Mx Female Fandoms, Celebrities, and Originals (Oh My!)


Jul 2, 2009
Greetings. This is my current request thread for here, so lets get down to the basics first.

What am I looking for as far as how someone writes? - This is the easy part. Please communicate what you do and don't like. Please be courteous and let me know about pauses, real life issues, and displeasure or boredom with the role-play. Role-plays can be fixed. I am looking for decent literacy (I am neither a grammar nor spelling Nazi, but we all know certain things and those can be expected by all of us who write here. If English is not your first language, I am very understanding. My work has me dealing with those who are like that often, and I will do my best to stay understanding and flexible there. As for post length, I also am not a dictator. When quality is present, between 1-3 paragraphs 5-8 sentences is ideal. Extremely long posts do not always make the story flow. As for story to smut, I can go from a 50/50 ratio to high smut to PWP... but I prefer some story with my smut.

No one liners.
No bait and switch (of you set up an rp, then suddenly "flip the script".. I will drop you like a hot potato)
No meta/godmoding (some helpful moving of a character in a way that can be quantitatively judged as how MC behaves is acceptable, but not something at all contradictory to the set mindset of the character especially)

I have many years of role-play experience (as well as both theater and actual real life BDSM experience), over 20 on rp and BDSM experience especially.

I have an F-list in my profile, but it can be discuss about most kinks, but I list the major ones here as some do not always take the time to look at the F-list. The ones that I most often role-play out most are:

Anal/Anal training
Oral/Oral training (can involve breath control if wanted)
BDSM (this can go from light to extreme and always can be adjusted to sublevels in between. You want crops used, but only want handcuffs and silk as the bondage.. it can be done. LOL)
Mind games (this is separate from Mind control to me. This is more social engineering toward coercion and dub-con.)
Mind Control/bimbofication (this is entirely flexible.. or can be left out entirely)
Breast bondage (torture is not what it is about.. clips yes if acceptable.. but not real damage to the breasts)
Humiliation/degradation/exploitation/objectification (these are varying degrees of the same thing.. not always treating a female as less than human.. but of lesser station. Ex. In a DnD Forgotten Realms inspired rp, a Drow Matron captured and enslaved to a well endowed male human using her as he pleases is humiliating and degrading to a proud female like her.)
Aftercare (especially when asked for, this is a big thing when intended. The level is negotiable, but it can be discussed)
Tightness (not going to lie.. but tight fits are intense. Be they from large cocks or the body type of the female, it is intense.)
Fight (when a feisty sub struggles, it can be very theraputic and fun.)


Bad Endings (many times, to some this means death of the female.. that one is a no.. but situations where the female ends up a slave or such, that is negotiable)
Marking (tattoos, certain BDSM ways of leaving marks yes.. but no maiming or scaring badly)


Heavy Beastiality (no animals only.. and prefer humans involved)
No under age (rules of the site are clear and I like following them)
No necro (gross Vampires do not count)
No submission on my part (I am Dom, period)

Ideas I would love to do (some of these are more plot heavy than others) -

"Educational Ideas"

1. Teaching Hard Lessons: One is a teacher at a very exclusive private school, one where the young leaders, thinkers, and such of tomorrow are supposed to be learning to deal with the "hard lessons of life". In reality, while they do learn their subjects, the school is also a playground for those with intense sexual appetites, drives, and desires. The other player is a student, and at this school the bounds are nonexistent between the teachers and their of age students. In what way does it happen? Does the teacher force/blackmail/coerce the student, or is it the other way around? Perhaps it is totally consensual for the most part, just that certain ideas are played out? Or... is it all a massive "role-play playground", and in reality it is where people with certain desires wish to play out their intense "school themed" passions?

