Welcome one and all to my roleplay request thread! As a lover of Hypnosis and Mind Control it's a fetish that I've had for the longest of times, built by the shows as I watched as a kid and the adult entertainment that I consumed as I grew up. I hope that you enjoy your stay, find something your looking for, and contact me if you think we might work together. If you have any questions feel free to pm me, any ideas big or small will be considered, and I am always willing to adjust and modify a roleplay if need be so long as it still is interesting for me. Basically I'm pretty flexible and I hope we can enjoy a roleplay together.
(More or less done, but will update it if I ever need to fix or add things)
Quick Things to Note:
-I am male and tend to play Male characters (but can play a side character of any gender)
-I can play Futanari/Female characters, but the plothook has to be good and something I want to do.
-I have Discord, or we can play in Private Messages.
-I roleplay with Females, Futanari (Shemale/Herm/Ect...) and Traps/Femboys. Not directly into MxM, but I do body transforming/gender switching/ect...
-Lover of fantasy/sci-fi
-Literate but not snobbish. I enjoy giving long, meaty replies. However sometimes short responses are needed. I don't care if you have minor spelling and grammar mistakes as we all make mistakes. I do go over my posts to make sure they are cleaned up and mostly error free when I post them. I am however human and mistakes are made.
-Willing to brainstorm any idea you have and construct a roleplay out of it.
-If you see any mistakes in my request thread pm me and tell me, I'm not perfect and might have missed something.
List of Key Kink Like/Dislike:
-I typically dom, sorta goes hand in hand with the whole mental domination/influence kink)
-Most kinks are either "Yes" or "Favorite" when it comes to the general stuff.
-I enjoy a variety of lewd kinks but I have so many to list please just ask if you certain kinks that NEED to be in the roleplay or you would really like to see.
-No one under 18/Follow the Site Rules. (Obviously)
-Scat/Vore/Rubber/Giant/Micro are huge turn offs.
-Not really fond of non-humanoid characters. If you're human-like then it's all good, but I don't want to deal with Centaurs, or Aliens, or creatures of that nature.
-Human prefer, Fur friendly (I don't usually make furry characters, but depending on the partner I do have two options for you should you approach me)
Types of Hypnosis/Mind Control - (Please note there are ton of different induction methods, whichever one we use is fine, we can tailor it to the story/feeling of what we want to do. I've added pictures to best match each kink. However some types don't have a great picture to go along with it.)
Messaging me: Should you see anything you like just give me a pm! Include as many induction methods as you like, as well as any other information you know right off the bat like the kind of character you want to play, the mood/feeling of the roleplay, and perhaps anything you can't or will not include. Then we can whittle away which induction method is best, get a plot set up, and any other things out of the way. Totally willing to brainstorm, and I am more than fine with compromising and working with anyone who wants to roleplay with me. Thanks for reading my thread! (Or at least skimming it since it's fairly big)
(More or less done, but will update it if I ever need to fix or add things)
Quick Things to Note:
-I am male and tend to play Male characters (but can play a side character of any gender)
-I can play Futanari/Female characters, but the plothook has to be good and something I want to do.
-I have Discord, or we can play in Private Messages.
-I roleplay with Females, Futanari (Shemale/Herm/Ect...) and Traps/Femboys. Not directly into MxM, but I do body transforming/gender switching/ect...
-Lover of fantasy/sci-fi
-Literate but not snobbish. I enjoy giving long, meaty replies. However sometimes short responses are needed. I don't care if you have minor spelling and grammar mistakes as we all make mistakes. I do go over my posts to make sure they are cleaned up and mostly error free when I post them. I am however human and mistakes are made.
-Willing to brainstorm any idea you have and construct a roleplay out of it.
-If you see any mistakes in my request thread pm me and tell me, I'm not perfect and might have missed something.
List of Key Kink Like/Dislike:
-I typically dom, sorta goes hand in hand with the whole mental domination/influence kink)
-Most kinks are either "Yes" or "Favorite" when it comes to the general stuff.
-I enjoy a variety of lewd kinks but I have so many to list please just ask if you certain kinks that NEED to be in the roleplay or you would really like to see.
