Fx Any Under the Dawn's Soothing Light

Olivia Dawn

Jul 7, 2019
it's Olivia Dawn again

This Roleplay Request Thread will be my main one with the majority of my roleplays ideas and pairings. It will also include a short list of my kinks/limits, an extended list of kinks/limits in the form of the infamous F-list, some real and anime/drawn photo inspiration and possible some shorter roleplay premises.

If you are looking at this before my Introduction, if you want to look at it here it is: here

I should point out that I'm a submissive switch but I can play more dominant roles when need be,


Short Kink List:
Cock Worship, Mutual Sex, Oral Play, Sex Toys, Choking, Light Bondage, Collars/ Leashes, Loving/ Caring Sex, Creampies, Lots of/ Thick Cum, Big Dicks (Not always so), Virginity, Electric Play, Impregnation and Anal Sex
Short Limit List:
Sexual Gore, Death, Vore, Guro, Scat, Watersports (Depending), Underage and Animals (Supernatural could be okay)
I'll have the extended F-list up sometime soon​




Science Fiction​

  • Married
  • Best/ Close Friends
  • Dating; GFxGF or GFxBF
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Roommates
  • Classmates
  • Boss x Employee/ Boss x Secretary
  • Co-workers
  • Step Siblings
  • Cousins
  • Teacher x Students
  • Step Father x Step Daughter
  • Rivals
  • Neighbors
  • Escort
  • Pornstar
  • Camgirl
  • Monster Girls

  • Prince/ Princess x Princess
  • Noble x Commoner
  • Noble x Noble
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Elf x Any
  • Demon x Any
  • Summoner x Summon
  • Mage x Demon
  • Adventurers
  • Huntress/ Hunter x Human Form Animals
  • Shaman x Spirit
  • Heroes
  • Hero/ Heroine x Demon King/ Queen
  • King x Escort
  • Noble x Doctor
  • Monster girls

  • Android X Owner
  • Enemies in Love
  • Futuristic Meets Fantasy/ Primitive
  • Alien x Human
  • Superhero and Supervillain
  • Smuggler x Officer
  • Sex Android x Owner

Open to other Pairings

Roleplays Premieres:


Seo-Jan started her career at the age of eight when her mother forced her to get into modeling for clothing and in advertising. As the only child to a single and overburdening mother, Seo-Jan doesn't have a choice in the matter with her mother as her manager and for eight long years she suffered to make her mother's ambitious dreams to come true at the cost of her own health and friendships. At work she's a pawn of her mother, at school she's an outcast that's plagued by gossip and jealousy, at home she's alone in her studies and books. There's wasn't any peace for her as she was made into her mother's ambitions, ambitions her mother couldn't fulfill herself in her youth.
Socially awkward around people her own age, she didn't fit into any groups at school or participated in any before or after-school clubs. Normally the fellow students in her class stayed away from her, from envy or from to fault of their own. The only interactions between her and her classmates experienced were short and painfully awkward for both parties. She was trapped in her shell, alone in her beauty, as she was also an idol of the school. A group of fans started their own fan-club around her quietness and nervousness around people, though most of the fans were creepy in their love for her modeling. To her they were more like stalkers then actually fans.
At 17 she decided to flee from her mother's gasp by signing up with a rival company and manager. Her new manager was as strict as her mother but he seemed to simply want Seo-Jan to be the best model she could be. Seo-Jan started to enjoy working as a model and she jumped on the opportunity to branch out into the entertainment world with more advertisements and even some acting roles. From there, her life was heading into a direction she wanted it to. Over the next few years she landed some high profile photography and acting jigs including a few movies that were set in another country and have traveled there to film it. She even starred in a very soft-core romance movie. These movies rose her to an international star but she wasn't an A List celebrity, yet. Now at 25 she's currently working in America on one of her newest movies.

