Fx Male Take a peek


Jul 14, 2019


You seemed to have stumbled onto my little request thread! How lucky of you. What can I really say though. I've been role playing since the Yahoo! days. I used to have an account on here years ago when I was without a computer. I frequent IMVU often and enjoy the more back and forth type RP but it can be extremely hard to find experienced role players so thought I'd try this out again. I remember enjoying my time on the forum/thread type sites. It's been some time since I've gotten some good posts out and I won't lie, I am dying to get some posts out of me.

Generally when I role play, I can get a couple of paragraphs out but I have been known to get out 8 or 9 paragraphs on a thread rp site when I find someone to really get the juices flowing. I'm not one to take 3 lines to get out that I'm just lifting my hand or turning around. My detail also involves thoughts and feelings. I can do multiple characters and actually quite enjoy it but for the most part, I can only do female. I have done male on occasion but more as a side role then actually a character. I'm wanting to find someone who can match my writing style and drive to build a story as would anyone I guess.

I'm not so good with the planning side of it though. I enjoy coming up with a character and designing a world but planning out an actual story line can be challenging and all of it can be challenging if the person I am planning with never gives any input. Give me what you like about my idea's and try to add something to it. No one likes to feel like they are making up and controlling the whole situation so throw something in there. I'll try to do the same if we are working from one of your idea's. I also enjoy some OOC talk as well. I do require that the role play be completely separate from the OOC. I like the RP to stay clean and on topic. For this reason, I really like the idea of RPing on discord where we can make our own server to keep everything seperate.

I enjoy both long-term and short-term rp's. To me, long-term is building more of a world and characters with longer posts and longer time between posts. This is what I'm craving the most right now. Short term to me is more of a back and forth type rp. One that might last a couple of nights to about a week to finish with smaller posts. Maybe even to the extent that we only post when both people are online. They tend to be a bit less story driven and more of like a scene or session type feel. Almost like doing up a short story.

  • Literacy (write a story with me! Not just a sex scene)​
  • World building/character building​
  • Multiple characters​
  • group RP's. I love group roleplays but they can be hard to come by. The ones where 3 or more people are in it but it has to be done right. I don't like the free for all posting and prefer the formal post order.​
  • Non-Consensual​
  • Dub-consensual​
  • Power play​
  • Cuddling​
  • Alpha's/primal​
  • Dom/Sub​
  • Ropes/any kind of binds, blindfolds, gag's, cages, Lingerie, collars, leashes​
  • Possession/possessive words, mild objectification (calling me toy for example)​
  • Knife play on almost any level​
  • Total power exchange and not just sexually.​
  • Vampires, ware-whatever's, demons, mild monsters. This one was hard to decide if I wanted it in my favorites or here. I put it here because even though I want to explore it more, I'm a bit newer at playing a supernatural character and I do have a character that would fit this but she's very specific and thought out so I'd need the right match to play her​
  • Heels/panties. Some people enjoy girls that go completely nude all the time. I prefer to have at least a nice pair of heels and panties. All other clothing is optional​
  • Maybe's are things that are basically no's or limited things in the roleplay. Also, keep in mind if you're looking to make a connection with my character, you won't with these.​
  • Anal. I mean, adore my ass. Spank it, caress it, grab it but stay out of it.​
  • death (but nothing after I am dead. The death would be the end)​
  • Furries. As in human but looks like an animal or the addition of ears and tails.​
  • Heavier objectification (Like making my character your footstool)​
  • Heavier violence. As in just beating my character.​
  • Animals in any sexual manner​
  • Age-play. Nothing under 22. I don't mind large age gaps though​
  • Scat and other bathroom stuff including vomit​
  • Cutting any of my limbs off​
  • Anal training​
  • Futa's. Nothing against futa's as a person.. I just don't want sexual interactions with them​
  • Incest​
  • The teacher/student, boss/secretary, Dr/Nurse type pairing. I didn't know if I should put this here or in my maybes because if you were able to get a really good idea with this type of pairing, I could do some of them but they always just feel so.. airheaded (?) to me. I think it's more the.. you keep your job if you do this.. type feel I don't like because honestly, that type of challenge would make my characters be like.. peace bishes!​
  • Abnormally large breasts and cocks.​

Idea's and Plots

Key points/important info for current mood:
  • Looking for long term/someone to get me inspired for post length/quality/detail.
  • Want something less noncon and the standard? Hit me up. Always willing to try something new. My comfort zone is noncon but it can get dry.
  • I do third person writing
  • I can posts a couple times a week but don't make it a requirement. The pressure is too stressful! It will lose quality.
  • Wanting a thread post. Everyone seems to want PM but I'd like to switch it up.
  • Not one for pics. I like describing. I don't mind doing like character sheets seperate from the rp that contain pics though. For setting too, this can help but seperate from rp.
  • I have no idea what direction story wise I want to go. Plot you say? I draw a blank. Unique is what comes to mind. Give me an idea and I'll see if I can add to it, want a bit more info or no thanks.
  • I am in the works of reorganizing and writing this thread so bare with me. But hit me up!!
Short-term ideas:
The classic non-consensual, force, rape, blackmail. It's what I have done the most but do tend to get bored of it after not too long so be sure to have a unique twist to it.

I also have a very specific RP idea for short-term as well. I honestly wouldn't RP this with just anyone so I wouldn't recommend it as a first option when messaging me unless you are completely sure you can pull it off. I need a really specific person do to this role. The way it plays out isnt too important but the character is. He needs to be very alpha. Very hunter. Very... uncaring and primal I guess. I dont even know how to describe it. But basically, I want to be hunted in a forest. I'd get a bow and arrow. And I'd be a half elf, half human. There is potential for this to turn more long term as well.

My character: I have a character in mind but not really a plot. She's pretty thought out but not played out.. if that makes sense. The basics, she's a half elf, half vamp with a split personality. There's a back story to her and she has abilities, likes and dislikes. It's playing out the split personality side with this that I want to do. This is also my main idea of a character. She is Addilyn Rae. Though I can adapt her to play in a lot of RP scenario's since her base personality tends to be the type that I RP often, I only want to do the split personality and back story with the vamp/elf mix.

A classic for me: this one has kind of always lingered in me but never really played out. It plays on a bit of long-term, story, dom/sub, enslavement, force, non con, dub con. Basically, MC is a sub of a high ranked Dom in a large gang type community but she wants out. The problem is that she does care for her dom and has known this life for a while. She does tend to escape but is always brought back home as you can't just leave the community. The dom, being a high (if not, highest) rank, even though he cares for MC, can't just let her leave. It would be shown as a weakness among the community and to himself. He could sell her but that would mean he would have no control of how she was cared for which just won't do as he's a ruthless alpha control freak. (I'd also be interested in putting some sort of impregnation into this. Something like she ran away because he wanted to get her pregnant.)
Starting post here. Can be changed though. I just got bored.

A little less force: most/all of my ideas seem to be mostly based around the non-consensual aspect. I wouldn't mind finding something less force and constantly fighting guys off. Maybe a more traditional dom/sub aspect? More romance? Not too sure. I do know you still need to have a strong personality of a character and if you have a sadistic side..well. I love a sadist. Even more so if they want to play with my characters mind and not always body.
Last edited:
Updated. Added key points to help focus/scan the post easier. Organized kinks into tabs and rp ideas to tabs. Still need to reword the plots though. Added header sections.
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