-No one under 18/Follow the Site Rules. (Obviously)
-Scat/Vore/Rubber/Giant/Micro are huge turn offs.
-Not really fond of non-humanoid characters. If you're human-like then it's all good, but I don't want to deal with Centaurs, or Aliens, or creatures of that nature.
-Human prefer, Fur friendly (I don't usually make furry characters, but depending on the partner I do have two options for you should you approach me)
Types of Hypnosis/Mind Control - (Please note there are ton of different induction methods, whichever one we use is fine, we can tailor it to the story/feeling of what we want to do. I've added pictures to best match each kink. However some types don't have a great picture to go along with it.)
One of the most iconic ways to induce hypnotism. It is fairly simple to explain and probably doesn't need much in explaining how it works. Using a crystal, a watch, or something shiny or attention catching, the user will take the target and direct their attention at the focal point. Lulling them into a suggestable state they sometimes make them sleepy, or outright go into a deep trance. Then with defenses down edit the brain to do all sorts of things. From gleaming information from someone with no mental defenses, to imparting triggers, rules and suggestions that the entranced will act out. They will do so even if they don't want to, some don't even know that they are under the effects of hypnosis, being made to forget about things. This state can be entered and left freely with triggers, the command word and action being used to put them back into a suggestible state instantly.
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This ability needs no outside focal point, instead the focal point is the eyes. They transform in some way, either through magic or technique to become more than just eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul, and that soul will be become enthralled and obedient to those that look upon such Mesmer Eyes. Various characters throughout TV/Movie/Video Games have used this technique. The allure of this is that it is instant, can come from no where, and is irresistible. There can be additions to this such as "Mesmer Voice" that along with the eyes the vocal chords are enchanted in some way that helps with the mind controlling eyes. Sometimes it's just the voice, sometimes its just the eyes, sometimes a combination. Either way these honeyed words are undeniably strong, so hard to resist that you just have to obey.
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When it comes to domination sometimes just mentally being stronger can be the key to controlling someone. This induction method is fairly simple, the dominant one is simply stronger mentally. Be it from a superior race, a long line of psychic power, or simple a gift at birth. Manifesting in phsycic power, they are able to take weaker willed individuals and control their minds. In order to win the right to control someone sometimes they must fight them mentally, some having road b blocks or resistances to being controlled, the user overcoming each one and gaining more control each time they rip away a defense. Sometimes they have additional power like body control through telekinesis. At other times they can have additional powers and perks depending on the flavor of psychic power used. This power can edit and be quit precise when controlling a person, making them behave and act in a way that feels normal to them, it becomes their new normal, a new person, with any kind of personality they want. From simple mindless drone, to rewriting and making them a completely new person.
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This type of mind control uses persuasion to gain its intended effect. They aren't hard controlled to obey, instead they are compelled, like it was their idea, that it was natural, that it came from them. Thus as it comes from them, there is no resistance because it's coming from deep within. Audio recordings with a hidden layer beneath them, images flashing quickly to fast to be picked up on and truly noticed, but imprinting upon the mind. It's small at first, but the more its done, the longer its done the stronger effect it can have. Various audio and visual subliminal messages can be used over the course of time to shape a person.
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When it comes to mind control this one is group enforced. Usually a charismatic leader holds the sway over a flock, his word is law, to disobey means more than punishment, it means your happiness, your contentment is at stake. Thus anyone in the group isn't just willing to obey, they are happy to do so. They have found what they want in this group and don't want to give it up. Those who are lower in rank listen to those of higher rank, the higher you are versus the lower they are translate into how much control you have. The person lowest on the totem pole wants to prove themselves, to be accepted. Additionally though those that have given themselves have invested into this cult, this mind set. Thus because of how much they invested even if they are wary of doing something or not completely sure they will do so, not wanting to have lost all they have invested into, all that they have fought for. Everything they put into the cult and believe into the cult thus becomes their shackles, the longer in the cult the harder it is to pry away.
