies, but she wouldn't take responsibility. She loved her sister too much for that. Instead she would just smash one of them in the face with her charged mace, making him run away screaming while blood bubbles from his broken nose and mouth.
She moved forward into the court yard and kept her calm face as she walked near Jessica and stood next to her the hair garments jingling softly as she turned her head " so messy" she said quietly and moved her head around slightly watching as the guard Misha was waiting for came around after not seeing the one Jessica played with, she kept calm as she placed her hand on Jessica's back watching through her eyes.
Vera quietly made her way into the cortyard and took in the sight of the dismembered guard with a cool smile."I must say that your craftsmanship is certanly improving Jessica."She noted and sliped to one side of the entrence way,pulling her morning star from its place and taking her place.She softly murmered a spell and cast Bull's Strength on herself eager to quench her weapons thirst.Meanwhile the soft clink of boots could be heard as a small group of guards made there way into the court yard searching for the missing guard.One of the guards was calling out a name."Niel? Niel where are you man? Rhy managed to unearth a few bottles of ale and...."His voice cut off as he gazed upon the sight of the missing guard,his body mutilated and aranged in a horific manner.Suddenly he couldnt handle the sight and his breakfast made a reaperance.As he doubled over he caught sight of four strange women and cryed out.
Jessica smiled and created an illusion that made her look like a helpless child in manacles. as the second gaurd dashe up to save the "little girl" he recieved a rapier straight through his chest. "This is fun!" the younger tiefling sister giggled, and as the gaurds came rushing in she cast another spell, this time a powerfull necromacy spell, that when she laid a hand on the gaurd, made scream from the negative enrgy racking his body. "PLAYTIME!" she shrieked
Misha switched the enchantment on her mace to one of fire since all of them already seemed frightened enough. She ended up using her disembodied hand ability, she threw her mace at another one of the guards, catching him on fire, causing him to somehow scream bloody murder with a crushed rib cage. Though the enchantment was gone, she continued to use her floating hand to beat him senseless. Teeth and bits of bone and gore spattering the ground until the guard's head was nothing but a bloody mush of tissue and broken bits of bone.
She listened easily and drew her bow and stringing a very long arrow with an odd looking tip, she waited for a moment and tapped it with her finger gently before firing it, th arrow seemed to curve on its own going through and catching three of the guards in the head on the single long arrow and dragging them with it, it impaled the stone wall and seemed to hang there for a moment before drawing back out of the heads brain lingering on it as it flew back to her, she caught it in a single motion and extended her young out taking the brain lobe in her mouth and sucking it up swallowing it easily, she redrew her bow and fired another shot catching a few at the top of the castle.
Very grinned as she caught a guard in the chest with a single mighty swing,the sound of ribs shattering music to her ears.She licked her lips as she watched him crumple to the ground taking pleasure as she crushed each of his kneecaps and elbows before caving in his skull with another swing.she jabbed her hand into his chest and drew out his heart,biting into it and savoring the thick warm blood and meat as it made its way down her throat.She sighed happily and finished the heart before wiping her mouth with her hand and licking it clean.She murmered a prayer as she removed the mans left hand and left eye, a tribute to her dieity
Jessica watched the chaos around her with a soft smile, jumping and back flipping over a gaurd as she brought her offhand blade under his chin, ripping his head off and cutting it in half with one slash. The brain matter exploded all over her, but was repeplled by one of her cloak's many enchantments. She grinned savagely as the knights approached, clad in full plate, with powerful swords and shields. "Misha, care to kill the tin cans for us?"
Misha grinned savagely and started moving toward the knights. "Gladly, sister." She hung her mace on her belt, anticipating that she was going to need both hands for what she was going to do next. Her eyes started glowing a bright yellow and she started waving a circle above her head with one hand and pointing at one of the knights in the center of the group, centering him out as her target. A ball of energy, the same colour as her eyes appeared far above the knight's head and shot down many rays, surrounding the entire group in a circle. Once everything was set up the energy surrounding Misha burst in a bright flash as she shouted "Noxious Doom!" After a moment, the circle and the ball of energy disappeared. The knights kept advancing but little by little they started dropping to their knees and holding their stomachs as they started vomit not only the contents of their bowels, but blood and gore and organs. Some struggled to remove their helmets so they wouldn't breathe in the sickening substance and drown in it, but either way, after a few minutes of screams and the sound of retching all of the knights layed dead in a bubbling pile of bloody vomit.
