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Fx Male A Few Varied but Specific Ideas (NSFW IMAGE LINKS!!!!)

eva maria

Jul 7, 2019
It's been awhile since I've been on. A LONG time to be fair (I can't remember the last time I logged in, life has kept me away). However, as things start to settle down around me, I've been itching to get back into rping so I figured I'd try and start fresh. I'll preserve my original post below if you're curious but that would be the me of 2-3 years ago and things change.


1. Prelude
2. Personal Requests/Requirements
3. Kinks
4. Dislikes
5. Plots
6. Fandoms*** (see section for more details)


1. Prelude
I've been rping for quite a few years now, though I can't really count how many. I took a long break (again) and now I'd like to get back into it in a new light (again).


2. Personal Requests/Requirements
So I'm going to be a bit more open this time around, and I'll make this section relatively quick to read:
-RP in PMs only and only on this site
-2-3 paragraphs on average preferably, minimum 1 paragraph
-Post times will vary, average 2-3 times a week from me
-I use Anime references for the most part, I don't like using RL images


3. Kinks
While I'm open to some stuff, I'll be listing a few things here that I like very much
-Chloroform/Somnophilia (sleep sex)
-Bondage (Light to Heavy) particularly Gags
-Non-con or Dub-con (also will take 'mean' romance along the lines of dub-con)
-Ecchi/Perverted Things
-Clothed Sex
-Breath Control
-Premature Ejaculation
-Risky Public Scenes (though trying not to get caught)
-Anthros/Furries (particularly playing as)


4. Dislikes
Like with kinks, I'll be listing major ones, but feel free to ask me about specific things
-Gore/Vore/Excessive Blood
-Excessive violence
-Piercings besides Earrings
-Overpowered characters and lack of tension or drama (this one happened way too often unfortunately)
-Watersports/Toilet stuff
-Excessive Romance (mostly if there is nothing to break it up)


5. Plots
This section will likely expand over time. You can look at my old plots if you'd like but I likely won't be super into doing them right now.

Also, I'm planning on doing mostly one-shots/short term for now.


A. Afterschool Action (TAKEN)
This is a pretty specific rp I'm thinking of. I'm open to suggestions though I would really like to do it as stated, or mostly. Short term/One shot.

Three school girls are staying after school for swim club. One girl stayed to watch her friends and would be fully clothed in her school uniform, one girl would be halfway through dressing (just stockings and underwear), and one girl would have not started changing out of her swimsuit yet. Either as luck would have it or just as planned, a group of three school boys or three men (or other ideas for groups of males, up to you), break into the girl's locker room where the group of girls is situated and proceed to subdue them and rape them.
Reference Clothed Girl
Reference Half-dressed Girl
Reference Swimsuit Girl

B. School Gals with Guns
Though the set up is pretty specific, it gets more open as the rp continues. Short term/One shot.

Two young rookie cop girls are sent into a high school to pose as school girls, investigating one or more of the following:
-drug ring (amongst students and/or teachers)
-sex ring

They end up captured, either due to their inexperience and the bad guys find out their identities, or they're mistaken for actual school girls who know too much. Either way, there are punishments to be had...
Posing as school girls


C. Stop Time Obsessions (Taken)
For this one, I could go for a couple different routes. The general premise features a high school guy who is definitely something of a dweeb/loser who suddenly gains the ability to stop time. Here are a few specific focuses:

C1: The Sister
Being the weak younger brother, he has always been the target of bullies. Luckily, he has a feisty, powerful older sister who always comes to his aid. Over time, this has led him to obsess over his older sister, finding her both unimaginably attractive and also having some desire to dominate such a powerful female. With his newfound powers, he finds that he can enjoy both!
Older sister

C2: The Best Friend
Being a school loser means that he has zero chance with any of the hot girls. However, his childhood friend is nice and pretty and she's always been close with him. However, he's not sure if she would ever go for a deeper relationship with him, despite the fact that he really wants to. With his new power, she might not know it but they're definitely now closer than friends!
Childhood Friend

C3: The Teacher
Few if any of his peers have any respect for him, and that is not much different from the staff as well. Luckily for him, one of his teachers is really nice to him, which in turn drives him to obsess over her. Of course, the moment he gets his powers, he can't help but help himself to her, to find out what a real woman feels like!