2. From Urban Legend to Reality: The student hadn't really studied for the exam, so an attempt based on a prolific college-based urban legend is tried. The student writes a glowing letter about the professor in an exam book to show off better penmanship to a parent, then puts it in at the end of the period . The student , having memorized the exam, puts in all of the answers, deliberately missing just enough to avoid a perfect score but better than needed to get the grade needed and intends to mail it to the professor. The problem is.. the student still has the letter, and then realizes that the exam booklet didn't have the letter, but an intensely detail recounting of a dream about the professor that was supposed to go to the Psychology department where she was participating in a sex study. What happens when the professor reads it? What will transpire when the call to the student happens? What if one.. or both.. act on it, especially the bondage and very rough aspects of the dream? What if the student races to get it back, willing to take the failing grade if only... but then things happen where "if only".. "just isn't possible"?

3. Study Abroad/Internship: The student is out of the country on an exchange program or is doing a work internship dealing with the student's field/one of the student's fields of study, and the student and the professor/teacher come across each other. Where they are, as they are no longer in the bounds of a student/professor (teacher) relationship, things are different. They see each other in different circumstances and in a new light. Things happen, and then something else opens up doors and windows where things neither would admit to others they admit to each other. Perhaps, also, one doesn't intend for things to happen, and the other pushes the issue.. hard.


4. National Velvet: Velvet is one of the most famous young women athletes in the world. She is beautiful, talented, capable, wealthy, at the top of her game... and far too arrogant for her own good. She is not a bad person, rather she is used to always getting what she wants. That is until she loses a horse race and discovers that the Thoroughbred that she lost in the race is herself. What is an even greater shock is that the man whom she lost to has some extremely desirous intentions for "breaking the Filly known as Velvet This one can have Pony play if wanted.

5. The Best of the Best: She is a world class athlete who has be wrangled and taken to the domain of a man who is very intent on making her his own. Very Gorean in some aspects, she will be put through the intense physical and sexual gauntlet he has planned for her, but is his intent just sexual and psychological domination of her? Or is there a higher purpose?

6. Crimes against fame: This can be a mainstream actress of either film or television or both.. or it could be a porn star.. but a fan who knows the difference (or does he?) wants the real woman. The only difference is.. someone wants to ruin her.. and now she has to trust her fan (stalker?) who knows what is really going on. Is he sincere through the want to possess and dominate her, or is he out to ruin her too? If he isn't why not?

7. What happens at DragonCon...: She is a cosplay queen, though not really arrogant about it. She does wonderful with her costumes, and people want her picture and autograph.. even her advice on doing cosplay. Her fan, whom she knows better than she should (or does she) initiates what should be a torrid Labor Day con centered time of servitude to his welcome sexual desires. But, as the old song goes.. "What in the world are you going to do....?" when it is obviously not just a one time thing for him... and what if she really is honest with herself and doesn't want it to end either.. and wants people to know she wants to be his to own?

Deep and Intense (I am not trying to dissuade anyone on these, but this ideas are the most plot heavy of any of my rp ideas. These came out of my brain during multiple writings of fanfic (nowhere near like Twilight or its should have been aborted monster Fifty Shades....) but still these are most certainly 50/50 to 65/35 plot smut down the line.)

8. The Heritage Club: One of the oldest private clubs in the nation, to the point that they have very exclusive properties for members to live at, the Heritage Club is shrouded in silence and mystery as to what benefits its wealthy, powerful, and influential as well. Women desire to be connected to the inner circle of its members, craving to be the center of attention at least from one of the men within. For some strange reason those who get what they want either become less prone to being in the spotlight, fade into the background.. or disappear for long stretches at a time or all together. One determined female, not necessarily a feminist or anyone trying to expose the secrets, wants the questions answered. The deepest and most important question is... is she REALLY prepared for the answers she finds??

9. Private Screenings: (WARNING: This is partly inspired by four separate film and television sources(one episode of Law and Order, the films 8 mm and Eyes Wide Shut, and a real life incident involving Charlie Sheen), so PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY before going to ask or comment to myself or anyone on its outline) It was so shocking, that the city was absolutely stunned. What looks like an urban legend, an amateur looking porn bordering on snuff film, was found and delivered to the proper authorities. The search had been on for weeks... until the girl in the film.. the one everyone thought was dead and buried... turns up very much alive... and doesn't recognize the film at all even though it is obviously her in the film. She has no twin, and she has been with friends somewhere she couldn't be reached. Is she telling the truth, and if so, what really is in the film?

