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Love, Death, Robot's "Sonnie's Edge" based RP, anyone? (Updated 4/24)

Honourable Villain

*raccoon noises*
May 15, 2018
Under the bed
Sonnie's Edge inspired RP
(Monster/Shifter x Human)
Has a slight idea that I'm wondering if anyone else would vibe with it.
Similar to the episode, we could have a character that was either turned into a shifter due to a dire circumstance or transferred into the body of a monster in order to help preserve their life. In return, they help fight in the arena with other monsters to repay their friend and/or savior, the human.
No real plot for this idea just yet other than one of them going on a revenge path to go after the crew that nearly killed the human or is the reason why the monster/shifter had to be this way in order to survive.
Note: The genders of either roles are not set but I prefer if it was kept MxF, and I don't mind being either gender or role.)
If you like the sound of this, send me a message, yeah?


Warframe or Halo-based
I have no plot in mind for this but I'd bet much love to build one!


As for RWBY, I don't exactly have a plot in mind but If you have any ideas, feel free to toss it to me and we can talk it over!

I have quite a few OCs to choose from in this fandom. 2 Female, 3 Male. I can easily make my own team or we can go 2/2 for a team and go from there!
Had a slight idea after seeing this in a couple of other RPs and kinda want to try it myself.
The idea of people being experimented on dealing with grimm. The results end up being people being able to shift into grimm-like creatures.

I don't have an idea yet but I would love to work off of it and come up with some kind of plot/story! Feel free to message me any questions about it or send me your own ideas! I'd love to hear them from you!
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Just added!

Ancient Magus Bride-based idea
(I prefer to play as the Male in this story.)
-Male x Female preferably
-Older/Ancient Creature (Male/Non-Binary) x Young woman
-Slice of Life, could have dark themes
-High Fantasy
-Possible multiple characters
-Highly story driven, though smut is very much desired

Like I mentioned before, I don't play canon characters. So I'll be making up my own for this. But I do like the general idea of the show/manga!
It could start off with YC being stolen from her home or sold herself into the trade, maybe she has already been through an owner or two? I'll leave YC's backstory up to you or we could come up with one together.
Either she can be found and bought at an auction or perhaps she found her way into the Otherworld and is finding every reason to stay and not go back home to the material world? Maybe she was found by MC then? Could he have accidentally attacked her or pitied her and brought her to his home? Would he convince her to stay or go back home where she belonged? Maybe deep down she has magic of her own that needs to be controlled or unlocked and could make her a potential apprentice?
Added and currently craving;

D&D styled Original Plot (New! Added 6/17)

-Violence and/or dark themes are desired.
-Assassin's Guild theme recommend
-All pairings are welcome (NB and Futa included) except for MxM, I'm just not very good at them.
-Possible complicated/dramatic poly relationship(s)
-Open to meddling with Supernatural/Paranormal
-Multiple characters are recommended
In this world, there are many gods and each of them stand up for different aspects. For this story, we're following the assassin's guild and they dedicate themselves to a particular goddess for guidance and protection. She represented lust, trickery, and revenge. Oh, how she loved revenge! The more extravagant the better! She took great pleasure in making those who wronged her suffer.
All was well except for a long while, the guild hasn't been.. Prospering. Less successful. What could be wrong? Clerics and the devoted plea with their goddess, asking what they could do to earn her favor once more. She replies that this guild has lost their way and grew soft. A champion of her choosing will arrive soon and give the guild another chance. If not, the guild will fall and a new one will take its place.
The entire guild is split on the news. They want to keep their traditions, some even think they can be without the goddess! The rest were willing to throw themselves at the first and only chance the goddess was going to give.
The champion was was then chosen, MC, and everything then comes to a head. There were outcries on why they weren't chosen, those who denied him and the rest either wouldn't follow him. Only a few did.
This began the fall of the guild. A great massacre. The criminal underground just witnessed one of their greatest guilds collapse on itself. Only a few have survived and rose from the ashes and work to try and rebuild themselves to their former glory. But they can't do it without the champion, they need his guidance as the goddess only speaks to him, for now. Not only the rest prove themselves worthy.

That's all I have for now, if you have any questions or have any ideas of your own PM me! I'm open to discuss changes or adding on to what I have here.
Just Added:

Humanized "Night In The Woods" Based RP
OC's only!
Rekindling old flames
Reconnceting with old friends and seeing how much they had changed
I will accept FxF relationships here
Bonus points if the RP has spooky/paranormal elements to it

You don't have to know the game to do this plot with me. I just liked the vibes of the game and wanted to create a story similar to it but not toatally. Here's a few dynamics I'd like to list off as what I would be totally down to RP in.
A character returns to their hometown after being away for years. Have be a few or up to a decade. Maybe they went to college or their family forced them to move away from the town they grew up in, leaving behind their friends.
Maybe this character had a lover that became an old flame? Did this old flame move on without them or did they wait?
Maybe on of their friends went missing and everyone else has given up hope on fiding them? Maybe they could put reignite that fire and spearhead the idea of solving the mystery.. wait, is there a murder cult here?
So much has happened to the town since they had left. Maybe focus on reconnecting with those they used to know? Is that house down the street still haunted?
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