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A Forbidden love (LukeDeadwood x Malice_Nightshade)

Vaguely Arahel had processed that he had heard Venom begin to stir and had even heard the male call his name, but the Prince didn't respond. So he was a little startled when he felt Venom suddenly hug him, and even more so when the man kissed him. But he didn't protest or try to move away, instead letting it happen and even returning it just slightly. He didn't protest to the human pulling him closer to hold him. Though he could feel the disapproving glare from Vex. "Venom is injured" The Prince could practically hear the demon saying it without the servant having to actually say it, but he ignored it, simply falling for the snuggles. Arahel was a sucker for the fingers playing with his hair, so even if he had thought about pulling away he wasn't go to do it anyway. Venom seemed like he needed it anyway.

He hummed softly as he listened to the male speak, keeping quiet all the while so the male could get out what he needed to say. And when Shadow came out he stayed quiet too, even when the silence occurred, being patient as he waited for the human to speak his part. Then when Shadow was finished Arahel took a deep breath, waiting for a moment before speaking. "Are you sure you want to become a demon?" He asked, glancing off to the side when the three-headed pup shifted slightly, curling up to the two males. "Bahpomet is a fool, so of course he would tell you that turning you into a demon is the only way..." Arahel paused for a moment, shifting slightly as he reached down to let his fingers pat at one of the puppy's heads. "Though it is the only easy way to break the curse..."

A sigh sounded from the Prince then, reaching up to lightly touch at the bandage at the bandage on his face, wincing slightly. Oh yeah, his body was taking it's sweet ass time on healing his wounds. 'This better leave a badass scar behind or imma be so pissed...' The Prince thought, huffing softly. "I mean, no matter what path we go down it's bound to knock me on my ass for a day or two. Especially given how my body is spiritually constipated in terms of power at the moment from that little trip to Hell." It wasn't really as bad as he had made it sound, in all honestly. But that was just how it felt to him anyway. One of the good thing about being partially human was the fact that the typical painkillers worked for him. So the pain wasn't so bad at least. "And although you won't be bound to dad, you will be bound to me in a way instead...but ultimately the decision is up to you. It's whatever you choose." The last thing Arahel wanted to do was make Shadow into another slave, even if it was unintentional.

But the Prince didn't get much time to dwell on it before Vex used their mental link to gain his attention, making the man sigh softly. "Vex wants to check our injuries and change the bandages. Since you're awake now and he can properly tend to you and all of that..." He said softly, abruptly changing the subject. With a huff he turned his head, using his remaining eye to glare off in the direction where he knew the demon was hiding, Vex having chosen to hide himself when the human had first woken and approached Arahel.
Venom began to stir he ignored his broken ribs and the gouges across Lucifer's mark, that he gave himself when trying to stop the demon king from taking him, since he couldn't stop it he felt like s failure. Venom sat up despite the electric pain that shot through his chest. Venom, being the strongest of the two ignored the shudder inducing crunch of his ribs, he looked around for Arahel and found him, he was so happy to see the demon that he ignored any ailments he may have had, to him he had no fever, but his broken ribs were harder to hide, Venom gave a closed mouth cough and swallowed down the blood it produced and hugged him

"I'm so relieved, I'm so happy you're okay, especially after running through hell after us, you owed us nothing, but you decided to save us anyway at the cost of your wing your horn...your eye...." Venom was ashamed but Shadow even more so, for what it's worth... I'm...." He was about to apologize but Venoms royal pride was hard to break Shadow wants to apologize" Shadow knew that Venom put the task on him, but he didn't argue Shadow seemed more than just ashamed, he was hurt that he had caused Arahel so much trouble. After several moments of gathering courage he finally spoke, there was a slight wheeze to his breathing ” we told you, before... When we're were sitting on the roof top, Venom and have...feelings for you, but you already knew that... because of what your father did...we tried to take control and failed, the fact that we cared for you so much, we ended up hating ourselves for that failure, even more so when you came to rescue us and got hurt..." He smiled "...despite how good you look in horns" he said trying to lighten the mood "all I can do is apologize for what I did and what I'm going to do"

