Mx Female Seeking new writing partners!

Jul 1, 2019

I'm Tom, and I am here to write a bunch of dirty, dirty stories. I am looking for writing partners of the female persuasion to pair with. Male writers: it's not you, it's me. Brains, much like kinks, are weird.

Speaking of weird kinks, here are some of mine!

This is perhaps my favorite kink, though it's probably tied with the next one. Now, is this just a fancy way of saying 'Hypnosis and Mind Control'? Well, to a degree. Please allow me to explain.

I *love* the idea of my character manipulating others without their knowledge, whether by slipping odd thoughts into their mind or by making slight (and/or dramatic) alterations to their perception of the world.

However! I don't really care for direct forms of control, as they tend to limit how my partner can react and they reduce the in-story tension to zero. And odds are you probably feel the same way! I have had a lot of writing partners over the years, and they have told me their negative experiences with hypnosis and mind control typically stem from it being used to god-mode or shoehorn kinks into the scene that were not mutually agreed upon (or outright banned) in advance. I find this method of writing to be A) extremely creepy and B) extremely boring. But more to the point: My writing partners are not their characters; their consent fucking matters, and a lack of consent from any party crafting the story will not be glossed over or ignored.

Now, how is my method any different?

I prefer methods that allow my partner to dictate 1) how successful my character's attempt is, and 2) the results of the successful (or failed) change. I find this to be more interesting and engaging due to the possibility of failure. I firmly believe that some of the most interesting moments in a story, even a kinky power fantasy, arise from failure or setback. I also prefer this style of the kink because it's being implemented with the consent of my writing partner; if they don't like an attempt or feel the scene is moving too quickly, they shoot it down and we move on from the failure.


So, hypothetical partner¹, you may be wondering: if my partner dictates my success, then what's to keep them from just denying every attempt at control?

Great question! You get a cookie.

See, there's this thing called "affirmative consent." I think it's the bee's knees. Without going too far into a side-bar, the idea is that both my partner and I will want the story to progress to the same point.

"But how will you know you want the same things? Moods change! It's not like you can just pause a sex scene to renegotiate what you're doing!"

Actually, it's exactly like that. Change keeps things fresh, and none of us are psychic. Plus, SSC and RACK always apply to the authors even if the characters are exempt from it.

And, at the end of the day, if you aren't excited enough about a scene to at least talk through it a bit with a partner and feel out what each other is looking for, then, dear reader: why the fuck are you writing with them in the first place?

I also really, really enjoy the silliness it adds.

That said, I am very, very aware that lots of folx have had sour experiences with clumsy executions of this kink. And I know other folx just find the idea to be a major turn-off. If you feel that way, your feelings are valid. *So I am happy to forego this kink* so long as the replacement macguffin leads to corruption, quasi-consensual sex, and lots of…

I. Love. Climaxes. Just love 'em. I also love edging and forced climaxes. I find the idea of twisting a feeling of pleasure and relief into a form of control over another person to be simply electric. Nnf.

Whether by toy or tongue; telekinesis or thumb; thoughts or tallywhacker*'*; thread or tapestry! It's all great in my book.

I also enjoy pleasure inflicted during inconvenient times! Got a character trying to nail that job interview? Need to keep cool while disarming that bomb? Trying to maintain decorum during the procession at church? What could be better than that character working at their task while their erogenous zones are being bombarded with sensations? Whether the distraction is powerful or slight, I find it adds to the tension and it makes the eventual climax (in every sense of the word) all the stronger. Hell yes.

My F-List mentions self-sabotage as a kink, and it's tied heavily to pleasure as a driving motive. Tempting a character into straying from their morals by means of pleasure or lust just gets my motor running.

I prefer light humiliation (social embarrassment, feeling put upon, having hypocrisy pointed out) to the soul-crushing flavors (questions of personhood vs. being an object). I am flexible on how humiliation is manifested in the story. However! Writing smut is a power fantasy for me, and I get no pleasure in crafting a story where my character doesn't respect the person they are interacting with.

