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My Hero Academia Rp (Potter-kun x RandcomChick93 ONLY!)

Jun 30, 2019
Where my imagination takes me
It's a gorgeous night in the town of tokyo-japan. It's cherry blossom season, said blossoms swirl through the air, giving the night a magical sort of feeling. Inside their lovely home, Uraraka aka Pro Hero Urarvity and Momo aka The Everything Hero are awaiting the return of their beloved boyfriend. Uraraka is in the kitchen, cooking up his favorite dinner, while Momo is setting up the table. "Do you think he will like this?" Uraraka ask momo suddenly. Momo smiles at her, and walks around the table, to hug her girlfriend, from behind. Both of them are wearing gorgeous silk teddies, Uraraka's is pink and black while momos is red and cream. Nither are wearing shoes, but are wearing matching stockings. Momo gives uraraka a gently hug and kisses her shoulders softly. "He's going to love this, I just know it. He's been working hard lately. This will be a nice treat for him, and us. Since we both of tomorrow off..." Momo says, her voice trailing off at the end she kisses the spot on uraraka's neck that is known to be sensitive. Causing the brunette to shiver and moan softly. "We can have fun all. night. long." Momo says, placing a kiss after each word, then biting down softly on the last one. Causing uraraka to mewl, and arch her back in response.

Momo giggles softly, and then gently pulls away from uraraka, and goes back to setting the table. Which makes uraraka pout, but she doesn't say anything else. Letting her own mind wonder into the gutter with the plans for the evening. Momo humms softly, finally finishing the table, she goes to washing up the dishes. When they both hear the door knob jiggle, they both stop what they are doing. Ready to get into fighting poses, but also to hurry to the door if their beloved is behind that very door.
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