C4: Miscellaneous
Rather than focus on a single individual, perhaps he goes on a rampage! He has any girl at his disposal now, so why not enjoy? After all, it's not like any of them would even give him the time of day normally... though he might find some side effects from using his powers too much...

C5: Alternate Guy
Rather than be a student, he could be one of the teachers. Again, not exactly the most respected nor well liked. And with classes full of cute school girls, he's hard pressed not to constantly fantasize about them. But with these new powers... he has free reign without consequences! As far as he knows!

Hiya! Brand new member here! Haven't rped in awhile so just know that I'm probably going to be rusty for a bit. Well, as I'll fill this out, hopefully I'll get my rp brain juices flowing again! I'd like to put a quick little table of contents to gather my thoughts:

1. Prelude
2. Personal Requests/Requirements
3. Kinks
4. Dislikes
5. Plots
6. Fandoms*** (see section for more details)

1. Prelude
I've been rping for several years now, though I can't really count how many. I took a long break and now I'd like to get back into it in a new light.

2. Personal Requests/Requirements
I'll start off with a few specifics:
-I would like to roleplay in PMs only, and only on this site.
-I would like that my partner be able to provide an average of 2 paragraphs or so per response. I don't mind if they're longer, but that's about what I remember being used to using myself on average. If you have to post less, it's fine once in awhile, but if that's what you always do, I cannot promise I will continue the rp with you. Over several years with different partners, I've found that a single paragraph or less constantly just doesn't do it for me. Sorry!
-Please be more or less fluent in English. I've had partners before that I had to guess what they were saying half the time. I would also very much like some good grammar, as while I can read poorly written responses, it tends to wear on my mind a lot.
-My response times will likely be all over the place, whether I'm on daily, once a day, once a week, etc. With my current schedule, I can't promise anything. Therefore, in response, I'm not going to dictate specific response times on you either. I think ideally I would prefer if you could reply at least once a week, if not more often, but again, I might not be able to respond more than once a week, so no real needs here.
-I like to use reference images for my characters, using mostly anime images and potentially some art refs, but I will not use real life images. While I don't want to impose that same restriction on you, I will more often than not enjoy your character if you use an image that could potentially match the style. I'm also fine if you prefer to use descriptions only.
-I'm really only looking to do the plots I have listed. While I'm willing to brainstorm some changes, I would like to keep it as original to the idea as possible. I've done A LOT of catering in the past, accepting random storylines that I've had less interest in to keep my partners happy, but I guess it's part of the reason I burned out so badly. So while I am open to listening to new ideas, I will be much more willing to accept changes to my own ideas instead. I apologize for being so selfish but I would like to get back into things.

3. Kinks
While I'm open to some stuff, I'll be listing a few things here that I like very much
-Chloroform/Somnophilia (sleep sex)
-Non-con or Dub-con
-Ecchi/Perverted Things
-Clothed Sex
-Breath Control
-Premature Ejaculation

4. Dislikes
Like with kinks, I'll be listing major ones, but feel free to ask me about specific things
-Bad Ends
-Gore/Vore/Excessive Blood
-Excessive violence
-Piercings besides Earrings
-Overpowered characters and lack of tension or drama (this one happened way too often unfortunately)
-Watersports/Toilet stuff
-Excessive Romance

5. Plots
Finally the main course!

M. Babysitting Naughty Boys
For this story, I planned on it being one girl opposed to several young males, preferably as young as the site will allow, but definitely younger than her.

The parents of several young boys (15-16 preferably) are going away on a trip, seemingly at the same time, and decide the best course of action to leave them is to house them all at one of their homes and hire a babysitter. The chosen girl happens to be one of the older girls from their school, likely someone they admire.