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Science has found ways to improve lives and change how we live. Of course it could be used to pervert the very lives we live! Now since this is a pretty big concept it can cover a lot of areas. There are certain sub-genres (nano-tech) but for the most part it's basically any machine that allows you influence over another person. Sometimes the process takes awhile, the machine has to crack the person inside, it has to weaken their will and once the mind is broken they can start to reprogram it. This kind of power programs a person like they are a machine. Thus using a machine to edit and control them like they are some program easily rewritten. Of course it doesn't have to be easy, perhaps it takes multiple trips, or constant trips to keep the power, or maybe it's one long session till broken, it can be done in many ways. Some porn has shown large chair-like devices in which a person is strapped in, using all kinds of supplementary hypnosis, using whatever it needs in order to get the job done. Subliminal, Conversational/Brainwashing techniques, adjustments/drugs used on the body in union with the mental changes can be used. The machine can be adjust to attack a persons weak spot, the greatest power is the machine is versatile and can do many things. It can adjust the level of each activity to match exactly what the person needs in order to become enthralled, to become broken in. Of course it doesn't have to just be a tech-chair that breaks someone in. It could be a control collar, or any number of objects with certain limited effects. It can range from total control, to control of one or few aspects given the roleplay.
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Perhaps one of the more cheesy examples of this trope. Everyone however knows of it! Used all over the place in every kind of media. Books, TV, Movies, and even Theater. Simple to understand but with a depth that most people don't usually toy with. The effects of the potion or spell can be hand crafted to meet certain desires or explore various kinks. You could have it be very weak and simply be a potion/spell that imbues infatuation, making the hard part of getting them interested in you over with and then you can woo them with your charisma, it being a "boost" more than anything. You could make it quite carnal and have them want your body, perhaps even going so far as to having a stand-off personality and perhaps actively teasing/subverting you while enjoying the carnal desire they can't say no to. This makes for some interesting roleplay ideas as they either deal with the fact they can't stop craving you despite the clash in personalities, or perhaps the barrier is worn down through constant spending of time together. Can especially with the spell-portion be custom fit in how it controls.
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Everyone has seen in media the power of the jungle, the hidden tribes that dwell within, the power that comes from a group of humans not spoiled by technology. Sometimes they worship ancient spirits, sometimes they are connected to primal magic, at other times they know how to use the ancient power the world has to offer. Whatever the case may be they can through a tribal tattoo, or through a totem imbue an effect upon the user. Be it the desire to mate, to obey, to do without question, to see a person as a leader who mustn't be questioned. The appeal with this is that it often has very little in the means of fighting. The totem or tattoo is a law that must be followed, either by the spirit that influences you, or the magic that gives you the order, that influences you.
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One of the more mundane/non-fantasy kinds of control. One of the few types that non-fantasy can use/bring out. This involves all kinds of torture and tends to be a darker kink. Starvation, sensory deprivation, carrot+stick, a bit of subliminal messaging thrown in, and more. The goal is to correct their mind, their way of thinking. The strength of this kink is that it can turn the most adamant and zealous enemy into the exact opposite. Taking something that wanted to harm you/your cause and instead making them a supporter, one that might even die for the cause. With this trope there are ways to break out of it, or revert back to your former self, however there have been subversion's of this trope where they were merely acting like they were back to normal, and were still under control and merely acting cured. This kinks is for a darker kind of roleplay.
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When it comes to science it can do so much for the mind control genre. To control and induct a slave into your control a serum or drug is administered that weakens the mind and body to a state in which you can influence them. For some it means making them more addicted to pleasure, or perhaps it means lowering inhibitions, perhaps a drug will affect the user to make them suggestible, or perhaps it lowers their ability to think. Whatever the reason there is a lot of room for whatever kind of control is wanted or needed. Adjusting the dose, mixing together cocktails, and inducing shock or other kinds of stimulation while under said drugs/serum can lead to all kinds of control. This works great in modern and sci-fi settings and can lead to exchange of masters since the focal point of control is the serum/drug itself. While similar to a love potion this kind of induction revolves more around science than the occult, and usually has an easier time adjusting and managing what you can do with your slave.
