Chasing Shadows (( TheDarkerMe and Loki-sama ))


Feb 2, 2009
Acheron let out an impatient breath as he stood outside of the rest stop going into Portland, Oregon. Sitting astride his own custom Harley Softail Sportster. He was originally on his way to Nashville, Tennessee because he heard of some researcher making claims of having discovered Atlantis. On the way however, Savitar had told him that was being taken care of and that he was needed here instead. So he was here. Now that he thought about it, he'd been attempting to get a Dark Hunter stationed here so he could kill two birds with one stone.

Though all he saw right now was a bunch of bikers likely on their way south taking a break. Picking up bits and pieces of their thoughts here and there, he found that this was a chapter of the well-known, Hell's Angels gang who was on their way to "Church" which meant meeting basically. A few of them had glanced his way, but as usual due mostly to Ash's constant "FU" aura, even hardened bikers knew to keep their distance. The thought brought a smirk to his lips.

He remembered Savitar had said something about an incident that occurred in a lab not too far from this place. When he asked Artemis about it even she was tight-lipped. Not that he was expecting the goddess to help him much. She'd done such a FINE job helping in the past what with watching him be beaten to a bloody pulp by her brother. A tick developed on his jaw before he simply shook his head and kept his senses open. Something apparently was going to go down either near here or at this very place.

It was then, when he noticed near the restroom a couple of men were hassling a woman. He immediately recognized the men as Daimons, but something about her aura was... weird. And while he could pick up the males' thoughts, he found himself unable to read her's at all. What the hell?!
Just passing through, that's what she had told herself four months ago. But the problem was, there was no one here protecting the people. She had come through, and noticed that right away. Even with her shields on as high as she had them, she still could sense a Daimon for up to twenty miles away. She had come to this rest-stop because there had been some rumors of young woman vanishing from it. So she had decided to investigate.

She traveled with the Hell's Angels, they seemed to be fine with the young woman. She didn't get in there way, and paid for the gas that was used. She had traveled with a man she had dubbed 'Papa Bear' very fitting considering she was everything a grandfather would have been, had she had contact with her biological grandfather. He was a kind old man, that took the pale and shaking girl in when she had first appeared in Portland.

The man didn't know what she was, which was fine. But he knew that she could handle herself. Decked out like the men, she looked like a leather clad angel. Delicate features, almost shatteringly pretty. Her eyes slightly slanted, and a perpetually sad look to them. Her eyes had an illusion cast on them, to make them look just plain old baby blue. Though someone with enough powers could see her true eyes. The dark blue outer ring, that melted into silver, that melted into purple at her pupil.

Her hair was pure white, pulled back in a clip with her bangs framing her features. The bangs reaching her collarbones, and the hair clipped in the back reaching near her waist. Her clothing was leather, minus her top. She wore leather pants, that hugged her waist and ass and then loosened down around her legs. She wore leather harley boots, a pretty little gift from 'Papa Bear'. Her top was a black to the skin shirt, cut a little lower then she usually liked but it served it's purpose. Her black leather jacket was made to withstand traveling, and that was a good thing.

She came from the restroom, and the males came around her. Heckling her, she pretended to be frightened by the blonds, but interested. When the Daimons pulled her out behind the building, further then the restrooms, a feral grin overtook her features. "Now tell me gentlemen, what has you so far from your hunting grounds?" She asked as she whirled on them. Her shields dropping. The whoosh of energy was enough to make the dust rise up and rush out from around her feet.

Her hand came up the ball of shadowy energy forming, as she laughed. "Nevermind, forget I asked that. You are the ones stealing and destroying the young women who have gone missing here." She said as she stepped forward. "My name is Shadow, simply shadow. As a righter of the wrongs cast on women kind, I will destroy you as swiftly as possible. You aren't worth my time." She stated firmly as she lashed out the ball at one males chest. Then released another at another.

They where similar to God-Bolts but a bit different. Formed out of the shadow energy that few actually truly learned to wield. There where three that had no braids and beads in their hair. The three that did would be her problem. Blades came up from gods knew where, but Shadow knew she would have to work fast. As they came at her she dropped to her knees and slid across the gravel, slipping between one of the warriors legs. She spun rapidly by using her hand to turn and then rapidly twisted her body to slam a kick into the mans hip.

There was a crunching sound as the Spathi dropped and started to scream. She had been trained for this, trained to kill. The sure and pulsing aura of death... was enough to assure that.
Ash tried once again to read her thoughts, but everything came up a complete blank. What did that mean? He didn't like this one bit. While he had to admit with a smirk of his lips that the woman before him put Artemis' crafted beauty to shame. He slid his Oakley sunglasses down a little bit as he watched her approach the other men. She also had guts to even try to take on this clutch of Daimons by herself. Whatever she was. Acheron could sense her energy as she dropped her shields and so did a couple of the Daimons apparently as one or two of them had been stunned a moment.

