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The Fall of Heroic Champions! [Sesshi x Potter]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been ten years since the last battle Saber had been last been called upon, and now she was free again for however long this new war for the holy grail would last, and she knew this time she would acquire it at all costs. Still, Arthur was a noble knight, and she wouldn't revert to anything if she could help it to go against her code of honor. Her current master was sound to sleep so she took the time to patrol and keep an eye over her. She was Ren and Shiro's great granddaughter, and possessed an eminence amount of power on her own, but wouldn't be able to help her much for what was about to come in the next few minutes. Arthur had been in the back ally where she stumbled across a body that looked like it was drained of all life, almost turning to dust under her touch.

What in the hell caused this? She questioned as she drew her invisible sword and put herself on guard as she looked around for whatever could have caused this before she turned around to spot something behind her and she gripped her sword tightly as she narrowed her eyes and began to slowly speak. "Did... Did you do this?" She asked as she prepared herself to attack. The moment she turned her back was the moment the shadows beneath her was now slowly locking her in place as massive tentacles emerged from the ground to take her.

The tentacles were like liquid when they managed to slip into her armor as they grabbed her fine breasts and began to grope and massage her nipple. Meanwhile the moment she went to protest her mouth was instantly had a tentacle shoving itself inside of her mouth. She tried to bite it but instead ended up causing it to release it's juices inside of her throat early seeing as it had been placed right inside of her throat. She could feel both her lower holes now being filled up from them as she was now being force-fed whatever it was inside the tentacle. Which it had started to fill ALL her holes now at this point, weakening her and causing her to drop her sword to the ground.
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