Mx Female Sci-Fantasy Worlds Within

Dr. Pox

Jun 18, 2019
***Current cravings are in my latest posts***


Hello and welcome.

Let me first state a few things first to assure what I'm looking for and hope you're looking for the same.

1. I'​m not into anything gross like vore or scat. Incest and inflation kind of creep me out, as well as excessive torture and abuse. Not into Pedo stuff either. Age play is fine but seriously do not make a kid character! Petite of body and mature of mind is fine.​
2. I favor quality over quantity and usually give and expect three paragraphs per post, unless its a conversation.​
3. I must have a story. A complex narrative full of themes, genres, cliches, tropes, twists, plots, and character development. Ecchi and Smut are just the icing on a big juicy story. I favor roughly 80/20 story to smut but I value a slow burn organic narrative 100% of the time. Chemistry makes a good story amazing. Nothing wrong with a wholesome story from time to time.​
4. I like to be friends with my partners. I love world building, speculating, suggestions, critiques, and simple conversation. I am a people person. If there are anythings you want to include, change, remove, or alter in a story, I'm generally for it! We're building a story together.​
5. Anthros, Furries, Monsters, Inhuman, and Aliens welcome! I don't believe in limitations in my stories and so I favor genres where our imaginations can run wild. I don't mind Slice of Life or Modern stories if the plot is intriguing and unique or there is something fantastical that flavors the world.​
6. I prefer illustrations, anime, drawings, CG Images to face claims. It's just a personal opinion.​
7. I can GM/Narrate, play multiple male and female characters, double, whatever. My males are usually confident and lean towards more dominant and proactive personalities. I do not care about your actual gender. I usually only stick to MXF pairings. Sorry, I'm just most comfortable with them.​
8. Finally I am flexible and will cater to my partner's ideas and desires. I'll introduce some plots below but if you think we'd get along, feel free to post or message me with your ideas. I've done multiple stories with multiple kinks and as long as it doesn't violate rule number 1 I can generally cater to ones sick twisted deviancy. We can talk it out.​
Dumb rules out of the way, let's get started.

This is an interest check for a player to have a story in a sci-fantasy universe I call Elysia.

The universe is designed to have any kind of setting, any kind of genre and theme, but enough of a fantastical element that things like boundaries or limitations need not apply. Where elements of super science mix with elements of magic, that world in parallel and in tandem with each other. The universe however is not safe and a million million little dramas can happen across its expanse. I’m offering a personal character driven story in a vast, epic scale, shared setting, but different themes, plots, and genres within that setting. Im letting players build their own stories with Elysia as the backdrop. If you have a background, Elysia can easily incorporate it.

Exact details can be discussed, but basically if you can think it, it exists. A world can even be the setting for a modern story, with the magical and sci-fiction elements impacting the story.

Below are my sample story ideas, the bigger plots are on top, and more Fandom focused plots are towards the bottom. As this interest is a work in progress, I'll include another post that will be more erotic focused stories.



Theme: Political Romance

The Emperor of the Tiger Dominion has been chosen in a relatively peaceful time. The Noble Houses are bitter about their new leader, but what else is new really. He or she will remain in their position until they are unfit to lead. Now it comes down to delegation, forming staff, and seeing that the scrappy Empire filled with ambitious and conniving nobles doesn't declare war on the rest of Elysia, or argue enough that it doesn't start a Civil War with itself. A wise Emperor will surround themselves with those they trust. Advisors, Consultants, Body guards, Confidants, Ambassadors, Generals, Admirals, Cheifs, Paramours, Support Staff, maybe even suitors. Muse A will be the emperor, one of the most powerful men or women in all of Elysia, a fleet of ten thousand ships are at her beckon call and all the might of Noble Houses and their worlds. His final word on policy and law for a section of the known universe.