With hormones raging, they start prodding her about sexual details and the like, much to her chagrin. Eventually, one of them asks for sex, which she refuses. However, the boys aren't satisfied with this, and decide to overpower her and hold her as their sexual hostage until their parents come back. They're sure to explore their deepest sexual desires and try out all manner to things with her.

A. Too Hot of a Family
For this story, I plan on playing at least two main characters, a combination of older female in terms of mother or aunt, and younger female, either sister or cousin. I prefer to be the older sister/cousin, but this is negotiable.

YC is a young man living with his female family members, being the sole male of the house (for whatever reason it may be). Whether just hitting puberty (16+) or having hidden his true feelings for awhile, there's no denying that he is sexually attracted to his family in such a taboo way, and it has been getting more and more difficult to keep the feelings at bay. Yet when he is hired by the local pharmacy, he finds that he has easy access to chloroform. Meaning he might be able to carry out his fantasies after all, hopefully without the consequences.
Mother/Aunt reference
Sister/Cousin reference

B. My Crush is a... DEMON!?
For this story, I planned on it being more of a one on one, with some occasional additional characters.

YC is an average, if a bit quirky/nerdy/geeky guy going to high school, through all the usual crappy experiences. Like all boys, he thinks more with his penis than his head, wondering which of the hot chicks from his classes might ever get drunk enough to find him attractive. One of those happens to be MC, a particularly beautiful girl that might just be the hottest one of them all. Course, you're not in her league in the slightest so your crush will be just that.

More and more, you become sexually frustrated, needing to jack off several times a day, even needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of class to do it. It just seems every time you see MC, you get instantly hard. Even worse, one day you happen to come upon her bending over to adjust her socks, and her short skirt exposes quite a view, to the point you could faint from the sheer need to relieve yourself. You have to fight hard just to stop yourself from rushing over to her and mounting her there and then. But then again... you might not notice MC peeking over at you from where she stands, smiling to herself as she awaits for you to come into her clutches and find her secret...
Succubus in Disguise reference

C. A Princess Degraded
For this story, I planned on either a one on one, or if you're willing to play multiple characters, one girl with several men. While it takes place in more of a medieval fantasy realm as opposed to the previous ideas, I wouldn't mind leaving some modern or modern-like tech in.

MC is the princess of powerful and wealthy kingdom. As the single heiress to the throne, she is bound by the old ways to marry a suitor who her father seeks fit, yet she is determined to prove herself. As her people value martial prowess highly, she believes that if she can prove to them she is a capable warrior, she could sway them to her cause and choose whether to marry or not, and pick who she wants herself, free from all political restraints.

Yet even with a small retinue, she will find herself outmatched and taken captive, her kidnappers free to do with her as they please. Whether this be to simply enjoy themselves with her, or have greater plans of their influence on the kingdom, is yet to be seen.
Princess in Distress reference

D. What's It Worth?
For this story, I planned on playing a one on one, but I would prefer if you would play at least several secondary characters.

MC is the type of girl that likes expensive things, and to get them, she finds that using her body can be pretty lucrative. While it's not exactly widely known as she isn't about to go around and be publicly known as a slut, YC has been smitten with her for awhile, and of course, is too much of a loser to get laid the usual way. While not exactly rich himself, his dad brings in a moderate amount of money, certainly to the point 20 bucks is not all that much.

Whether he grows too fond of her and decides that her slutting days should be over, even against her will, or if he grows so smitten with her that he offers her a good deal, too good for his actual finances, will yet to be seen.
Slutty Girl reference 1
Slutty Girl reference 2

E. Strength in Numbers?
For this story, I planned on playing two characters, and you can play as either a single individual, or as multiple.

Two high school girls take the train to and from school every day. While the public transportation system had cleaned up a predator epidemic several years ago, the new management has grown lax, and once again, dirty men are starting to roam the crowds of train-riding passengers and have their way with innocent women, whether it be just the traditional groping, or going further than that. YC (or multiple characters) is one of these men, who had been in hiding during the whole pervert purge. Eager to get back to your roots, these two girls seem like the perfect targets to renew your efforts. Groping is fine for a start, but you're hungry for more... and if not today, you will be getting your dick wet one of these days.
Train Grope reference
Aftermath reference

F. Breaking and Molesting
For this story, I planned on playing three characters, while I'd like you to play as a single character. This character can be a family member or a random individual.

