Fx Male The "Perfect Couple"


Aug 1, 2017
Seattle area
This fantasy centers around the question...

"How well do we truly know our partners in life?"

That may be a simple, yet rather dramatic way of putting it, but the fact remains that everybody has some thoughts that they just keep to themselves, that they don't tell anybody, no matter how close they are. The same goes for romantic partners, particularly with fantasies. In this plot I would like to explore what happens when a couple who has been together for years, a couple who has generally been viewed as the "perfect pair of lovebirds" by their friends and family, a couple whose sex life is secretly boring or even failing or dead, gets turned upside down after the girl discovers an unexpected side to her man.

If that's enough to spark your interest, feel free to message me :) but if you want a bit of an example of a plot line that comes to mind, read on...

Example plotline:
One day while she's alone at the house, she happens to come across a lock box belonging to her boyfriend or husband. She can't help but immediately become curious to know what's inside of it, and knowing him as well as she does, she simply guesses at combination and manages to open it.

Inside, are all the handwritten notes they exchanged when they first started dating years ago. She finds it to be the most adorable thing ever, and begins reading them. However, her adoring mood is snatched away from her as she happens across a particular note written by him. One that she's never read before. One that appears to be a confession of sorts that he never had the guts to give to her. A confession that looked like it was meant for his worst enemy rather than the love of his life. That confession...?


What I'm about to say is going to sound a lot worse than I mean for it to sound. However, there's no way to sugar coat it, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. I love you, and I always will... but there's been a LOT on my mind lately, and if I don't get it off my shoulders, I'm gonna go fucking crazy.

So... here goes...

On the surface, people think we're the perfect couple. That we love and adore each other. That our chemistry is perfect. We both know that the reality is different. If you don't get what you want, you're unhappy. If you don't get your way, you're unhappy. It isn't just with me either, it's with everybody in your life. You've lived your entire life with people giving you what you want and letting you get your way. You win because nobody around you wants to deal with you when you're unhappy. You win because everybody in your life has learned to walk on eggshells around you. You win because it's easier for everyone else to just let you get your way and get what you want. You win because... you're the sweetest, most adorable thing when you're happy, and how could anybody not want to be in your company when that's the case?

But you know what? It drives me nuts. Just once... just freaking ONCE... I would love to see you lose. To see you face true adversity for the first time in your life in such a way that it has a permanent effect on your humility. To see it change the way that you see the world. To see you realize what it feels like for somebody to reach out and just use you for what they want for once while you're helpless to stop it. To see the look on your face when that reality check hits you that you're not as untouchable as you think you are. To see you fucking humiliated.

I know it'll never happen, and I've accepted that. But the thought of you in desperate situations that you dread, situations that I know you would hate to be in... those thoughts drive my fantasies now. My performance issues lately... they're only because I lose more and more interest in vanilla sex by the day, because my interest in seeing you LOSE gets more intense by the day.

I know I'm not the man to do it, but you know what? Everytime you vent to me about that obsessive creep that keeps saying vulgar things to you, the more I realize that nothing would make me happier than to see him get his hands on you. Nothing would make me happier than to see the look on your face when things finally don't go your way. To see the look on your face when everything you vowed to him would never happen in a million years, suddenly gets turned around on you and he gets to look you dead in the face and ask you what that was about never happening in a million years? The look on your face as you realize that you have no choice but to surrender to the urges and desires of the disgusting creep who's perved out over you for months now and makes your skin crawl.

Someday I'll confess all of this to you, but in the meantime, I can't help but quietly wish that someday, pictures of you enduring what it feels like to be used by someone else in ways you've never fathomed could happen to you, pictures of the look on your face as you do things you find repulsive, somehow find their way into my possession, along with a new "you" who's much more considerate of how you treat those around you.

But it'll never happen. I guess that's why they call it fantasy..."

She would go on to spend the rest of the day in absolute shock, not speaking a word to anybody. Even when she saw her man later that day, seeming as normal as any other day, she couldn't help but be much more meek in his presence. Even after he asked if something was wrong, she insisted otherwise. There's no possible way he could have suspected that she found that letter. Hell, he probably forgot that he even wrote it in the first place. So her secret was safe, but that didn't mean she wasn't thinking about it every minute of every day.

She wasn't mad. She was just... stunned. She not only loved him, but she was IN love with him. At least, that's how she felt. So what did it mean that he was clearly harboring these kinds of fantasies about her? She didn't dare ask him about it. Instead, she found herself reflecting on all kinds of moments where she felt that maybe she was a bit too inconsiderate toward other people. Slowly, she began to believe what was written in the letter about her behavior and what others thought of her. Eventually, she began to consider the possibility of actually letting his fantasy happen, if it meant humbling her in ways she was apparently incapable of doing by herself. More and more she began considering the thought of surrendering to the "obsessive creep" that endlessly harassed her, even as repulsive as the thought was. She loved her boyfriend/husband. So much so that she eventually convinced herself to do just that.

With camera in hand, she knocked on the creep's door, reluctantly set on producing the very pictures that he seemed so intent on having someday...

**If going by this plotline, I think this would be a fair place to start**
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