Muse B is one of their chosen confidants. On a political standpoint, this character might be an arranged betrothal before the Emperor obtained their position, making the upcoming nuptials much more complicated and important. Maybe on a practical standpoint, they are special, knowledgeable, gifted, powerful. They serve to support and aid the Emperor in their tasks, and as time goes on, they are relied more and more for other reasons... Maybe it's sentimental. Muse B was once a friend. Adorably cliche, one was a noble's child, the other their personal servant, both growing up together until the Noble needed to start the duties of running their house, leaving the commoner servant behind. Fate pushes them back together, and old feelings return, even though their social positions could not be further apart. Love conquers all.

Emperor X Noble
Emperor X Servant/Commoner
Emperor X Guard
Emperor X Vizier/Advisor
Emperor X Foreign Royal *Nobility from another empire, marrying to secure peace, freedom, etc*

Special Pairings:
Emperor X Celebrity *Maybe the character isn't related to the nobility but is an important figure regardless, CEO, Music Star, Actor*
Emperor X God *The Emperor also has to maintain a relationship with the spirits. Maybe they catch the fancy of something that is actually more powerful than they.*
Emperor X Familiar *The Emperor can only trust something they can make themselves, Muse B can be a spirit, a devil, a magical construct, a robotic construct, or stranger confidant. As the most trusted servant to the most powerful person, it could lead to some unique stories.*
Servant X Servant *In this case, both characters are on staff, the Emperor is a side character, hilariously as either a rival for one character's attention, or in a very odd twist of fate, a matchmaker or wingman. Ruling the universe is hard, so a side romance story is good entertainment*


Theme: Whimsical Fantasy

Muse A, their life was pretty, well... boring. The exact specifics don't really matter. They are average, never had the opportunity to really shine, even in somewhere as off as Elysia. Their life was safe, uneventful, it just drifted by.

And then Muse B falls into their lap, or crashed into their backyard, or gets Muse A into some kind of trouble with their Shenanigans. Muse B is everything Muse A isn't. They can do wonderful things, they are part of the universe, they make themselves apart of big events. They have a space ship with plenty of space for a passenger. Through whatever means, Muse A comes along, whether willingly or unwillingly. Muse A's life is about to get a bit more interesting.

Normal Person X Alien *Slight differences, mostly just from another planet*
Normal Person X Abducting Alien *This is where one party is completely unwilling to go on some big adventure, atleast at first*
Normal Person X Spirit *And Spirits come in all shapes and sizes with all kinds of weird powers*
Normal Person X AI *Typical internet/video game plot. Character falls for another character who doesnt happen to have a physical body and exists within a digital space. But there are potential solutions... Androids for instance*
Normal Person X Airship Pilot/ Criminal/ Stellar Celebrity
Normal Person X Royal *Runaway Prince, Princess crosses paths with the unsuspecting person*

Theme: Romantic Comedy/Action

Muse A is a brave, swashbuckling airship pilot, or something of that nature. On one of their many many adventures, they get a distress call from Muse B, claiming to be a beautiful member of royalty. They promise riches, prestige, anything they can ever want. After a daring rescue, Muse A bursts into the cell holding Muse B and finds out that maybe they were exaggerating just a bit.

This kind of story is meant to be kind of off the wall ridiculous you'll see in fantasy and sci-fi. If the hero is a man, they'll find that the 'beautiful' princess was actually a green scaled alien criminal whom just implicated the hero in aiding a galactic jewel thief in her escape. If it's a heroine, her damsel will be a sly wise cracking special agent whose at the wrong end of some hostile alien authorities when his cover got blown. Possibilities are endless here.

Whatever the circumstances, Muse A getting involved with Muse B gets them into more trouble than they are worth, and things just get more out of control from there. Again this is a story designed to be over the top comedy as the two constantly thwart their pursuers and find mutual respect and partnership as the adventure continues.