He knelt in front of Arahel and looked gently into Arahel's soul with soft eyes eyes of melted gold, he pushed a strand of hair behind his ears and pressed his lips to the demons, causing his heart to flutter, he wanted so much for Arahel to feel for them the way they did, for Arahel, but after what they caused why would he, as that thought crossed his mind a tear ran down his cheek, but the fact that Arahel leaned into the kiss if only a little gave them hope, he pulled away feeling hopeful that Arahel to felt as they did. Shadow was in excruciating pain, his cheeks were flush with fever, but he was determined to stay at Arahel's side, such was his love and dedication for the half demon Shadow smiled hugging Arahel from behind and resting his chin on to of his head giving him a scalp massage and grateful for the opportunity, he felt at peace when with Arahel.

Arahel's words rang in his ears are you sure you want to be a demon "if it means kicking your father's ass, I do, I want to be a demon, I won't let you take him alone, once you turn me, We can take him whenever were ready, I know it won't be easy" he said, predicting Arahel's words as he took his chin from his head and continued massaging his scalp as he looked so warmly at him, so affectionately "he realized that he was being selfish" I'm sorry, I was being selfish, I hope you don't mind I didn't even think when I kissed you I...." And there he went tripping over his words again, it only let Arahel know Shadows interest. Shadow wanted to take a deep breath but he knew doing so would tear up his lungs

"Arahel, I will only be a slave if you treat me like one...besides being bound to you versus your father, I would choose you any day, if this works there's a good chance Venom and I might merge and I can be Alexi once's been so long, please do this, if not to destroy you father than to give me a new life, Venom and I have grown close but he is after all the dark parts of my heart, my pride, my anger, all manifested into its own personality, with a mind of its own, so I'll say it again their is nothing I want more, than to be normal and fight at your side" he said solidly deciding that he wanted this. He looked to the wall where he sent Vex's energy was resonating from Just because I can't see you doesn't me I can't sense you, Vex" he whipped his head to Arahel " he wants to check our wounds?" Shadow looked at Arahel nervously "I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want to get scolded, I'm f...." Shadow coughed into his hands and hid the blood it produced, unfortunately he didn't hide it well enough as his lips were covered in blood, as blood dribbled down his chin "see, I'm fine" he lied through his bloody teeth, now he was growing dizzy, the pain from his broken ribs and perforated lungs, as well as his high fever had caught up to him, he was conscious, but barely.
Arahel sighed softly as he listened to Shadow's reasonings, unable to help it when he leaned into the hands that were rubbing at his scalp. I'm sorry, I was being selfish, I hope you don't mind I didn't even think when I kissed you I... At the words the Prince gave a slight shake of his head. "You don't have to worry about that..." He murmured softly. While he did find the actions of the other male highly endearing, he couldn't help but want to frown at the same time. Although the man was trying so hard, he wasn't exactly hiding his pain well from Arahel. Not to mention the feverish painting the other's features. But he chose not to bring it up, instead choosing to focus his attention on the rest of what Shadow said for the sake of respect of what the man was wanting to say.

"Very well, then..." Arahel said quietly, letting his eye shut for a moment. The resolution and solidarity was clearer than day itself, so he had no choice but to nod his head and abide by Shadow's wishes. "If that's what you want, then I'll do it." Then at Shadow's hesitance at letting Vex examine him he really did give frown softly, being gentle as he raised a hand to the man'e cheek, wiping the blood away from the male's lips and chin with his thumb. "No, you're not." Arahel wasn't sure of how conscious the other was and if he could process what was being said, but still he spoke up anyway. "And if you want to be by my side for when we fight Lucifer, then one way or another you're going to let Vex look you over. Because otherwise you won't even survive the process of turning into a demon." Perhaps he was being over dramatic about it, but the fact that Shadow was coughing up blood from the internal bleeding made him pretty damn sure about the chances of the human not surviving the process. And Arahel would be damned if he lost the man now after all of that.

Leaving no room for further debate the Heir began to move, flinching when his leg protested at the act but nonetheless he took a stand as Vex came closer to the duo. "Besides, the only one he scolds is me. So you don't have to be concerned about that." He offered a grin as he said that in some form of reassurance before leaning down, being as careful and gentle as he could in helping Shadow get up so that he and Vex could guide the human towards the bed to sit down on it. He kept a gentle hand on Shadow' shoulder a he took a seat next to the man, moving his attention to the shadow demon that neared, a faint glowing light visible against the shadows of his clawed hands.

