Fx Any Vicious Killer Seeks Human Partner [closed]


Life, um, finds a way.
May 6, 2018

She's been in prison for 54 years but she hasn't aged a day.

Her crimes exist only in redacted files, in a sparse few photos that managed to make it into circulation, and a grainy black-and-white video taken from a 1960s camcorder exploring the inside of one of her bloody crime scenes after the bodies had been taken away.

Locked in high security isolation, she's the subject of fascination to medical specialists, a legendary figure amongst FBI agents, a myth on conspiracy forums, and though all of the stories vary, the common thread is the brutality of her kills.

Coldly charming, clever and sociopathic, she's a long-lived warlord, a supernatural warrior, and a willful killer.

She's also bored out of her fucking mind.

I'm looking for a partner who would be interested in playing opposite to a character like the one above. This would be a story with a basis in horror and dark humour and she's a Bonnie looking for her Clyde (or Claudette, or Non Binary Partner in crime) though she may not know it yet. I idealize a setting where my character starts in prison and there are several options for how it proceeds:

1) She is released into the custody of a handler in order to study her; this could be an FBI agent wanting to interview her or a medical specialist wanting to examine her, with her consent.
2) She escapes during transport and happens to step into the life of a human whose world is going to hell anyways. She makes it a lot worse, but adds something terrifying and exciting to their world. (This could be anything from her destroying a boring existence to her encouraging them to kill their abuser, then helping them do it)
3) She is busted out by criminals, who either mistake her for someone else, or who heard the myths and want her on their side.

I'm also open to other offers, including: an overly-curious journalist who doesn't know what's good for them, an up-and-coming criminal who wants to learn the ropes from an old hat, a fellow prisoner (of perhaps a lesser crime) who breaks her out during their own escape, or someone self serving and cocky who mistakenly believes they can control her, only to be systematically broken by her and rebuilt to her liking. Your character may or may not be aware of what she is, or they may not believe it until they see it themselves - tell me what you have in mind.

In any of these scenarios, I'm looking for a few things in my partner's character:
1) They should be human, I'm looking for a world where the supernatural is largely disbelieved, like our world
2) Real emotions. I want a character who shows genuine terror in the face of what my character is capable of - there may be bravado or posturing, but I want there to be realism.
3) Singular. I want them to, in some way, stand apart from others. This doesn't mean they have to work a specialty job or be good at everything - I am looking for a genuinely flawed character who will snag her interest. My character is the kind who sees humans largely as playthings - she needs a hook to be interested in keeping them around. That said, they need to have some urge to survive, even if they start out quivering and shy.
4) Obsession. I want these characters to fixate on each other. I want your character to be scared of her but ultimately drawn to her, I want them to be terrified of what she might turn them into as she drags them along with her. I want her to be fascinated by them, to be enthralled by them - it could be as simple as the fact they have great potential. I'm looking for these characters to be partners in crime.

This story does not have to tilt into extreme territory, but it's likely that it will. This character sometimes eats humans, so uh, keep that one in mind.

Blood, bloodplay, and violence are very likely and if sexual scenarios occur, they could be rough. My character is dominant, demanding, and cold (but capable of more than that, with time). I want to note, I will not do non-consensual - dub-con can be discussed, please explore my F-List for details. This is not a slave/mistress story and I'm not looking to play out a lifestyle sub/dom dynamic, I'd like for your character to be capable of 'switch', where in the future she may respect them enough to allow them some measure of control.

I am looking for a partner who loves the details, who wants to chat OOC (PMs or Discord) about motivations and desires, who wants to toss ideas back and forth, exchange music and gifs, really roll with it.

This story is open to M, F, and NB characters. I am happy to play my character as intersex but presenting female, as well.

I know there's a lot to read here, but I'm a chill writing partner, I post regularly, inform when I'm away for any length of time, and I'll tell you dad jokes.
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