- Joined
- Jul 18, 2019
Before PMing me regarding any of my ideas please read the few rules I have placed, thank you!
Hope to RP with many of you soon! \o/
1.) Please if you can help it, please at LEAST a paragraph per reply or at least enough to keep the plot interesting so it doesn't get dull. Last thing you wanna do is for a great story going stale fast, ya know??
2.) I will RP on threads, PM's or Discord: Usani#2751
3.) I am open to any gender playing M or F but please respect my decision as always playing a female sub, I've tried playing males and Domme's before and I just didn't feel comfortable with it.
4.) I will not rp Vanilla. I prefer D/s and or DD (MD)/LG pairings. If you don't know about DD-Daddy Dom (MD-Mommy Domme) please do the research before messaging me. I prefer to rp with someone who has basic knowledge of what the kind of relationship involves. And as a Little NONE of my characters will ever interact sexually when in Littlespace! Littlespace is when they are having play time and wanting snuggles and to be nurtured.
5.) My kinks that are listed are my faves that I will pretty much use in all my RPs unless the plot is something different, I will let you know. My MAIN Offs that I will not work with AT ALL, are anal unless it's anal with toys, fingers or rimming only, no degradation, humiliation, my OCs may be open to RECEIVING foot play but ask me first, no rape, tit fucking, gore or any gross stuff like that. Anything other than that just ask cause I may have forgotten to add some on my ONs list. ^_^
6.) I prefer to RP with people that will use face claims for characters. The one's listed below are males that I prefer to rp against. And so that means you may choose MY OC since you are the one that will be attracted to her, so just makes sense choose yours just as well as you choose mine, right?
Kinks-Turn Ons: (If you don't see one here or on my Offs, please ask about it cause I may have just forgotten to add one!)
Collars and Leashes
Being Dominated
Hair pulling
LIGHT choking
Orgasm denial/control
Knife Play
Sex toys (Vibrators, dildos, cuffs, scarfs)
Licking, Biting and Scratching
Anal with ONLY toys and fingers, plus receiving rimming!
Dirty talk
Cumming on Tits & Chest as well as "inside"
1.) Anal involving anything that isn't listed in my Kink list above here!
2.) Tit fucking
3.) Non-Con
4.) Humiliation/Degradation
5.) ANY type of toilet play/gore/vore
6.) Slapping
7.) Verbal/Physical and or Mental Abuse
8.) No cumming on face (refer to Ons list for substitutions.)
AJ Mclean (Alex) (From Backstreet Boys)
Howie Dorough from BSB
Markiplier (Mark) (Favorite Youtuber)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDM) (Negan-TWD)
Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon-TWD)
Original Ideas (WIP):
1.) Daddy I Need Your Help With Something: My character lost contact with her dad after she moved away for College. She's never had a mom in her life, her mother left when she was little. Over the years my character has been in a few relationships here and there, most of them short lived for the most part. Then she met this one guy during her 3rd year in College and they dated for a good 2 years until they graduated. He never hurt her physically but things became very hard and distant for her and her boyfriend beause when they were dating so was having trouble with sex because she could not get off and she didn't know why. She tried everything she could but her bf just thought it was him and that she was cheating on him so he became very controlling, verbally and mentally abusive. But, when College finally ended she decided to move back to her home town and get her own apartment since she was single again. When she was finally all moved in and everything she knew she needed to find out what was wrong so she had set up an appt for a medical specialist to help her find the issue. She hasn't seen her dad in about 5 years so imagine her surprise when he walks into the exam room and is her doctor!!
(The dad/doctor):
2.) So, if anyone's seen the campy horror movie from Nick Carter called Dead 7, AJ Mclean plays the character Johnny Vermillion. . This one will actually be revolving around my female OC and Johnny. But, basically I wanna do a kidnapping story where eventually she gets Stockholm Syndrome after being around him and actually gets into him.
Now the difference between this version of Johnny and the one from the movie is that he doesn't eat people but he does kill people but only those who deserve it, so kinda like a Vigilante deal. So, kidnapping my character would be something he's never done before but there was just something about her he couldn't stop thinking about and he had to have her. (Now this is all I have for this idea so far BUT I wanted to post it because maybe someone could help me add on to it!)
3.) So, this is pretty much coming off a real life situation I'm going through right now so I'd love to do a rp to kinda help me with vent some feelings in a way, as weird as it sounds.
So, the idea (Step Daddy/ Step Daughter) is rather simple but my character just got dumped by her long time her boyfriend who was also her Dom and even collared her! (Now, if I can find someone who actually knows the meaning behind collaring and understands the seriousness of it that will help but even if not that's okay I can explain it). She's been with him since her Senior year of high school and now she's in her second year of College, so they had been together for about 3 years. So, when she comes home one night in a mess of tears she breaks down and tells her daddy the whole story and her daddy not only being a real Dom as well as a Primal type Dom does not appreciate seeing her daughter in her pain. What happens when later that night, after she had basically cried herself to sleep on the couch he carries her upstairs. Well, later in the middle of the night he overhears what sounds like talking but its mumbled and he realizes shes talking and moaning in her sleep but its about *him* (her dad)! What if deep down the only reason she was dating crappy guys (obviously the type wasnt by choice) was because she secretly had eyes for her daddy but knew it was wrong even if he is her step dad but he has the same feelings.
(We can pretty much add from there or whatever you like. And I would prefer to do faceclaims for our characters and I have one already picked out for the daddy and so you chose who you want my character to look like! Please read over all my kinks and info on how I rp on my first page as well!
3.) Pulling Her From The Dark: (Looking for someone to play the Dominant best friend, this will be a D/s story): So, I've been binge watching Degrassi: The Next Generation (now on season 6) and wanted to do an idea that revolves around a new Freshman and a long lost male best friend. My character Jessica was always the top of her class all through high school, she was popular, beautiful and had the closest friend in the world that she grew up with. Now when it comes to her mother (her dad died when she was 3) Jess always is trying to work her hardest and not let her mother down but her mother would always find something else to nag about. Behind the scenes of it all Jessica was pretty much verbally and emotionally abused by her. So, needless to say moving onto campus was a major dream for her. But, the only thing that was missing to make everything perfect was her best friend but he had left for a whole year to go traveling after he graduated a year earlier than her and she was also told he'd be moving out of state after (She lives in Florida) but to her surprise when she moves into her Dorm she walks into the Dorm to see a second bed and...he was on it.
This stuff that's a lot deeper then when I've said but I don't wanna mention EVERYTHING w/o ruining the story of course. I'm also open to your own ideas or if you wanna add to this one. And for the male best friend (love interest) I want to use Markiplier for it. So, as for my character pick whoever you like! Any questions about the idea, my rules, On and Off list just let me know, I won't bite...well not hard at least lol.