She returned her arrow back into her quiver and waits for Misha to kill the rest of them off, she walked over to the group of men and bent down placing her hand on one of here heads and pulling out a knife and feeling her way around his skull as she inserted the knife, she drew a fine line around his skull and removed it to feel the squishy lobes of the brain, she smiled slightly her white lips quivering slightly as she reached in and expertly removed it holding the nicly size brain in her hands licking her fingers.
Vera smiled as she gazed at the oncoming guads,taking a second to admire her comrads job with the fallen knights.Her morning star flasing like a silver streak as it bit hungerly into a guards chest,leaving a gaping opening in the man's chest.She reached in and crushed the mans heart before rounding upon two more guards.She flung her morning star and struck the first in the face,a sickening cruch as his face shattered.As the first guard fell she lunged forward and grabbed the guard by the throat,her nails digging into the flesh as she grabbed and dug in before tearing away a chunk of his throat.She giggled as she grabbed her morning star again and shatered each of their skulls to be sure,their brains splatering the ground.
With a wicked cackle, Jessica set up her own devastating attack with a snap of her fingers and a quick arcane word, she launched a bal of writhing shadow's that caughtseveral gaurds in it's cold grip, then as an ornate pentagram and circle breifly appeared on the ground, catching the gaurds who thoug t they could sneak up on jessica. then as the castle's top Wizard and the kings advisor came out to investigate, Jessica whipered a few words, and the man suddenly launched a meteor swarm into the castle barracks, incinerating all but four of the remaing gaurds.
Seeing that there were still just a few survivors, Misha made a slight gesture and a shimmer in the air in the form of small wings appeared behind her. She leaped up into the air and floated just sixty feet away from the survivors before making a queer dance in midair. Glowing black and purple chains formed around her and spun as she did until she stopped and held out her hand. The tip of the chain grew a demon's gnarled hand and shot toward the closest of the four guards. As the phantom chain passed through him, a link caught a vital part of the man's soul and carried it to the next, and the next until the chain was linked through each one. The demon hand on the end took each piece of soul and crushed it into dust, causing the men caught by the chain to age and wrinkle and decay until they became such as well.
She stood after eatting the brain and licking her white lips eagerly, she turned her head to the side watching all three of them and smirked moving over next to Vera, she stood there getting a bit of brain of her face and licking it slightly then turning her head to vera placing her hand on her back softly watching through her eyes " humm hey certainly know how to entertain themselves."
Vera sighed softly,her breathing slow and even as she licked the blood from one of the wicked spikes of her weapon,She felt the soft touch of Aasiya's hand on her back and knew that she was using her eyes to see the surrounding area."They certanly do,Its one of the reasions Ive stayed around."She had allways prefered to work alone but there was something about the sisters that kept her there though she knew that if she ever crossed either one of them then she would be hard pressed to come out of it with her life.
Jessica grinned at her sister and with a simple casting of whirling blade, she sent her offhand weapon careening into a large group of soldiers, the bade spinning and slicing into each one, her modified spells always inflicted the most painful injuries and thus several soldiers dropped with mincemeat crotches, popped eyeballs or severed vocal cords. She giggled as she caught her gore coated blade and licked it clean. "Nummy!" said the slightly younger and much more childish sister.
Misha looked at her sister proudly and floated over to her before landing and dispelling her own flight. "Very nice, sister. You might actually surpass me in mass murder tonight. Don't get your hopes up though, I still have tricks up my sleeve." She looked up at the castle's keep, undefended now that the castle guard had been eliminated. "So where to next, cutie?"
She smirked and watched with Vera, she could hear something behind them a far ways away, she turned slightly using her telepathic sight to see whoever was there, she then reached down to her leg slowly pulling a blade out and swings around impaling a soldier in the throat, she waved her hand and it came back to her hand easily while pocketing it in the strap on her leg, she turned back to watch the sisters and smirked slightly .
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