- Joined
- Jul 18, 2019
- Location
- Lost in Fantasies

Hello! Hope you guys room for one more. I'm Tahiel (please feel free to call me whatever you like, obviously that's not my real name and I far prefer terms of endearment) and it's a pleasure to meet you all. I had stumbled through the internet for a while and managed to find this site and couldn't say no. I have managed to stick with my online D&D group for over a year now and decided to expand my horizons. Been craving a few things that I don't think my group can help with. Hopefully this post will help to find a few fun partners.
Tahiel, Seeker of Partners;
A bit about me. Anything bio related can be found on my profile if that concerns you. I might be new to BMRP but I've been involved in RP off again and on again for the last couple years.First and foremost, I don't actually care about your IRL gender. If you're male, female, trans, non-binary, or somewhere else it doesn't bother me. Nor does orientation bother me. I'm a "people person" and enjoy people more than anything else. If we're having a good RP, chances are I'll be into you.
As an RP partner, I don't have any "rules" but instead preferences. I'm happy to work with you and will respect your wishes, I ask you do the same with me. I'm always open for chat, either OOC or about our RP. I'll never get upset with you for saying you're not comfortable with something, I also understand that no means no. If you have something you don't enjoy, I won't push it. All I ask is that you tell me. Also, I'm always happy to just chat. If you're having a bad day and need to vent, I'm available.

It's not about how much you write, it's about how you write it;
Post length isn't something I normally concern myself with. Sometimes a scene only needs a few lines, sometimes it needs half a book. I leave that judgement to my partners. Though, I will say upfront, I do love details so don't be afraid of them!I don't subscribe to the idea of plot to smut ratios. Some stories will be more smutty than others, and the same applies to scenes. I just want it to make sense, if our characters met just five minutes ago they're probably not going to jumping into the sack with each other.
An extra note about smut, I do love a good dirty romp in the sheets but there has to be more than just that in our RP. Something has to drive the RP forward, unless you're looking for a short term purely smut driven RP. If that is the case, please just tell me upfront and I'll be happy to work with you.
I do lead a pretty busy life outside of here, so please be patient with me. I might not always be able to reply right away. However, if I'm going to be gone over a week I will say something. If I get exceptionally busy and haven't had a chance to reply to our RP and it's been a week, I will send you a message and let you know what's up. I ask that all of my partners hold a similar policy.

I have no problems playing male, female, trans, non-binary, or any other kind of character. I also am able to play as a dom or a sub. The only exception is, I cannot play a dom who is dominating a male character. I apologize to the heartbroken guys out there. At heart, I'm a sub and for whatever reason I just can't enjoy it.I'm open to most kinks and interests of my partners, however I do have a few hard no's that I must insist on. If you're interested in something and it isn't on this list, chances are I'll be happy to facilitate an RP with it. Above all else though, my biggest kink is seeing my partners enjoying themselves. If I can tell you're getting something out of this, then the RP will be extremely rewarding for me.
[*]Underage Characters
[*]"hyper" anatomy
[*]Furries (I don't mind some animal traits, but I can't do animal + legs and speeh, sorry)
[*]Blood play
Currently I am looking for what I have listed below. I am very strapped for time right now and can only afford time for two or maybe three RPs. If what I have listed is interesting to you and you feel like you can expand on what I've provided, please let me know!
I'm looking for a good RP partner for the Warcraft universe. I'm not particular about the time period, it could be during the Vanilla time period all the way up to the current expansion. Depending on our races and what expansion it takes place in will help us determine the start of the story. Ideally this is a long running RP that eventually catches up to the current events of the game and perhaps into the future as we carry the RP on. If the RP goes on long enough and we both get comfortable with each other it might be an RP that carries over to an in-game setting, but that isn't something I'm set on.
In that fantasy vein, I'm also looking for an RP based in a D&D-esque world. Something that is inspired by and draws from the 5e world. This is an RP I want to feel loosely like an tabletop game with all sorts of naughty fun sprinkled throughout the world. Ideally we would set up something on Roll 20 and build proper character sheets, art, and of course rolling dice when it's appropriate. This will take quite a bit of work ahead of time to set up the world and our characters in it and I would treat this as if we're both co-dms. This will also require a bit of communication OOC to keep the story rolling once it's started. That said, if enough people show interest in this, I might actually organize a group for this but no promises.Something Unique;
Hope to hear from you soon!