Fandom Ideas:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Spike/Dawn):
1.) This'll be an AU (Alternate Universe, meaning instead of Spike being in love with Buffy he will actually be in love with Dawn who is now 20). I wanna do a scenario where Spike is attacked by a very strong demon/warlock and it almost kills him. Well, Dawn just recently admitted to Spike that she loved him and so now when she finds out about Spike she's now on a rampage. She goes to Willow for help and at this point Willow is still under black magic, so to help she transfers some of her magic to Dawn. When Willow realizes how out of control Dawn has become she casts a spell to bring Spike back to life and only he can stop Dawn and save her! I really wanna do this one!
2.) Dawn is 19 but she still lives with Willow and Tara even after Buffy's death. Dawn has been feeling really alone lately and is having a hard time dealing with Buffy's death still. Spike still keeps an eye on Dawn and protects her as much as he can, even if that means just dropping by to see her in the middle of the night, so he is the only one that can help her get through this. Dawn has become closer to Spike more then ever and is beginning to fall in love with him but is scared to tell him.
3.) In this story Dawn is not a slayer but Buffy is dead. Now that Buffy is gone there is a demon that has been trying to hunt her down for years well now he goes after her little sister, (shes 19). Well, Dawn ends up being attacked and is on the verge of dying and there is only one person who can save her...Spike. He's loved down for a long time and refuses to lose her so there is only one way to save her, he turns her.
Firetstarter: (Daddy x Daughter (18)
)- For anyone that has seen the remake or even the trailer of it, I would love someone to do this story with me! Now I just mean the basic idea and having him play as the Dom Daddy. But as for the setting, maybe shes in College or something Idk but we can change some things if anyone has an idea.
New Daddy Dom faceclaim Im craving for someone to use!
I would fucking LOOOOVE if someone or even 2 people will play Nacho and or Massimo! I wanna do a Poly rp where they share me. BUT, I am also open to just OC x Nacho or OC x Massimo as well. But, just in general Im looking for someone/people to play Dom Nacho and obviously Massimo is a Dom too lol (if youve seen any of the movies
1.) Please if you can help it, please at LEAST a paragraph per reply or at least enough to keep the plot interesting so it doesn't get dull. Last thing you wanna do is for a great story going stale fast, ya know??
2.) I will RP on threads, PM's or Discord: Usani#2751
3.) I am open to any gender playing M or F but please respect my decision as always playing a female sub, I've tried playing males and Domme's before and I just didn't feel comfortable with it.
4.) I will not rp Vanilla. I prefer D/s and or DD (MD)/LG pairings. If you don't know about DD-Daddy Dom (MD-Mommy Domme) please do the research before messaging me. I prefer to rp with someone who has basic knowledge of what the kind of relationship involves. And as a Little NONE of my characters will ever interact sexually when in Littlespace! Littlespace is when they are having play time and wanting snuggles and to be nurtured.
5.) My kinks that are listed are my faves that I will pretty much use in all my RPs unless the plot is something different, I will let you know. My MAIN Offs that I will not work with AT ALL, are anal unless it's anal with toys, fingers or rimming only, no degradation, humiliation, my OCs may be open to RECEIVING foot play but ask me first, no rape, tit fucking, gore or any gross stuff like that. Anything other than that just ask cause I may have forgotten to add some on my ONs list. ^_^
6.) I prefer to RP with people that will use face claims for characters. The one's listed below are males that I prefer to rp against. And so that means you may choose MY OC since you are the one that will be attracted to her, so just makes sense choose yours just as well as you choose mine, right?
Kinks-Turn Ons: (If you don't see one here or on my Offs, please ask about it cause I may have just forgotten to add one!)
Collars and Leashes
Being Dominated
Hair pulling
LIGHT choking
Orgasm denial/control
Knife Play
Sex toys (Vibrators, dildos, cuffs, scarfs)
Licking, Biting and Scratching
Anal with ONLY toys and fingers, plus receiving rimming!
Dirty talk
Cumming on Tits & Chest as well as "inside"
1.) Anal involving anything that isn't listed in my Kink list above here!
2.) Tit fucking
3.) Non-Con
4.) Humiliation/Degradation
5.) ANY type of toilet play/gore/vore
6.) Slapping
7.) Verbal/Physical and or Mental Abuse
8.) No cumming on face (refer to Ons list for substitutions.)
AJ Mclean (Alex) (From Backstreet Boys)