For Seo-jan's counter part I was thinking; a co-star, a member of the cast, a person not related to the production of the film or another suggested role.
Female x Any
Photo References for Seo-Jan: First, Second and Third

Taniguchi Hayami couldn't help the fact that she fell in love with her neighbor. The neighbor in question is a few years older than her but their age difference didn't stop them from into each other's rooms to hang out, read books, eat chips, play video games and have epic sword fights to the death! They were talking as they sat at their windows, sharing junk food or them helping her with her homework or going out to have dinner together or to go on a "not date" where they went to the movies or to the zoo. If it wasn't for the sibling dynamic that had and the fact she was underage for most of the time they were hanging out, they growing up as very close friends. The walls of their houses were merely a foot apart with the windows to their bedrooms were almost adjacent with each other's. If they weren't climbing could have been considered to been dating. Dating was a pipe-dream for Hayami as she knew down in the depths of her heart, that her beloved friend was going to be taken by the time with was old enough and her wishes would be dust in the wind. She was too young to have captured their heart and she knew that just saw her as a little sister from how they treated her. And yet years passed and Hayami turned shortly eighteen, knowing fully that her friend had been seeing someone.
She looked out her window to see closed window of her neighbor, stretching from the long and merciless hours of final exam study. With a sigh she texted them. "I'm coming over." And she moved to her window, pushing over the window beyond her and it opened easily. Hayami climbed over and rolled onto the bed on the other side of the window, in the room of her neighbor. She looked for them and found them down on the couch in the living room of their house with an open book on their face and the News playing on the TV. Softly Hayami walked to the couch and laid down, cuddling up to them on their chest before a deep rest came to her.
Female x Any
Photo References for Hayami: First, Second and Third

Elizabeth hadn't always been a girl and at one point in her life she was biologically male. It was a transformation, a metamorphosis if you will, that was completely beyond her control and once her change was completed, there was no going back. Her conversion was irreversible and the reason for this sudden gender change is something modern science is just getting an idea of. It has been going on for a long time with this "Metamorphosis" phenomenon being a fairly common event throughout history. The earliest records of these events can even date back almost six thousand years, but it was only with the advancement of technology and widespread education did it become something that everyone knew about the gravity of the changes. In this modern age the change and the people affected by it aren't so stunned as they once were considering that before two hundred years ago, someone that changed would have been seen witch or demon possessed and swiftly killed off. There's still a stigma around the metamorphosis with most of the world's population just not caring about the changed. With the vast majority of these events happening happening to teens between the ages of 12 and 17, the stigma is ammunition for endless bullying.
She was spared from the bullying as her time had come the summer it turned 16 and she was placed into comatose state from the change for five years, one of the longest duration of the event in the modern age, with her coming back into consciousness two months after for 21 birthday. Elizabeth, like most of those afflicted, seemed to have been strangely okay with her transformation and the fact that she was biologically a female. She was made to stay in the hospital for three more months before being discharged after the Doctors completed their initial examinations but more examinations were to come. In the few months before the new year she was studied two years of high-school so she could go to college the following year. She lasted years off her life and she needed to make up for them
Female x Any (Preferably Male)
Photo Reference for Elizabeth: First, Second (NSFW), Third, Fourth