Rolling his shoulders in the distressed black duster he wore over the black Misfits T-shirt he strode over to the fight in his dusty leather strides tucked into his straight black Doc Martens. His raven hair pulled back in a ponytail accenting his strong features he cracked his knuckles in one fingerless gloved hand and then the other. He'd be damned if he was going to even allow the possibility of anything happen to this woman. He remembered that Savitar told him. That people close to him would be blanks to his ability to read minds. While the Daimons minds were open to him he still couldn't get a sense of her while he approached the battle she was in. While he back was to another Daimon who was trying to attack her from behind, Ash lashed his hand forward and it was as if the Daimon had been grabbed by the collar of his shirt and jerked back towards Ash's waiting hand. Catching the man he placed one hand under his chin in a firm grip and the other at the back of his head and jerked. With a sickening wet crunch the Daimin found himself able to actually watch his back as his head was twisted backwards. The body toppled a few steps before falling to the ground. Ash threw a god bolt into the body for good measure turning it into little more than a pile of ash and soot on the ground.

Ash didn;t have time to play around. This had to be defused quickly before it caused a problem for any standers-by. Luckily, Papa Bear and most of the other bikers were in the bar at the moment enjoying their rounds. Unaware of the fight going on.
Shadow ignored the man that came to help her. She would deal with him later. Her eyes narrowed as she dodged the spathi she was still working on. She spun in a full circle releasing a handful of what appeared to be, and where, kunai. The bladed projectiles flew true, hitting the normal daimons in their inkblots. Leaving her with One healthy Spathi, and one injured. Then she felt the sensation she felt whenever one of their holes opened. Gods be damned, why did the fates always play her as their fool? She ducked and braced her hands on the ground, spinning her body in a full circle and kicking out feet as she went. The world inverted as she spun her body and flipped.

She brought the heel of her boot down upon one of the new Spathi's. His head crunched wetly as the scent of blood filled the air. Her nostrils flared for a moment, and her eyes narrowed as she spun. A blade releasing itself from her sleeve, one that hadn't been there a moment ago. Made into a projectile by a burst of magic. It took the spathi in the heart. Then she released on on the spathi that was on the ground with the broken hip.

She gave a cry of pain as she was suddenly hauled back by her hair, one of the males had her by her hair. The Spathi's beads fell against her shoulder as his fangs pierced into her neck. Sending piercing pain through her as the pulling sensation washed over her. Her eyes closed, as she pretended to sag. Her mind ran through the spells she had learned. Then she released a long gentle sigh. The Spathi made a gagging sound, and the female smirked. Though she controlled shadows, her mother had taught her a spell. It was called "Liquid Sunlight", a spell which had gone down with Atlantis.

The Spathi burst into flame, and turned into dust. The blood leaking from her wound was a bit luminescent and looked nearly gold now, rolling down her body as the wound slowly stitched closed. "Man, can you shield, cause if you can damn well do it!" Shadow sent the telepathic command to the man that had come to her aid. With that done, in her opinion more then enough warning, she drew her arms into her body. The shadows pulsing around her as she took the bolts of power thrust at her by a particularly vicious one. The smell of singed leather and a bit of hair filled the air.

But the shadows continued to pulse, and then suddenly exploded into a reign of knives that spread through the area. Designed to only fly so far, and ONLY pierce flesh. They would melt away after a certain point, and those that connected with flesh, would have a nice little core they would release. Her blood on the ground had been what had fueled the blades. So each of those blades had a miniature piece of sunlight. With that attack released, the female went to her knees panting. Her eyes closing as she gasped for breath. Fuck, that was too much. She shouldn't have used that last ability. Fuck, Fuck...

Her vicious was darkening and that was never a good thing. She didn't know if she could really trust the male that had come to help her.
Acheron had to admit that whatever she was she could damn well handle herself against the Spathi. Her movements were fluid, there was no wasted motion, and in the brief instant where he thought he would have to step in to save her, she'd taken control of the situation quickly. The spell she'd used had surrpised him however. Atlantean magic?! That sort of magic sunk to the depths with my mother's people! How does she know it? This woman was indeed full of surprises. His fascination was cut short however when he heard her mental warning to shield. The energy that hummed through the air was proof of the need. Taking her warning to heart he put up his own shield as her aura seemed to explode with eldritch power.

He watched as the energy exploded from her, taking out the rest in an orderly fashion despite the chaotic manner the spell went off. He could feel the energy beat against his shiled, and was glad for the warning. That would've hurt like a bitch. When he lowered his shield after he was sure the spell had subsided, he noticed her power was dimming. She'd used too much power, and was fading. He ran over and caught her before she would fall to the concrete, holding her, slowly sitting her down. Up close, her beauty was even more arresting, he brushed a finger along the snow white bangs framing her angelic face. Yet he'd seen just how dealy this woman was, and he could still feel her power, though having tapped into too much of it she was now a bit weakened.

