Fx Any Romance, Darkness, Pain and Lust, maybe Death ( Medieval or Nazi / black uniforms )


Shy little flower
Jun 21, 2019
Hi! Told to do a request thread - here we go!

Sometimes I am triggered by images and clips - and would like to set up a roleplay around. Maybe... I can put some references with this thread. Only... ideas, blue prints. Maybe you have ideas or desires to be intregrated. If you can follow me to enjoy what you see... perhaps we can match. ( I will add character informations and plots later on. Just to start it up now - here is! )

Innocent. Hot. Curious. Dubcon. Maybe a painslut? If so she does not know. The scene is ending with a ... very shocking moment. We can do it softer. "Killing me softly". Did I tell that I love bad endings?

Being a bad bad girl - maybe she will be put to an asylum or mad institute of correction.....

Not really to bump it, but to add another option.

I was remembered to an Image I found up long ago, casting a light on two aspects of WW2 roleplays including "nazi" uniforms and female helpers of the bad bad guys wearing black uniforms. I can be both. An "Ilsa" style superbusty nasty female SS Sadist Lady - or a more shy female, wearing uniform of a helper of Luftwaffe or Sicherheitsdienst. ( In the Picture it is mismatched, the unifom is Luftwaffe, but the Emblems are SS ). She can be… an Assistent to a bad guy? Working in Headquarters as a communication specialist? Or simply at the end she is a suspect of being a spy or in the resistance? So many options :)

Ok, it is a dare. But today… I am in a mood for it!

We are not in a hurry, are we? Just going to settle down here on BMR, having conversations ( and more ) with very exciting people, and...

Ok. I have another clip in mind who triggers my inner cinema. It has some aspects I can try to explain later on in detail... ( or simply - ask me * smile )

(btw I do not understand what is spoken - but it is self-explaining )
Ok today - I would like to tell some ideas for plots. It is not what I exactly want to do, most of them I did in this or a modified form. It is to show up examples. ( btw it is a

The sacrife ( fantasy/medieval )

I got a plot in mind who follows me from youth. It is set up in a fantasy world. The female is a shy maiden. She is coming up some day to the house/cottage of the male character. She is scared, she is exhausted, but... we do not know what happened. She is suffering from some kind of what we now would call a "post traumatic stress disorder". She does not speak any word.

The male character has a dark side. Maybe he is a hangman. Or he is a warden of a dark religion and responsible to watch over a old, secret sanctuary in the woods. Day by day he lives in his home as a widower, cares for his garden, all what he has to do for subsistence. He did not ask questions, he simply got aware of her situation. He took her to his home, sparing his words, too. He cared her wounds, gives her food. She simply stays with him. Sometimes at night when she is asleep he is watching her, listening to her brathing, or watching her secretly when she is washing herself at the fountain behind the house. In the beginning he prepares meals for her. He never touched her. Step by step she took over to do his household and they start some kind of "living together".

But she is aware of a disturbing fact: she is not able to leave. There is no locked door, or any kind of restrains, but she is not able to leave the garden and parts of the surroundings. It is like a magic bann or cycle.

And then... some day... he got a message. Maybe a beadles of the earl, or a message from the priestress he is serving. Simply telling "Her time has come".

He took his executioner's sword from the shelf and ordered her "Come with me". Not in a commanding voice, but as a lover would do. They have to do a long walk, she is simply going by his side or behind, and in the evening they reach their destination. Maybe an execution place somewhere, a body still hanging at the gallows, or ( i prefer this version ) a big stone at a hidden lake in the woods. The night is coming up, twilight, a cry of an animal. Somehow she knows that she has to kneel down. And he took his sword and stands behind. Someone is watching in the dark. And when the moon comes up, he took his sword an beheaded her. In the "lake" version he then is slowly and carefully pushing her body to the water by his feet.

He leaves. The story is over. With the next day... a widower is caring for his garden, when a young lady came up to his garden gate and...