Three high school girls are the best of friends, even though each has a different personality. One is the shy and nice girl, one is the perky and loud girl, and the last is the cold and quiet one. Together, they enjoy their regular suburban lives without care, and oblivious to one particular individual who has been stalking them for quite awhile.

In the event of a family member, perhaps a father, uncle, cousin, or brother, he has been there, in their lives, all the time, never noticing how he looks at them, how he stares at their asses and chests, how he sneaks into his sibling's room and has his way with her intimates, or how he records them in the bathroom or in the shower. They never noticed how hard he got nor the feelings he clearly had for them at the beach in their skimpy bathing suits. One of these days, though, he knows they'll all be alone together, and that is when he will strike.

In the event of a stranger, he's been looking from afar, stalking them whenever he can, unable to decide which of these innocent girls he likes more, or which deserves to be his first. Through his diligence, he finds out they will be alone for several days or possibly a week, and they plan to have a sleep over just for this occasion. The perfect time to break in and start his amorous campaign.

Either way, YC will strike when each girl is separate from the other, either knocking them out or overpowering them. One by one they will fall, and he will make sure to keep them in separate rooms, bound and gagged for as long as they resist. Perhaps the first girl doesn't even get the chance to resist, as he unleashes all of his pent up needs before deciding to move on to the next. They will be his sexual prisoners for as long as he has the freedom to do so. And possibly longer if he really decides to be crafty...
Girl Group Reference

G. My Idol
For this story, I planned to play a single character, while I'd like you to play several characters, if you're open to it!

MC has seemingly done her dream! She's a popular idol beloved by thousands if not millions of fans, and she's living pretty comfortably. Yet she has turned 18 years of age, which means she is now lawfully an adult. And she needs to renew her contract. At the same time, she has to compete with other newer, younger idols for the same fans that once adored her.

Her manager is sure to try and get her into the adult business, perhaps with some additional incentives for himself. Of course, she might just have a family member that would thrive off her as well. And last but not least, there's always that overly zealous fan that, when he sees her in porn, is sure to want to kidnap her and keep her as his personal trophy for his own use, to punish her of course.
Idol reference

H. A Raw Deal
For this story, I planned on it being a one on one.

MC is just a regular high school girl, albeit one that is a bit more on the timid side. Not quite shy, but not the kind to be exuberant or outgoing, simply chatting with friends and family and keeping her head down otherwise. Not to mention being relatively intelligent and doing well in school.

However, YC is quite different, practically the opposite. And quite the schemer. He notices MC at some point and decides that, despite not being the hottest or the prettiest girl of the school, she'll do for your plans. What are those plans? Having a girl who will do what he wants and won't say no. Indeed, a simple, pushy conversation decides that they will have sex, though he promises it's just to get rid of her virginity, which somehow is a bad thing to have.

Course, this is just the beginning. He promises to be gentle and use a condom, neither of which comes true as he tricks her and instead fucks her raw, cumming inside her and declaring her to be his girlfriend now, since she could have gotten pregnant. From then on, she's under his thumb, whether it be to fuck in the school bathroom, wear sexy lingerie underneath her uniform, or let herself be bound and gagged to be at his mercy, nothing seems to be off the table.
Girl ref 1
Girl ref 2
Girl ref 3
Girl ref 4

J. Stopwatch
For this story, I planned on playing a multitude of characters, mostly random characters, while you play one character.

A guy inherits an old stopwatch after his father's death. What he thinks is just a random family heirloom turns out to be a lot more, for as he tries it out for the first time, he finds that it actually stop TIME. The possibilities seem pretty endless! Maybe this was why his father was in such a happy mood all the time.
Example 1
Example 2

I. Wrong Day to Fill in
For this story, I planned on playing one character opposed to two or more, though probably one at a time. Inspired by 25-sai no Joshikousei.