His first order of business was to check the wound on her neck from the bite. Pressing his palm over the wound he begun about healing it. As he did, he wondered what course of action would need to be taken. The only Dark Hunter in the area he could think of would be Zoe, who he'd contacted prior to his coming to Seattle. Sebastian's was the closest haven he could think of, and thankfully that wasn't too far. Looking down at Shadow he wondered. Who are you?
The females mind barely knew where she was, or what she was doing. She panted as the energy pulsed around her one last time and died. She went to her knees, but ended up in strong arms. A sensation that she hadn't felt in a long time. These did not seek to hurt her, either. Which was a strange turn of events. He held her as if she was special, someone to save. The sensation of a healing spell rolled over the wound on her neck.

It sealed up, and the pain slowly left her. But the problem was, with her shields down, her mental barriers destroyed... She couldn't control certain aspects of her powers. It allowed him a window into her mind. The scene that rolled through his mind, would make a normal person cringe.

Tears rolled down the child's face as she stood up. White hair falling across darkening and blood filled vision. A cry slowly slipped from the girls lips. With that the fist of a much larger man slammed into her stomach, making her curl up and spasm. Blood leaking from her lips, as she vomited on his boots. She cried, and curled up. Sobbing and shaking. The voice of the man filling her mind.

"Take the pain and use it, damnit! Stop being a child, you are a Goddess! Awaken and fight. Don't let yourself be fooled. I'll kill you if you don't fight back!"

The man screamed at her. The pain throbbed through her as the attacks continued. She wiped the blood from her mouth and fought to dodge. From the way her mind was formed, she was no older then eight. And she was already being put through so much. She followed the words of the man speaking to her, energy gathered and the world ran black.

Shadow spasmed as she was held in the mans arms. A scream silenced behind tightly closed lips. She rolled her head to the side, hands curling around her stomach as she shook. Trying to curl away from the man. She hadn't passed out, but her vision was darkening. She couldn't pass out, she couldn't!
Though part of him was focused on healing her and keeping an eye out for their surroundings, part of him felt for the woman in his arms. Centuries ago, he'd been forged in the fires of shame and humiliation, and then to be killed and brought back as a god to oversee a war that would determine the fate of humanity itself. He could understand her pain, he'd endured much the same.

Though in her memories the man had called her a goddess. That brought an inquisitive look from him. Sure, she had an appearance that could rival even Artemis herself, but the power he'd seen her display in dispatching the Spathi had been pretty damned impressive. Could she have something to do with what Savitar was talking about? He knew better than to ask. He knew the god wouldn't tell him directly, but in some 'round-the-fucking-barn kind of way that told him nothing so he didn't screw the pooch that was fate.

When he felt her bite back a scream and turn in his arms he held her tighter. "It's okay. I'm here to help you." He said reassuringly, knowing that those memories coming back could be the cause of it as well. She was likely reliving those painful events all of the sudden.
Shadow's eyes opened, her shields gone, and her natural appearance evident. She used magic to make herself look quite a bit more plain then she actually was. Her eyes were multi-colored. Three colors, purple, blue and silver. Her eyes shifted a little as she stared at him - a whimper leaving her. She shuddered a little and twisted a little in his arms. Her eyes closing as she arched away from him. "Don't - just don't touch me!" She snapped as she tried to twist out of his arms. She didn't want him hurt, but the barriers of her mind were collapsing here in his arms.

Other memories came to light - as her mind started to fade out a little. Her breathing leveled out - in a manner of stress and serenity, all in one. Her hands gripped his arm as she collapsed down against his chest. Her eyes closed as she whimpered a little.

She crouched down, now about eight or nine. Her body poised at the ready to leap. The same man from before was there - and he was watching her as she darted through the obstacle course. Her body was alive with power - too much for one so young. She had to keep pushing herself, the man shooting at her. Bullets hitting a shield that she had created - one hand moving it as she darted through the course.

"Keep going - you dumb cunt. Seriously? You're supposed to be the child of a God, I know homeless people with more ability then you." The man snapped at her.

Shadow whirled around as her hands came together. Her first kill - was the only thought in her mind. Her hands came together as her eyes closed. They opened to watch the shocked look on the mans face. "Hows that for a Goddess." She whispered as she watched the blood dripped down from the mans eyes. Then she crossed her arms before her and then slammed her arms out. A familiar attack - to Acheron at least - happened. Shadows burst around her as daggers slammed into the man.

"Fuck you."

Shadow regained the control of her being as she gasped faintly. Too much stress - and what the hell was this man. "Let me go." She whispered softly as she tried to pull away. Her eyes closing as she gripped her leather jacket. "I need to move."
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