The Baronet of Ravenrock fell to the hands of the most vile of primitives; Savage Orcs from the Northern Veil after a barbaric invasion. This invasion of the Green Horde last for a month but the mass of savagery was too many for the defenders of the lands of Ravenrock. Within one week the Orcs were at the gates of the Capital of Ravenrock, Raven Crest, and started the merciless assault on the walls and the innocent population inside. The siege was bloody as both attackers and defenders killed themselves by each other’s weapons from dawn to dusk and in the heat of the hot noon sun, the smell of the slayed from horrid. Walls collapsed, gates hammers, buildings within and without burnt for days until the ground was covered in an oily ash. The fighting from fanatically chaotic with both forces fighting for different reasons. The humans fought for survival and to protect their friends and families inside the walls. Surrender wasn’t an option for them, surrender meant death, rape and enslaved for them and their’s. The Orcs fought for endless conflict, murder and loot. They could surrender, and return home with nothing to show of their deeds then the dead. Their forces outnumbered the human defenders 20 to 1 so they could press the attack. The humans that were slowly giving ground once a sizable breach was made in the walls of Raven Crest and the fighting devolved into street to street, building to building warfare. The defenders fought from barricades that lined the streets and choke point were created to let the Orcs pour into killing zones but the Orcs continued to flood in and it was only a manner of time for the population of the city. With the Orcs bearing down on them, most decided to fight to the last or to kill themselves for the Green Horde swept over them. Very few escaped and even more failed to bypass the Orc siege lines.
Reva Willowgleam, a human Ranger of the Ravonrock Scout Force, were one of the very few to escape the hands of the Orcs with a few children and her trusty Panther Companion; Binn to the neighboring Viscount’s Lands. Or Alternatively she’s captured by the Orc.
Photo References for Reva: First, Second, Third

The Four Great Dragon Tribes fought for supreme control of their native continent of Qumet and over the control or vassalization over the small, minor populations or islands around Qumet. Divided into the quarterly directions. To the North are the lands of the Crimson Tribe; A Tribe known for it’s Military Renown and it’s direct control or Fire. Despite its long Military History and Imperial Aspiration, the Crimson Tribe is very honorable. To the South are the Sapphire Tribe’s lands. The Sapphire Tribe has a long history with the sea with an incredible Naval Presence. Foreign Trade from across the Southern Turquoise Sea flows through the Southern lands, bringing wealth and Foreigners to the shores of Qumet and must importantly; to the Sapphire Tribe. This Tribe is known for it’s control of Ice, and not water as some would believe. To the East are the lands of the Sage Tribe. They are the keepers of the Old Traditions and the protectors of the vastly ancient knowledge of the Tribe’s Forefather’s Forefathers. The Sages, the members of the Sage Tribe, pride themselves with their more druidic lifestyle and their vast connections with diverse nature of Qumet. With their calm manners and kind souls, the Sages are a tribe of build Builders. They have control over nature. Opposite to the Sages, in the western lands is the Obsidian Tribe; The workers of Earth and users of the Arcane. Defensive in nature, the members of the Obsidian Tribe are the most patient out of the other tribes and are masters of the land. The Western land’s fertility is the envy of Qumet and is often seen at the breadbasket of the continent for the more exotic yet native produce. They have the weakest standing army on Qumet but it’s strategic importance as the breadbasket has seen it to be fairly stable. In regards to their army, they have the wealth to hire foreign troops and experienced officers from overseas. They also have a great amount of defensive works in the form of Fortress around their land. They have control over the lands in the form of Earth Magic. In the centre of all the Four Tribes is the Heavenly Mountains, the Capitol of the four Warlords and the seat of the Dragon Empress.

Princess Tessaerre Issintoa is the youngest princess from the Sapphire Tribe and, by custom, is a hostage of the Crimson Tribe. The practise of hostage taking is a very ancient tradition and, in these times of peace between the tribes, is more of a formality then the actual act of taking a hostage. It was a way that the Nobility and the Royalty could interact with one another, made friends, made bond and potentially fall in love. The hostages could go home at any time but it was common for the hostage to remain with the Tribe they were handed to until they were age of 18. Tessaerre, the Lady of Gentle Ice, had her 20th Birthday in the Crimson’s Head Estate a few months ago and had remained in the Estate, even though she could go by to the Sapphire Tribe. She was waiting to see someone special to her, someone that will be home and back to her in a few days. This someone was her beloved Crimson One.

Initially my idea is Tessaerre will be wed to one of the Sons, or Daughters, of the Crimson Tribe and that this person is returning from a foreign conquest of some island or country.
There are two types of people on Qumet, ones that have Dragon Blood and one that don’t. The ones that do are the Nobility and Royalty. Ones that don’t are basically normal human.
Photo References for for Tessaerre: First, Second, Third, Fourth
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