A school girl is doing very poorly in her classes, for one reason or another, and decides that she wants to quit school. However, that would ruin her life, and as a result, her mother tries to look for someone to replace her by pretending to be her. To do so, she needs a good look alike. (it can be the mother herself, probably aged 32 years old, or perhaps an older sister or cousin that's 21 or older). Either way, the person that takes the girl's place looks extremely similar and hopes she can get away with it.

However, at some point, either a teacher or a fellow student (or possibly both) discovers that she isn't who she claims to be. As a result, she's essentially blackmailed into allowing him/them to do as they want with her, when they want. And whatever they want.
Girl ref 1
Girl ref 2

J. Married for Other Reasons
For this story, I planned on it being mostly a 1x1 scenario between our characters.

MC is a high school girl (aged 16-18) who has been living alone with her mother for a couple years since her father's death. However, her mother has gotten so busy with work, MC literally never sees her other than sleeping on the couch or in her bed. As a result, the mother just recently married YC, a guy she met through a dating app and doesn't know all that well, but was one of the few guys that would accept the responsibility of looking after her daughter. Despite being a glorified babysitter, however, YC is interested in one thing and one thing alone: MC. He obsesses over her, forcing his way into her life and getting creepier to her by the day, but she has no one to tell. At some point, he will lose control and he will take her by force, and as long as he's around, it's going to stay that way...
Example of girl
Example of outfit

K. Taken For a Wife
For this story, I planned it as being a mostly one on one scenario.

YC has been something of a loser all of his life. Always finding it difficult to speak to girls when he was of age, he is now getting somewhat older (30s+) and the few dates he's been on have been a disaster. Perhaps because he so obsessed with controlling his partner. Fearing that he'll never have a mate in life, he decides that it's time to take one by force.

MC is a schoolgirl that happens to live a few blocks down from YC, and goes by his house to and from school almost every day. Being a victim of chance, she's in the wrong place at the wrong time when he attacks her, knocks her out, and drags her into his home. Gagging her and binding her so she's completely unable to move, he makes a makeshift sex dungeon in his room, where he plans to keep her until she breaks. And that means lots and lots of forced sex, until she realizes that her place is to be his wife.

Even after she breaks, however, he's naturally paranoid, and refuses to allow her to speak. Around the house, she must remained gagged at all times, unless he just feels like talking to her, or she needs to eat, small times like those. After all, her place as a wife is serving him and being his bedmate, not talking to him. And even still, he never gets over the need to force himself on her, even when she's willing.
Example 1
Example 2

L. Furry Surprise
For this story, I planned on it being mostly one on one, though with additional characters here and there.

YC is just an average young guy, either going to school or working every day near a random restaurant that he likes to frequent. One day, he finds that the restaurant hired a girl to act as the mascot of the establishment, standing outside in a bulky suit that hides her completely, trying to advertise and get customers. Not much of a ladies' man himself, he actually finds it easier to talk to her, seeing as he doesn't really look her face to face.

He finds it odd that she doesn't take the suit off when heading home and curiously, follows her one night, to a small, secluded home within the nearby woods. While spying on her, he gets a shocking surprise: this is no ordinary girl. She looks like an anthropomorphic fox!
Furry Girl 1
Furry Girl 2
Furry Girl 3

6. Fandoms
So this particular category is something new I decided to put, just because I have been getting a bit more into exploring existing fandoms, or at the very least, being inspired by it to create something akin to it. I'll put some specific details about each fandom and what I would want out of it.

This one I'm currently running with a really active partner, so I probably won't want to more of it outside of what I have right now. Essentially, it uses existing characters from the franchise, for the most part, and includes them in a modern setting with magical properties, making the Servants akin to Pokemon. Masters are awarded one Servant who fights for them in the Master Tournament for a grand, non-descriptive prize. Each victory awards the winning Master some currency and the option to have sex with the defeated Servant. At the same time, having the Servant fight too much or be active for too long will require a recharge from their Master (I'll let you guess how that happens). Very interesting story for sure!