Howie Dorough from BSB

Markiplier (Mark) (Favorite Youtuber)

Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDM) (Negan-TWD)

Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon-TWD)

Original Ideas (WIP):
1.) Daddy I Need Your Help With Something: My character lost contact with her dad after she moved away for College. She's never had a mom in her life, her mother left when she was little. Over the years my character has been in a few relationships here and there, most of them short lived for the most part. Then she met this one guy during her 3rd year in College and they dated for a good 2 years until they graduated. He never hurt her physically but things became very hard and distant for her and her boyfriend beause when they were dating so was having trouble with sex because she could not get off and she didn't know why. She tried everything she could but her bf just thought it was him and that she was cheating on him so he became very controlling, verbally and mentally abusive. But, when College finally ended she decided to move back to her home town and get her own apartment since she was single again. When she was finally all moved in and everything she knew she needed to find out what was wrong so she had set up an appt for a medical specialist to help her find the issue. She hasn't seen her dad in about 5 years so imagine her surprise when he walks into the exam room and is her doctor!!
(The dad/doctor):

2.) So, if anyone's seen the campy horror movie from Nick Carter called Dead 7, AJ Mclean plays the character Johnny Vermillion. . This one will actually be revolving around my female OC and Johnny. But, basically I wanna do a kidnapping story where eventually she gets Stockholm Syndrome after being around him and actually gets into him.
Now the difference between this version of Johnny and the one from the movie is that he doesn't eat people but he does kill people but only those who deserve it, so kinda like a Vigilante deal. So, kidnapping my character would be something he's never done before but there was just something about her he couldn't stop thinking about and he had to have her. (Now this is all I have for this idea so far BUT I wanted to post it because maybe someone could help me add on to it!)