"He's not the best at healing magic, so it's going to hurt a little bit. But it's better than nothing and it'll help with your ribs and lungs at least..." Arahel murmured softly, grimacing on the inside slightly. He could recall how it felt getting bones and such realigned. It didn't feel pleasant, and while he knew it couldn't be as bad as everything else Shadow had gone through, he didn't want the man to be hurt. "But either way he's going to be hurt...' He thought bitterly, sighing softly to himself.
He remembered what he had said to the demon, but Arahel was so nonchalant that Shadow thought he didn't care, Shadow was trying so hard, and all he could say was don't worry about that? it was a devastating blow this heart, a wound not even Vex could fix, it made his body ache even worse than his broken ribs, it was a pain that ran deep. Arahel told him he would do it since that's what Shadow wanted but even that hurt, he remembered every attempt at showing affection, and every time it seems Arahel apathetic to his attempts, he turned away and stopped fighting his injuries, why should he care if Arahel didn't.

Arahel wiped the blood from shadows lips and touched his burning cheek, the gesture felt endearing, but nothing more , you're right I'm not okay" he placed his hand on his chest right beneath his heart so as not to raise suspicion, why should he he say anything he would only be shut down again, and it already hurt, he wished the pain would stop but how does one heal a broken heart? By now Shadow stopped paying attention to what Arahel was saying about being in good condition if they were going to fight Lucifer "yeah, I understand"Shadow gave a fake smile to hide his pain and lifted his arms causing a fair amount of blood to fill his mouth nearly choking him but showing Vex the visibility mangled mess of broken ribs "Vex, I apologize for this, you may need to Cary me...I seem to lack the ability to move" the fact that he even asked such a thing was humiliating to the Russian prince.

Shadow felt them lift him into a standing position, he was in agony yet, he felt so...numb. He took another step and coughed up a fair amount of blood he swallowed most of it, but what he couldn't, ran down his chin leaving a small puddle on the wooden floor, he was growing dizzy from blood loss and fever that the thought of passing out was a welcome endeavor "I can't...lay down... I'll choke on blood, I'm sorry if I pass out" dizziness and darkness threatened to take him away but he fought it off until he reached the bed, the grinding of bone in bone would make anyone shudder, and wonder what was wrong with his nerves, but he knew it was Lucifer, the mark made Shadow and venom numb to physical pain so they could still fight even when injured, but even if the physical pain was numb he was still human and a broken one at that, they could both see the fevered crimson in his cheeks made exponentially worse by his current condition, they could feel his body shaking violently as he sat on the bed and and watched him fight off the urge to pass out.
"It's okay, I got you," Arahel flinched internally as he felt Shadow shaking so much as he helped the human stay upright. And knowing that the lameness of his response to Shadow telling his feelings made him feel worse about it. 'I'm so fucking horrible,' He thought, causing Vex to glance to him. The intense look made him flinch for real this time before the demon turned his focus to the human, raising a clawed hand to let it hover over Shadow's chest. The soft warm light that flooded Vex's palm reached out to the man's chest, almost appearing to sink inside of him to work on the internal injuries. The magic stitched up what shredded lung tissue it could while piecing the broken ribs back together. It wasn't the most terrific healing job, but it would help with the fever and hold until Shadow's body could properly heal itself. So long as he wasn't overly reckless with anything.

Meanwhile Arahel got lost in his thoughts as the healing process went on, holding tightly onto Shadow's shoulder. God he was such an asshole, wasn't he? He didn't do well with emotions. At all. He was really, really bad when it came to showing them. He was the son of Lucifer, after all. The Prince of Hell--he hardly got to have anyone he could really have any kinds of feelings for. Going from being surrounded by demons and tortured souls to interacting with humans on Earth, being assigned to conquer Earth but instead choosing not to. He couldn't get close to anyone even if he had wanted to for the fact that they'd get hunted down like an animal, courtesy of his father. This was an entirely new situation for him, and he'd gone and made an ass of himself. 'Just fucking typical...' Arahel sighed to himself, his attention being drawn back to Shadow and Vex as the demon finished and pulled his hand away.