This one is definitely an interesting one, for I LOVE this series! It's probably one of the only ones that I might be willing to play the canon girls for you (fyi I don't really like Megumin too much but it comes with the territory. Just don't expect her to be a main girl as much as Aqua and Darkness). Still, I'll offer a couple different options for this one:
1. Full canon. Extremely rare for me for sure, and I definitely don't mind if we change some details with the characters (after all, we're not limited by a rating here!). A spin on this would be an original guy who happens to take the main guy's place instead.
2. Original characters. One guy, three girls, each with their own crazy quirks. Obviously, it'd probably be a bit different from the ones we're used to, but certainly gives us a lot more freedom!
3. Original characters, reverse harem. One girl, three guys, with each guy having their own crazy quirks. Dunno if any of you guys out there would be up for this one, but I'd love to give it a try, cause boy harems are fun!

-High School of the Dead (CURRENTLY TAKEN)
I've always liked most zombie movies, and this series is just so kick ass! I love playing school girls, and in this scenario, having them fight hordes of zombies (and have all the lewd and ecchi scenes!) is really fun! That said, this was entirely based on the concept and approximate setting of the anime. I don't really want to play the canon characters, rather come up with our own!

-My Hero Academia (CURRENTLY TAKEN)
I love high school settings, and while I've never been a comic book fan (Marvel and DC are stupid IMO) anime is my love! And I really enjoyed this series! However, I'm not invested enough to know all the characters and their powers and whatnot so... as with HSotD above, it'd be an approximate equivalent setting with original characters. I'd need some help with that though, cause I'm not very good at coming up with original powers... Still, I'd imagine it as more comedic and, of course, as pervy as you'd want!

I grew up with pokemon so of course I gotta love it! Before I go any further, the setting of Blue/Red/Yellow, the Kanto region, is pretty much the only setting I know enough to feel comfortable playing (yeah I'm that old...). So I'd like to keep it to the setting as it was... uh... 18... 23... some years ago. In addition, this one would be more of a DM experience, so it's probably not likely to happen. You'd have to be willing to run the world for my adventuring character AND be familiar with Kanto and the original 150 pokemon (or at least be aware of them, I don't expect a very in-depth battle system frankly!).

Another series I grew up with. While they're all well and dandy, the one I like the most was Digimon Frontier. Why? Cause I used to love Power Rangers (long time ago, I'm over that). This would be the only setting I'd want to play, and even then, not the setting itself, but something extremely loosely based on, or at least based on a bunch of people becoming digimon to fight baddies.

-Digimon Frontier (UNAVAILABLE)
I've been warming up to the idea of playing canon characters bit by bit. So this is a separate entry from the one above. It would follow some or all of the original gang from Digimon Frontier, though obviously several years after their first adventure, and obviously aged up appropriately. What happens exactly and how the plot develops we can certainly discuss it, but in this story, I would like you to play as many of the guys as you can (even if not all at once). It's kinda like a girl's harem but that's what happened when the best season of digimon had 5 guys and 1 girl.
Zoe Orimoto aged up

-The Seven Deadly Sins (UNAVAILABLE)
So this one is a little different because I've honestly never watched the show. I've only seen a couple short clips and some references and analyses of it. However, it sounds intriguing enough to me, though perhaps the aspect that most got me was the relationship between the main kid (don't remember his name, Melodious or something?) and Elizabeth Liones. From what little I know, I kinda like this dynamic (especially all the ecchi parts obviously!). I plan on watching it when I have time, but if you want to discuss a story that could include some of these elements, please let me know!

More to cum I'm sure! Er... misspell...
Last edited:
So I decided to add another plot. I crossed out plots that have been thoroughly requested, so if you see that, feel free to read it (if you can) but I'm not looking for that right now.
Rather than keep plots crossed out for no reason, I separated them into its own hidden category, so you can still read them, but more so for the ideas of what I like more than anything else. I probably won't want to do those plots or ones too similar to them for the time being.

Also added fandoms for the first time with brief explanations for each one.
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