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For this kind of control it's slightly more in tune with body control, but because of the position you put the body in, the mind suffers from the body. Being addicted and needing another hit, doing anything to keep the positive effect of the drugs going. Perhaps the effect is an increase in happiness or contentment, perhaps a sexual gratification or desire. Either way this is different form Drug/Serum as it plays on the addiction aspect. Where a drug or a serum might not have an addicting quality, under this kind of roleplay it would. The person needing that addictive drug/stimulant will do anything or nearly anything to get more of it. Depending on the supplier perhaps it puts a financial burden on them, or if they are the only supplier perhaps they ask for things more than money? This could involve "Down the Rabbit Hole" type of play, where small things are done at first, easy simple tasks that reward the addictive substance. But more is needed more often, till it becomes a problem, the person has to change how they act, think, feel in order to get through it. This is a bit darker with the addition of addiction being added, not for everyone.
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Talking around in circles and circles, it seems some people do this on accident, where for others it's quite natural. There are certain users of this that talk to someone, and through their speech direct them a long of path of agreement. Setting up a premise, providing evidence but not letting them examine it, circular logic, and distracting them from the problems, "answering" their questions, but not letting them poke holes in their argument. Think of a door to door salesman, or a Bard or Rogue. They have a silver tongue, and they are charming to boot! They are talking, and it feels so good to listen too. You feel like you're being heard, but you're not really saying anything, they have so much important things to say, and it totally makes a whole lot of sense. Directing the way they need to think, the way reality is, you implant in their minds how things need to work for a particular thing, and close them off to ideas that aren't that. They make any idea seem like a good idea, like it's the only way something should be done, or the only way it could be. For example that lovely man just convinced you that pants were the worst idea to ever been invented in the history of man kind. Of course that was after he convinced you that sex was a way of saying hello to people, and that today it's still used to ensure meeting someone is friendly and goes well. Having sex with the first person you meet is like shaking hands of course, it's just what you do! (For example)
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This one is fairly new and I haven't really seen many people do this. It's a form of mind control formed by a Bond. Be it a contractual bond, a spiritual bond, a bond created through science, or perhaps through evolution/adaptation. The Bond between two people contains a dominant and a submissive character. Each has their role and each is expected to do certain things. While it could be as simple as a Dom Vs. Sub tendencies the fun lies in how much additional things are within the bond. Think a mutual beneficial pairing, how animals help each other in the wild, this is the kind of bond that is formed. Perhaps one can use magic but has no source of magic, while the other is a batter but unable to access any of the power. Perhaps one has an ability that can only be activated when dealing with the lower-bonded one. In terms of the hierarchy the dominant one has a share of the power most if not all the benefits while the submissive or less powered one has work/chores/mandates put on them. Depending on the relationship there is some benefit, perhaps it allows them to live longer, better regulates their body, or allows them access to a power of their own should they comply. There is always a reason for the submissive part to comply though, a "carrot" to reward them for their obedience. Of course it could also be a compulsion, the bonding of two the two could make them either extremely suggestible/docile or lead the person to being unable to disobey. Depending on the level of control you want, how good each side has it, and the rewards/chores set up for each it offers a lot of different options for roleplay.
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While there is a genre called Tech Control this one is very specific as it deals with Cell Phones and Apps. There have been plenty of hentai and lewd stories written online about a cellphone giving the user the power over someone else. It's pretty common for something popular to have a lewd thing imagined about it. This is just what people came up with. Imagine typing to someone, but whatever you write in parenthesis became what they thought? They don't see it normally, but their subconscious digests it and runs with it. Things like "You think i'm cute" or "You're starting to feel shy around me" or "You become jealous if I mention anyone else of the opposite gender". This is a sub genre of the subliminal messages for sure. With App control you use an App downloaded from some mysterious store that allows you control of someone. This can range anywhere from simple mental controls, to perhaps even physical changes depending on the power and fantasy desired. This can go anywhere from small mental and physical changes, to the world not noticing the lewdness/ridiculous of certain situations, of course the option to have them notice and react is also available. The various Apps that one could use could be simple and just make them desire you more, while others allow micro-edits on anything and everything, allowing for precise control of anyone caught within the App.