Writing smut is a power fantasy. Power and maturity are sexy, and so many women are drop-dead gorgeous *long* after their twenties and thirties. That's just science. Also: I may have mentioned the power fantasy aspect? Well, nothing stokes my fires like bringing a powerful figure to heel by hook or by crook.

Dominance and submission go hand-in-cuff with a non-consensual kink like mind control, but I also enjoy it absent any plot-induced mind fuckery. Although I typically avoid embracing the full "24-Hour Capital-L Lifestyle"-esque expressions of D/s in my scenes, some of the imagery (leashed submissives; an occupied St. Andrew's Cross; shibari, both openly-worn and concealed; kinky punishments) is friggin' hot. I also enjoy adding hints of FinDom in my stories, as I feel like they increase the tension and risk.

This particular flavor of corruption just does it for me. I have tried writing others, but I always come back to willing adultery. Maybe it's the taboo factor? Maybe it's the tension of risk and reward as the cheating spouse gambles it all for another eye-rolling, earth-shaking orgasm? Maybe we're all just brains in a jar? These are the questions of the universe.

Hmm. I think that about covers my favorite kinks. Right? Is there anything else?

Oh, yes.

A COMPELLING PLOT: Man, it's easy to say "I like good writing," huh? But what exactly does that mean to me? Well, potential writing partner, read on!

I am looking to write stories about characters with flaws. I prefer evolving relationships and actions that lead to consequences. A character's plans could fail or succeed spectacularly! The story also usually has an ending, possibly one where my character(s) doesn't get what they want! Sex is great and all, but have you ever plotted the downfall of a controlling character who doesn't see it coming? For goodness sake, who wouldn't want to work in a little comeuppance* before or after our characters boink?

I know this is a smut site, and I'm not kidding myself by thinking that I'm looking to collaborate on the next Great American Novel. However, there's really only so many ways you can write a sex scene that amounts to "Tab A enters Slot B" before a lack of context renders the whole thing about as sexy as an IKEA instruction manual.

So while I enjoy writing scenes built around my favorite kinks, I *adore* plotting out the broad strokes of a story with a potential writing partner. I also love hashing out where to take the plot next, what sort of denouement we want, and how to get us there.

On a related point, I am open to revising or scrapping posts if they hit my writing partner the wrong way. I find this give-and-take of building the skeleton of a kinky story designed to sate our dirtiest cravings both rewarding and an excellent indicator of whether I have good chemistry with a prospective partner.

Speaking of chemistry, I have been writing smut for a long time. I know what I like, and I know what is worth my time. To wit, I have found plotting a scene with someone beforehand to be a helluva time-saver beyond just brainstorming. Which is important for several reasons, not least of which the fact that I write for fun.

Availability: So if you look on my F-List, you will see the name CasualTom. I like to think of it as "truth in advertising." I do this casually, as writing smut is a hobby of mine. I have a life, responsibilities, and sometimes I can't get to writing. Sometimes I can manage multiple posts a day; other times, the best I can manage is once a week. I have a writing-only Discord as a means to keep track of scenes outside of the website, but I won't begrudge anyone who prefers to use this site for whatever reason.

At the end of the day, I will understand if you're looking for a writing partner who can offer a higher level of commitment. Similarly, I expect that I will not be harassed if I haven't had an opportunity to write. Like I said before, this is not my job. Sometimes I will not be in the mood, or I will have shit going on. I work hard to keep up scenes and stories with writing partners and I strive to give as good as I get, but this is just my hobby.

If you're interested in my specific scene requests, well… just imagine the scene that has all of my highlighted kinks rolled into one mind-bending (or mind-melting, as the case may be) slow burn.

Okiedokie! I've spent a lot of time talking about what I enjoy in a scene; but what about actual examples of scenes I'd like to play?

Well, here are a few old and new ideas that tickle my fancy!

