Fx Any Exotic Tastes (Female Version)


Jun 9, 2019
I just recently had this idea and have now become infatuated with it and disappointed on how little material there is of it. So...

MC/YC is the owner of a restaurant that sells a very special kind of food. You sell food girls, sexy and delicious foods in human form. YC can cook up these food girls but has to have the ingredients required for them. Where do these ingredients come from, you ask? Ingredient girls, of course! Ingredient girls can produce a certain ingredient instead of cum or lactation. For example, bee girls cum honey and cow girls lactate milk (More milk than normal, I mean). Ingredient girls that need to produce their ingredients whole in a solid form like, meat and fruit girls, while produce their ingredient after being fucked silly enough. This will take a bit of them off and leave them exhausted, making it harder to get more ingredients from the same ingredient girl several times in a row. These girls are found in the dangerous wilds, and need to be protected once found or else something else will eat them. You can also make combo dishes, like cookie dough ice cream with a cookie dough and ice cream food girl. The food girls would need "mix" with each other to form the new food girl, though. We could also roleplay the erotic consumption of the food girls.

Skip this if you don't want any concrete mechanics
This is all optional, but I think it'd be cool if you could take orders from customers and sell the food girl for money that you could use to get more ingredient girls, new recipes, or better equipment, or if there was a time system where you could only fuck so many ingredient girls and make so many food girls and you'd need a certain amount of money by a certain time.

Rules (Some of these aren't rules but I don't know where else to put this)
All genders and mechanics can be negotiated, just keep the core concept of sexy food people. I don't necessarily mean "girls" when I say girls. They can be boys, girls, traps, futas, whatever. Same goes for the chef's gender
Take your time with replying, there's no rush. But still, if you know you're going to be gone for awhile, a heads-up would be nice
I'm fine with pretty much any kinks here
This wasn't meant to be a vore thing but I don't care if it becomes one
I'd like a couple paragraphs, but if there's not a lot to go on then you can go shorter

I think that's it... Sorry for just having this one plot, but y'know how hyper-fixations are. Hope to see ya later
Look, you absolutely don't have to do this if you don't want to, but if we could roleplay that the ingredient girls pissed and shit their ingredients, that'd be plus cool.

I understand it could be gross so you don't have to by any means but if you could I'd appreciate it
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