Fx Male Temporary offer (closed for now)


Sep 22, 2011
I very, VERY seldom desire to do an M/F RP but i figured why not give it a shot. This is only temporary and I will close the thread down (Until the mood strikes me again.)

Now before we begin. i play submissive and prefer to play 15 ear old girls. I can be persuaded to do 16 but the plot has to be really good. I am not willing to do 17+ as I am not that desperate yet.

Now I also have a set list of things I am wiling to do.

First off Harry potter. I love the universe and I am almost alwasy willing to dip my toe. I would like something along the lines of a dominant male for this. I can play a cute little mudblood girl who catches the eye of a slytherin male, or perhaps there is a Boy who has become the target of a self entitled little slytherin brat who need to be taken down a few pegs. I will even do a Sibling relationship here, a couple of slytheirns who are making sure to keep the bloodline pure.

Incest: In case my harry potter idea did not tip you off at the end. i like incest too. Would love to do something with an older brother who takes advantage of his younger sister. There are multiple ideas for this. Perhaps there is a large age gap, he was already off to college before MC even started middle school and he joine dthe army right after. He is now coming home after serving for a few years and sees his little sister, who was only about 9 when he left has blossomed into a cutie, and he hasn't had any action in quite some time. While still an age gap, perhaps the parents are out for the night or weekend or figured their son and daughter could handle themselves for a few weeks while they take a vacation. Of course when her older bother catches her swimming in a bikini, or maybe she is wearing a little less than she should around teh house, he starts to not care that they are siblings.

I am also willing to discuss other things, but would rather keep it slice of life (With the exception of harry potter, aside form that no fandoms or fantasy)

Now while I do have an F-list I will list the top ones I am looking for.
-Incest (Obviously)
-Collars (the act of my girl being collared,)
-Non-con (I am not talking full on rape, but she is not exactly saying yes)
-Humiliation (get her to walk on all fours, Possibly even public depending on RP)

For more info check my F-list.

Also you will probably not get great results with a Father. Uncle, grandfather role. I am not really into the age difference that large. Unless you can provide a REALLY good plot, the answer will be no.

So shoot me up and see what happens.
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