Vex's gaze met Arahel's in an intense stare, making the Prince cringe somewhat. The two were quiet before the shadow demon glanced to the human before shaking his head. The word "hopeless" was grumbled as Vex hissed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose in minor aggravation before moving to standing in front of the devil-spawn. "Sit still." Was all he said before letting his hand hover over the bandages over Arahel's face, the healing magic making the male suck in a pained breath as the injury was agitated. Moments later Vex pulled away and glanced between the two males, giving a hiss-filled sigh. What was he going to do with these two? "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to step out for a little while." He said, stepping away but glanced towards Arahel. "I won't mediate this emotional constipation of yours. The two of you can settle this without my presence." With that Vex disappeared in a flash of shadows, leaving Shadow and Arahel by themselves.

Arahel stayed quiet before he looked to Shadow, biting at his lower lip slightly. "...Are you feeling better?" He asked softly, continuing to rest his hand on the human's shoulder, lightly rubbing his thumb in circles. "Y'know, the fever and all that." He clarified, hesitating a little bit on bringing up the other subject between the two of them.
Arahel's words were soft, and kind, but he wondered if the demon prince truly cared or if his voice bely the true feelings of his words. Shadow wanted so badly to show his pain but his pride outright denied him, so he simply swallowed it causing apathy to infect his heart, if Arahel didn't care, why would he, despite the emotional pain he focused on the physical pain it hurt like hell but it was his savior from the pain his heart, Shadow felt Arahel shiver because of how badly he shook, but that was because his body was so broken, it was a miracle he was even alive, perhaps it was hope that kept Shadow alive, hope that after so many years of being feared ad despised that someone would want to hold him, to love him, but he was wrong, he felt like he would forever be feared, despised, but worst of all, alone.

He saw Vex give Arahel a look that made the demon prince shiver again. Shadow felt Vex rest his hand on his chest, his hand was warm and pleasant, but the reknitting of bone and flesh was not a pleasant one, Shadow winced a single tear managed to escape his eye, the shaking of his body calmed to a soft tremble as he wiped away his tear using his physical pain as an excuse. With his body going into the process of self-recovery, he tried to look at Arahel but his eyes instinctively turned away from them "thank you for your help Arahel, but you can let go of my shoulder" he said softly with no feeling in his voice.

Shadow really admired Arahel, he was so strong yet so kind, he was sent to conquer earth, to do as his father commanded without being forced, but humans changed his mind, he grew to care for them yet afraid to get close, then Venom and Shadow show up, they were so similar, and if humans can make him feel like that...why couldn't he? He mulled this over as he sat on the bed. Shadow had an epiphany he realized that if he lay down he didn't have to worry about choking on blood so he did just that he lay down and turned his face to the wall, he couldn't bear too look at Arahel now, his heart would break all over again and he couldn't take another hit like that, it would crush him.

As Vex left the two alone Shadow was still heartbroken, but there was still a minuscule hope in his heart, he refused to let himself get so defeated, so he would try once more, if that didn't work he would give up on Arahel completely, he begged the fates that Arahel would show some emotional advances he turned to Arahel but still too shy to look him in the eye "yes, much, thank you for asking" his eyes went wide and his heart fluttered as Arahel rubbed Shadows shoulder. He smiled, it felt nice "my fever will break...would to sit with me, we're both still healing but I like, your company" he smiled finally able to look him in the eyes he frowned as Arahel stopped rubbing his shoulder

"Please, don't stop, it felt nice," he said sitting up, I want to say something before my wits return to me, Arahal...From the first time I met you, I felt a connection, despite Venom trying to kill you, you still showed us kindness, and I felt like we were kindred spirits both sent to earth for your fathers own selfish ideals...both of us hated...feared, I found comfort in your and Vex's presence, when you told me you wanted to take out your father it made me think, I could fight with his mark on me, and I wanted to fight beside you no matter what obstacles came at us...its when I decided that I want to be a part of you, to share your gift and your curse, but not only to defeat your father, but because..." He turned away shyly "when you were apathetic...cold, I thought you didn't felt like like you didnt care, or even tried to...its what hurt the most" Shadow looked away then back to Arahel trembling as he waited and prepared for an apathetic response.
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