The Recruitment workshop ( Nazi/WW2 or some "darker" dictatorship of fantasy )

A complete class of female highschool students is arrested - maybe under false accusation of drug abuse, being part of a conspiracy with rebells, whatever. Their teacher(s) are taken with them to be a guide and soul care for the victims. They are sentenced in a faked tribunal to death but given a chance : They can apply to become helpers/members/attendies with the security police or any other dark organization, and the ones to be accepted will be released. Of course... all of them decide to subscribe an application.

Then they are transported to a secret facility / a camp / whatever, where the selection procedure takes place. And in fact this is some weird kind of triage. They are step by step divided in three groups:

Class "A" - the sadistic, merciless, ( or maybe simply the ones of cool beauty, willing to give their superiors some... pleasure... ). They take part in other courses and start their carrier with the secret service, being officers, being interrogation specialists, or simply well-looking assistents to the high ranked bosses.

Class "B" - the ones to be useful as "slaves". Especially here we have masochistic orientated females, or simply whorish sluts, ready for bimbofication/humilation/... Maybe doing jobs in a chain gang or as a strict shackled "maiden" to serve within the facility. Or as guinea pigs for example at the school for torturer. Or...

Class "C" - the useless. The rebellish ones, who cannot be tamed, and the ones who not stand all this. The third class is going to be executed, as of course no one is allowed simply to leave. Perhaps their execution is the final test for the "A"-class. ( or perhaps also the rebellish are ending up in "B" and we have only those, who did not stand or are killed with the selection process. Maybe Class "C" is empty when all this is done...

One aspect is that there may be a contest between single groups of the applicants, or one-to-one, where the winner is put nearer to be "A" class and the looser is sampling another point for the "B" class. So many ideas what could be integrated....
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It is not as easy... As I have some ideas around a "School of Interrogation" I can show up a scene, giving faceclaims as well. Here we have a class of female soldiers, taking part with a course how to stand "pyhsical interrogation techniques". ( deviantart.com, provided "Skating Jesus", showing "Irina - Soldier's Training Part 001")


We have another attandee, being part of a lesson in "how to escape ( in fact she fails).
Deviantart, provided by "Enhjorning", showing "Run for your life"


Ok and finally - she got a very private lesson in the effects of high voltage...
Deviantart - User "DeleCar" - showing "The Torment of Tammy Woo"


... in fact I am not as addicted to images, we will have it more described in words. Words are sometimes more flexible to add all your secret dreams and run your inner cinema ....
Have a nice day / a perfect weekend :)

And perhaps - we meet in conversation or even roleplaying...

Greetings from Germany
Okaaaay…. here we go.
You see - I am addicted to Images. Here we have another one. I simply have to show it. Any storyline to build around her is welcome :) She is simply a multi-Purpose character. Maybe simply involved in war and other dark "Events" of a dark time. Or suffering when… suspected or simply taken as a victim. Or… being herself the one in control, helping her sinister superiors to do... unspeakable, merciless, horrible acts of violence….

Deviantart, by user "Bad Bishop", title is "Danke" ( "Thank you" )


And here we have another Version. Maybe you can call it "Diesel Punk Style".....

Deviantart, User "EStreet", title is "Panzerkampfgeher" ( Maybe "Combat tank walker" )

I am still open for another run, and - would like to do a medieval version of it :)

Ok if we talk about putting it to a fantasy ( future, apocalypthic, … ) world. I am so much driven by Images...

It's not medieval. but a mixture of real ancient history - the Romans against resistance of local tribes - and it is hard and merciless.

Ok... one last bump for now. Still one opportunity to fit something in my time shedule * smile

This one is about dominant women ( at the end... only wearing an leather armor to make them strong? )
And I really love the face of "Richard" ...

Boooomppppp :) Got additional "time slots" free for roleplaying :)



More of this.... amazing... images can be found with the account of "Pfefferschwarz" at deviantart.
Boooomping it again :)
Got some slot free for another RP - make me eager to start it up :)
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