Carpool Carnal Syndrome:

(Primary kinks: mind control/hypnosis, corruption, humiliation potentially D/s and adultery)

Themes: Slice-of-life

This is based off the wonderful story of the same name by LisaTeez, found here.

In it, Muse B offers to carpool with his divorced (or married, if we prefer it) female coworker, Muse A, a caustic and insufferable asshole by all accounts. During each car ride, Muse B uses a static-filled tape deck to make Muse A more suggestible as she listens, gradually reshaping her interests and lusts to fit his desires. The source story focuses on the two coworkers interacting around the car, but I'd be interested in seeing them interact at the office and in other social settings (office parties? church? a celebration or wedding for a mutual friend?). As for an ending, I'm open to any sort of climax, whether good or ill, for those involved. However, I'd refrain from involving the female coworker's daughter in any overtly-kinky capacity unless my writing partner felt like exploring with multiple characters.

Home Invasions:

(Primary kinks: non-con, bondage, hidden sex, gaslighting/manipulation, corruption)

Themes: Suspense, horror, possible supernatural aspects

This type of story setup gets to the heart of a lot of my favorite kinks: power differentials, forced pleasure, suspense, and bondage. Though I've had a lot of fun with this type of scene as a one-off, I'd love to explore an ongoing story where the initial invasion is just the first step of my character forcing his way into another person's life. Does the victim resist? Does the victim try to enlist others to prevent future assaults, or do they keep quiet? How would they react to seeing their tormentor while running errands or arriving at their workplace as a customer? What kind of effect does that have on the victim's existing relationships? I'd love to explore more corruption themes if it went beyond a single scene, but I wouldn't say no to following a more organic progression if we feel corruption isn't the best fit.

Streaming Therapy:

(Primary kinks: gaslighting/manipulation, corruption, exhibitionism, bondage, hypnosis and inductions, forced pleasure)

Streaming and creating videos can be a demanding job. Between the grueling work schedule, the expectations of parasocial relationships, and the fluctuations in finances, anyone would need a solid support system to avoid burnout. Muse A is one such streamer (on any topic, writer's choice) who is frazzled and in need of help. Her friend recommends Muse B, a hypnotherapist who has been able to assist them in dealing with their stress. But when Muse B meets Muse A, he decides to help her move her streaming career into a different direction.

I like this scenario because it's open-ended and it allows for Muse A to have any kind of age or background. Are they doing videos as a hobby that grew to take over their free time, or is it their profession? How will their personality changes affect their work and personal life?

(Shamelessly based off of Henchman Story)

(Primary kinks: costumes/spandex, hero/villain setting, possible hypnosis, romance, workplace kink, risk of discovery, possible bondage, toys) Muse A is an atypical long-lived supervillain henchman: minimally competent, unenthusiastic about his employer's rants, not exactly looking to hurt people (even superheroes), and thrilled to receive health care and benefits from a job that doesn't involve a cubicle. But in the midst of a shake-up in Lord Destruction's lair, he gets partnered with Muse B, who is apparently a new recruit.

After some time, Muse A discovers that Muse B is actually a superhero working undercover as a faceless minion in order to thwart Lord Destruction's latest scheme. Does Muse B try to recruit Muse A? Does Muse A turn Muse B in for a long-overdue promotion and some time "interrogating" Muse B? Does Muse A decide to try out Lord Destruction's handheld Hypno-Ray (patent pending) on Muse B?

Writing samples are available upon request.

F-list - Warning

Shoot me a PM, and let's craft a sexy and compelling story together!

*Insert obligatory rim-shot** here.

**Insert obligatory rimjob joke here***.

***Hah. 'Insert.'

*'* Much obliged for Sepulchritude's suggestion! Sometimes it's devilishly hard to think of genital synonyms that keep with alliteration.
Last edited:
I finally got off my ass and put up some plot ideas! I'll tidy up their formatting sometime soon, but I wanted to get *something* up.
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