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An Idea! (het, need male)

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May 10, 2009
The Asscrack of nowhere, WA
Alrighty then. So this is an idea. It's based off a videogame called Time Hollow, though you really don't have to have played it to fill this role. Here's the deal.

There's this pen with which a person can draw a hole in time, through which they can change things. But be warned, as any living being who goes through the hole will be trapped in the flow of time forever, unless they get sent back to their own time. Also, one can only use the pen if they have the "time" (lifeforce) to do so.

So here's the plot.

There are three teens in their senior year. Two guys and a girl. They are all best friends. The main guy is in love with the girl. The other guy (who I will play if you don't want to) is kind of quiet and aloof.

Nevertheless, one day, as they are hanging out, the main guy sees some strange visions in his mind that seem almost like memories. They are rather disturbing. One is of the girl walking home from school. Another is of a blood splattered room, with a bodybag in the center of it. Another is of police in that same room. And finally, one shoes her tombstone.

He's greatly disturbed by these images, but says nothing, figuring they are just the result of a movie which he watched last night. And so, they all part ways. He heads home, goes to bed, and sleeps soundly through the night, distancing himself from those thoughts.

But the next morning, when he wakes, things feel different. He looks around and his room is somewhat different. Pictures that were once of the three friends, are now of just the two guys. The girl isn't in them.

And so, he goes to school. No sign of the girl. He asks the other guy where she is. He gets upset, and says he should know better. That she's been dead for three months now. That the main guy was the one who found the body even.

When it looks like the main guy is confused, the other guy goes on to explain. It was a murder. She was all sliced up by some freak who had somehow gotten into her house. The main guy is in total disbeleif.

He does some research and comes across some pictures with dates on the back. One, of a eerily familiar bloody room with a bodybag in the center, and the other, a snapshot of police in that room. Those are the pictures from the memories he had the day before. But how can this be? Just yesterday, she was alive.

Finally, he goes to find her grave. His is shocked when it's the same one that he saw in his vision. He can't beleive it, but he had forseen her death. And it hits him hard. After that, he stops coming to school. He doesn't leave the house, or his room for that matter.

But then, one night, as he is sulking, a strange hole opens in the wall. There is a scream, and suddenly, the girl falls out of the hole, wearing the same clothes he had last seen her in. And he's awake now. She stands and moves over to him. After sitting beside him and comforting him for a bit, she says she can explain this.

She hands him a pen (the hollow pen) and explains that he can change the past, and save her and many others. She explains the rules of the pen, warns him that someone else has a pen too, and finally says her goodbyes. She tells him that she will accompany him for as long as she can, but that each time he changes the past, there's a chance she will disappear.

And so, they set out to fix what's wrong, but in the process, things only get worse. It turns out that the person with the other Hallow Pen is changing things too, for the worse. And so, something must be done to stop them.
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