10. Vacations Unlimited: (Inspired by aspects of Total Recall, Westworld/Futureworld, and similar inspirations) The future has provided the ultimate in vacation options: leaving your body at home while you are able to experience your ultimate fantasy: Being someone else. A new body and a different life are all part of the package, and you can spend the time for as long as you wish if you have the resources. But what really happens at the resort that is the man-made domed place that is a gigantic cities in what used to be the arctic desert of Antarctica. The weather allows for the system to run without getting overheated... so is that the reason why people have gone and not returned??? Why is your character there? Do you have something or someone specific in mind for your three, six, nine, twelve, or eighteen months stay? If so, did you sign up for the Platinum package? Did you read EVERYTHING in the forms on the tablet you signed?

Fandoms and characters I would love to play opposite (we can discuss whom I play if interested)


Ziva David
Emily Bishop
Abby Sciuto

Video Games

Lara Croft
Samus Aran


Power Girl
Wonder Woman
Wonder Girl (Cassie)
Donna Troy
Black Canary
Caitlin Fairchild
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
White Rabbit
Lois Lane
Etta Candy
Talia al Gul
Lady Shiva


Jean Grey
Hope Summers
Rachel Summers
Sue Storm
Maria Hill
Black Widow
Ms. Marvel
Black Cat
Scarlet Witch
Kitty Pride
Jessica Jones
Sharon Carter
Emma Frost
Red She-Hulk

Disney Princesses

Snow White

11. Disney After Dark: What really goes on at a Disney theme park after closing time.. especially when a resort is there. At Walt Disney World.. there are very private guest services.. that provide thoroughly adult services for both men and women.. especially if the man wants to ravage a "willing" Disney princes.. or a woman wants to be one ravaged by a very skilled male cast member...

Other Disney

Kim Possible

(other fandoms can be discussed)

Celebrities (I have a personal list of these, but these can be discussed as long as age doesn't go over the line in either direction.)

Adding this small edit and "bump" as it may matter to some. Some of my ideas may be in need of tweaking, and that is on the table. If there is a detail or two that you would like to leave out/modify/etc, it is open. All of my rp ideas are that.. ideas. Like the rules of table top RPGs, there is flexibility involved.
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Bump.. with a VERY specific plot idea....

The Residence - Etihad Airways is a airline centered in the United Arab Emirates that knows how to take luxury in air travel to a level above and beyond. They are very famous with the luxury travel crowd for how pleasing and indulgent their Business and First Class travelers are treated by them. This goes to a different level with "The Residence": literally "an apartment on but apart from the rest of the plane". One or two passengers not only have an entire section of the plane to themselves with "a living room, bathroom with shower, and bedroom".. they also have a butler (a stewardess/steward personally assigned to tend to their every need. First class cuisine, indulgent beverages, and perks of all kinds (including a totally personal area in the airport itself for dining, relaxing, refreshing, and even enjoying expensive liquors and cigars, along with a ground butler as well, are part of the deal.....

But what if there is much more involved in the "full service". What if there are expectations that are not revealed till one is there.. or if someone wants to push the idea of " total service" to a different level.....
Bump.. with another idea.....

I would LOVE to do an DC inspired rp similar to the adult coming The Inner Joke, only with an OC having the addictive cum. Of course, he also has a much more intense and stable intent in many ways.. and he intends to "visit again" as many of the females (they can be both female super-heroes and super-villains of course..) to keep them well addicted as needed.

Also.. it wouldn't take much to move this to a Marvel centered idea. Especially as this is different than the Purple Man.. as they are WANTING to do what the OC wants them to do eventually. LOL

This one is most certainly for the hypnosis/mind control/ mind break crowd....
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