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Relationships in Danger (Dream and Kiss)


Apr 27, 2009
Leon slammed the door behind himself, sealing the small cabin from the outside world. He slammed home the bolt on the door, something that should have been comforting, but somehow the thing strip of metal didn't give very much comfort. He coudl still hear the oncoming horde of Ganados walking towards his location and a glimpse out the window only confirmed that fact. It might have been better if he hadn't have looked because watching the zombie like villagers shuffle over the bridge towards his position was hardly very comforting.

Leon unconciously ran his hands over his weapons as he thought, remembering their positions with his hands. Pistol in his shoulder holster with extra clips, shotgun slung across his back by its strap, several grenades handing on his belt, and his always trusty knife always in place. It wasn't a dauting arsenal but with the walls to help funnel the Ganados it might be enough.

A sound suddenly caught his attention and he spun, drawing his pistol to see Luis with a weapon pointing at him as well. Both men let out a sigh of relief at the same time and lowered their weapons.

"Luis what are you doing here?" Leon asked, turning his attention back outside.

"You know wandering the contry side. I thought this looked like a good place to hang out. So who is this?" Luis asked, looking at Leon's partner with an obviously appraising stare running over the fit woman.
Anya furrowed her brows, lips curled into a scowl of sorts as she glared towards Luis. His stare irritated the already frustrated woman. She had no time for the fool to have his gaze and hormones running rampant! While Leon had lowered his weapon, her own was still raised rather high; a small submachine gun earlier bought from the neighborly merchant whom seemed to creep from all the shadows. "My name is Anya if it were any of your concern Luis." Her tone dripped in venom. This kitten had the bite of a rattler as it seemed. Bi-toned eyes rolled a moment while clenched teeth gave a flash of sorts. " Don't stare too long. Your eyes will dry from lack of blinking." Another bitter pitch while turning away from the tanned male to face Leon. He looked a bit more calm than she...though only the Heavens above knew how such a feat was conceived.

"Now what do we do? Sit here and mow them all down until our weapons are all gone?" Thin brows arched in question. Licks of black ebony and almost alabaster blonde streaked tresses toppled along milk toned flesh. " I mean.... Fuck." Brows knitted together as her slender face scrunched with lush pale petals twisting towards the side. In three large steps her frame had taken resident beside Kennedy's with sick green and royal blue eye narrowed upon the masses of yelling bodies outside. They disgusted her really, zombie like and yet clearly human in intelligence along with a more human stance. " I can't even tell what the fuck they are screaming half the time...What the shit is their problem?" Jaw tensed. Well apparently it was some kind of fucking thing. She had spied a few that sprouted giant worm like creatures with blades on their cranium. That wasn't fucking human at all.

Shoulders squared at the thought. " If we are just going to sit here and defend ourselves then we need to block off the doors and windows." All work this one was. She paid attention well in class. Enough so to not only save her ass by make her a hard bitch to down. Gaze wondered, scanning around until it promptly fell upon a worn bookcase. " This will have to do. I guess we have to keep clear on one window..." She sighed before walking over. Anya let her weapon drop, strap keeping it towards a flared hip while glove clad palms lifted to lay upon the side of the case. " Get out of my way." Female growled as she shoved. Boots offering little squeaks upon tarnished floors with the scream of wood across wood blaring at her ears.
((Sorry for being gone for so long. There was a death in the family and things have just kind of calmed down.))

"Fiesty and all of that with ballistics to match. You do have interesting friends Leon." Luis said, looking Anya up and down as she set her hands against the bookcase, resting his eyes on her ass last of all. Leon shot him a look, telling the spanish man to back off and with a shrug went off in order to block up one of the other windows. Leon returned to his post by the open window and smashed one of the window panes with the butt of his pistol, the moans of the Ganados drowning out the sound of falling glass.

He poked the weapon through the hole, the laser sight flashing across the distance to rest on one Ganados's chest. THe pistol barked twice, twin bursts of red marking the creature's chest. The thing staggered but instead of going down like any normal human the creature straightened and continued forward. The next shot smashed into its forehead. Leon continued to place his shots, slowing the hoard while the other two covered the windows.

His gun clicked dry and Leon backed away from the window ejecting the still smoking clip out of the weapon. "Anya spray them."
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