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When in a society you have a culture, and in that culture some things are widely accepted where as other things not so much. Depending on the climate of what is considered proper and what is considered taboo you could lead a very different life than someone who lives in another country. What if someone had control of a country, they had shaped it in a way that they wanted and enjoyed? That they thought was the best way for someone to live? Thus you get a form of control maintained by society. They have certain customs, certain taboo's that must be followed and avoided. This could be both lewd and non-lewd, and offers a great room of rules to those creative. Of course this can be simple as "A society where sex is a normal and accepted publicly". Of course you could do the reverse and have it is as a great taboo, your character wants it because it's something they can't have, controlled into wanting it, to going through great lengths to obtain it. Perhaps those who take pains in order to subert societial pressures/culture are controlled by a different set of people able to give them what they want at a price?
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We've all seen it before, two sides that are so opposed to each other that no truce could be had, no chance for peace or understanding. Be it Angels vs. Devils, Creatures Vs. Normals, Regular Mind Vs. Hive Mind, Nerdy to Trendy, Home Country Vs. Invading Army, Human Vs. Succubus/Incubus, Cheerleader to Goth, Independent Thought Vs. Mindless Obedience, basically two opposites. Whatever the case may be there is usually no mixing of sides. But what if that were possible? Corruption is how it's done. Taking something that is one thing, and then changing it from the inside till it is something completely different. The best example is Angel/Good/ Vs. Demon/Evil. Some call going Evil/Demon into Angel/Good reverse-corruption, but either way it's the same thing. Sometimes the process is hard, other times its easy but the horror of how easy it is going can be the focus. This isn't some much thinking about the "destination" but how one gets there. Losing parts of yourself as your changed both in mind and body. Sometimes this has a physical change, sometimes bodies are changed, genders reassigned. Either way the corruption starts, and will not end till the process is complete.
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Combining Mind of the Cult and Societal Expectations/Culture Pressure you get this wonderful kind of control! You are a number, a part of the machine. From this way from the start, or a perversion of some system, this is now how the world works. It involves having a set bit of data, a sheet that tells you who you are, what you are, everything are capable of, and limiting you in what you are capable of. It puts you in a mold, it makes you into a part of the machine. The interesting part of this is those who are higher in charge of this organization, this nation, whatever system of power is used. There are executives that can use their power on the enthralled workers to bring them up and alter them. They know what their profile says, about their body, about the examination of their minds. They cause attach more pages, telling the worker they need to upgrade, that they need to take an extra course, that they need to learn from their superiors. This is an abuse of power, controlling their mind through their authority and all the negative consequences that arrive of getting fired in this increasingly modern society, those without a job perish. Thus they are left with the choice of obeying and conforming to their superiors who hold their lives on the line, or angering them and risk losing everything. That is if they are rebelling, There are those that are more than happy to be in the system and view such use as a reward and promotion, or very well could be taught to view it that way.
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A subgenre of tech control, this is a mixture of fantasy and science as the nano-tech can cause various changes similar to magic, I.e. large changes in body or how a person works on a physical or non-physical level. From drastic changes in hair color, to perhaps gender, to full body control. Perhaps they are fully under the nano-bots control. Perhaps the nano-bots have an A.I. personality and have taken over a host body, the host either unable to respond or totally absent. Of course the nano-tech can have subtle influences too. Perhaps it adjusts a persons libido, or maybe it triggers pleasure or pain depending on a certain type of thought or action, using a carrot-stick method to program their minds.
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Messaging me: Should you see anything you like just give me a pm! Include as many induction methods as you like, as well as any other information you know right off the bat like the kind of character you want to play, the mood/feeling of the roleplay, and perhaps anything you can't or will not include. Then we can whittle away which induction method is best, get a plot set up, and any other things out of the way. Totally willing to brainstorm, and I am more than fine with compromising and working with anyone who wants to roleplay with me. Thanks for reading my thread! (Or at least skimming it since it's fairly big)
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