3.) So, this is pretty much coming off a real life situation I'm going through right now so I'd love to do a rp to kinda help me with vent some feelings in a way, as weird as it sounds.
So, the idea (Step Daddy/ Step Daughter) is rather simple but my character just got dumped by her long time her boyfriend who was also her Dom and even collared her! (Now, if I can find someone who actually knows the meaning behind collaring and understands the seriousness of it that will help but even if not that's okay I can explain it). She's been with him since her Senior year of high school and now she's in her second year of College, so they had been together for about 3 years. So, when she comes home one night in a mess of tears she breaks down and tells her daddy the whole story and her daddy not only being a real Dom as well as a Primal type Dom does not appreciate seeing her daughter in her pain. What happens when later that night, after she had basically cried herself to sleep on the couch he carries her upstairs. Well, later in the middle of the night he overhears what sounds like talking but its mumbled and he realizes shes talking and moaning in her sleep but its about *him* (her dad)! What if deep down the only reason she was dating crappy guys (obviously the type wasnt by choice) was because she secretly had eyes for her daddy but knew it was wrong even if he is her step dad but he has the same feelings.
(We can pretty much add from there or whatever you like. And I would prefer to do faceclaims for our characters and I have one already picked out for the daddy and so you chose who you want my character to look like! Please read over all my kinks and info on how I rp on my first page as well!
3.) Pulling Her From The Dark: (Looking for someone to play the Dominant best friend, this will be a D/s story): So, I've been binge watching Degrassi: The Next Generation (now on season 6) and wanted to do an idea that revolves around a new Freshman and a long lost male best friend. My character Jessica was always the top of her class all through high school, she was popular, beautiful and had the closest friend in the world that she grew up with. Now when it comes to her mother (her dad died when she was 3) Jess always is trying to work her hardest and not let her mother down but her mother would always find something else to nag about. Behind the scenes of it all Jessica was pretty much verbally and emotionally abused by her. So, needless to say moving onto campus was a major dream for her. But, the only thing that was missing to make everything perfect was her best friend but he had left for a whole year to go traveling after he graduated a year earlier than her and she was also told he'd be moving out of state after (She lives in Florida) but to her surprise when she moves into her Dorm she walks into the Dorm to see a second bed and...he was on it.
This stuff that's a lot deeper then when I've said but I don't wanna mention EVERYTHING w/o ruining the story of course. I'm also open to your own ideas or if you wanna add to this one. And for the male best friend (love interest) I want to use Markiplier for it. So, as for my character pick whoever you like! Any questions about the idea, my rules, On and Off list just let me know, I won't bite...well not hard at least lol.
Fandom Ideas:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Spike/Dawn):
1.) This'll be an AU (Alternate Universe, meaning instead of Spike being in love with Buffy he will actually be in love with Dawn who is now 20). I wanna do a scenario where Spike is attacked by a very strong demon/warlock and it almost kills him. Well, Dawn just recently admitted to Spike that she loved him and so now when she finds out about Spike she's now on a rampage. She goes to Willow for help and at this point Willow is still under black magic, so to help she transfers some of her magic to Dawn. When Willow realizes how out of control Dawn has become she casts a spell to bring Spike back to life and only he can stop Dawn and save her! I really wanna do this one!
2.) Dawn is 19 but she still lives with Willow and Tara even after Buffy's death. Dawn has been feeling really alone lately and is having a hard time dealing with Buffy's death still. Spike still keeps an eye on Dawn and protects her as much as he can, even if that means just dropping by to see her in the middle of the night, so he is the only one that can help her get through this. Dawn has become closer to Spike more then ever and is beginning to fall in love with him but is scared to tell him.
3.) In this story Dawn is not a slayer but Buffy is dead. Now that Buffy is gone there is a demon that has been trying to hunt her down for years well now he goes after her little sister, (shes 19). Well, Dawn ends up being attacked and is on the verge of dying and there is only one person who can save her...Spike. He's loved down for a long time and refuses to lose her so there is only one way to save her, he turns her.
Firetstarter: (Daddy x Daughter (18)
)- For anyone that has seen the remake or even the trailer of it, I would love someone to do this story with me! Now I just mean the basic idea and having him play as the Dom Daddy. But as for the setting, maybe shes in College or something Idk but we can change some things if anyone has an idea.

New Daddy Dom faceclaim Im craving for someone to use!

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