Space Cop X Space Criminal
Treasure Hunter X Smuggler
Secret Agent X Space Pirate
Mercenary Hero X Runaway Freedom Fighter
Ace Pilot X Ex Slave

*Literally anything above can be swapped to fit anything else. Whatever is fast paced and exciting*


Theme: Extra-Racial Romance

Muse A comes from a prudish family, very safe, very proper, very xenophobic to anything different. Maybe they were well off and had to keep up a certain standard of luxury living. Muse A's family had controlled their life, deciding their school, deciding their friends, deciding their future. Even their friends turn two faced and toxic as social pressures of school and future prospects. As Muse A grows older, they begin to urk against the pressure and prison their lot in life puts on them. They want freedom to live their own life.

Muse B is the opposite. They come from a family that honestly doesnt care about them. Maybe they were abusive. Maybe Muse B never had a role model and got into trouble after trouble growing up, hiding the scars and attaching to anything that was willing to give them the time of day. Bad relationship after bad relationship, unhealthy addiction after prison time. They could be strengthened by the experience, they could be cloistered in a shell. Keeping their walls up.

Time for university and Muse A and Muse B end up in the same class. It might be their first time, they might already have a history, but they become fast friends, that quickly evolve into something more, one finding stability in the other, the other finding freedom and love of life. Each are broken in their own way but they try to pick up the pieces.

Another small problem, Muse A and Muse B are different species.

The setting in this plot is rather simple. Just a planet or station habitat with the elements of sci fi and magic down played as only conveniences (Maybe they are learning magic at university, *cough* Harry Potter in space *cough*). Just like a normal modern city. The entire drama is built around the very real and very personal stories from two different people trying to find their own way. The fact that they're alien adds just another level to the differences of backgrounds and culture and how race can play a role in this story. People in this story live along side beings from another planet, but stereotyping and racism are still alive and well even in Elysia.

Now what kind of aliens the characters could be are up to you. The easiest way to do this is just to use a fantasy race. Ones human, ones an elf, its just that elves are aliens in this universe. Maybe werewolf or vampires if youre into that (but without so much of the dark mystigue surrounding them. However we can go stranger. One character is a monster girl for instance, a lamia, centaur, harpy, slime, android. Or even just go full blown alien. Greys with the big head, big eyes, scales all over, predator (for some reason), tentacles. Its a chance to be something different in a story that anyone can relate to.

Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)

Human X Elf
Human X Monstergirl
Human X Vampire/ Werewolf/ Something Edgy
Human X Alien (there's some nice looking ones on pinterest)
Human X Orc (obviously more civilized... sort of)

Switch out human with anything else.


Theme: Exploration of a Strange Place

Elysia’s got some strange places.
Sometimes people discover it, launch expeditions, scouting parties, research missions. Sometimes people just come across it, even crash landing into it. Sometimes by the games of the gods, a person may simply wake up elsewhere.

Muse A is one such brave or unwilling soul. Maybe they are the first pioneer to settle a new discovery, a biologist, savant, mystic, or geologist that lands. Maybe they have an organization at their back, monitoring them from orbit. Maybe they are sent to save someone else and need saving themselves. Maybe they crash landed in this uncharted hunk of strange rock and have to survive. Maybe, like a dream they wake up in this place that just isn’t right. Whatever the case, they must explore the lands, seemingly alone. But are they?

Muse B is the companion that aids and travels with Muse A, and this can come in many flavors. The most fanciful idea is that Muse B is some kind of curious local, a benevolent wild spirit, or something stranger still, such as if Muse A is a wizard and can summon a Familiar for aid. Something a bit more tame would be another specialist, a crash survivor, Muse A’s android or robotic assistant, or if things want to become a bit more tense, a stranger, stowaway or even a prisoner Muse A was transporting (or enemy pilot if the character’s races are at war.)

Regardless, the point of this adventure is essentially spent surviving through dream scapes. The world itself is filled with life, color, and changes to the whims and emotions of those that deserve it. It might be a water world, requiring they dive and explore its depths. There might be ruins, ancient places where civilizations lived and died. There might be dangers, riches, but there must always be wonders.

Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)

Explorer X Local
Explorer X Explorer – If two were on that ship
Explorer X Spirit
Explorer X AI Assistant – perhaps getting a humanoid body somewhere down the line.
Explorer X Stow Away – If it was a crash landing
Explorer X Familiar – For a magical Journey


Theme: A Monster Loves a Human
Inspired by: The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince

Muse A is a terrifying man eating monster, or a lofty spirit of chaos, nature, or beasts, or even a devil meant to pray on mortals but has noticed the actions of something that should be beneath her.

Maybe she is a terrifying wolf monster whose singing to the moon had attracted the musings of a curious prince who comes to listen to her every night, never knowing who or what she is.

Maybe she is a siren spirit, meant to lure ships on the air currents off the trail to crash to their deaths, but she is fascinated by the heart and spirit of a handsome captain.

Maybe once she was just a minor demon, barely more than a critter caught in a trap, but rescued and cared for by a boy whom even after she’s grown into a terror can never forget and is deeply grateful.

Maybe she flits on the edge of Elysia in the realms of dreams and chaos and is attracted to the fanciful and captivating dreams of a mortal.

There are hundreds of backstories. But the plot is the same. The two are thrust back together and she desires to keep her true nature a secret. She knows of a powerful being knowledgeable in magic that could make her wishes come true. And its all too happy to, giving her a form of human but able to change back. She can look like a princess, but still have all the power she had before, switching back and forth at her leisure.

But her generous magician, it never asks for the price, it just takes it. She will be forced into her true form when certain conditions are met. And its price always is the life of someone you care for.

Not physically. When one says ‘you ruined my life’ that’s what the entity takes. The love interest in this story suffers injury, shame, loss without end, their dreams and goals torn apart by happenstance, odd coincidence, or even the very direct and indirect actions of the one who secretly loves them most, developing fears, hatreds for the creature they perceive as the cause of their misery. There are far worse things then death.

Realizing very soon that she is the cause of his turmoil, she attempts to rescue him from it. Protect him. Try to find a way for them to be together. Love conquers all, surely it can conquer this. But what happens when the object of her infatuation learns the truth?

Can a relationship be built on beautiful lies and devotion?

Is it love, or just selfishness?

I'm hoping for someone to play a very powerful character, a force of personality as the monster in this story. Something terrible that will do anything for a single person and hope to become closer despite their inhuman nature. Sometimes they just don’t get people. A wolf will eat raw meat, humans will not. Very odd to see someone do that. Suspicious even.

The other character is the object of the first’s desires, which can have any qualities but will generally be considered the weaker of the two parties due to tint of the supernatural. Their only quality is that their lives suddenly turned upside down as a series of unfortunate events begin to plague them.

The two don’t have to start out as lovers, even better if there is a type of yandere quality for one vs the other that is unrequited or even fearful in the beginning. One may only be a stranger showing concern for the other as they go on their journey to escape the nightmare their lives have become.

Suggested Pairings: (To break down some ideas)

Monster X Prince*
Monster X Princess*

*Honestly Genders nor titles really matter.

Other Quick Ideas for Potentially Romance Plots

Just a bunch of quick little ideas that can be adjusted extensively. Meant to just be a quick reference.

A rumor brings an explorer to an uncharted planet. A world with the ruins of an ancient and advanced civilization. The discovery could lead to a treasure that would allow those that claim it to live like kings. Incidentally, the explorer tells the wrong person of the prize, an ambitious treasure hunter/pirate. The two set off to find the treasure, but mutiny breaks out on the ship, leading to the ship crash landing on the uncharted planet. The two and the survivors must team up to be able to get off the planet safely, but what about the treasure?

Explorer X Pirate
Explorer X Survivor - maybe the explorer comes across someone in cryo stasis

A detective is on the case for a string of bizarre ritualistic murders made by parties unknown. As the case gets more and more infamous, they enlist a former criminal, with particular set of skills that can be crucial to the case. But as facts are revealed, loyalties are shaken, intrigue leads to conspiracies, and at some point they are the only ones the other can trust. For an additional level of supernatural, the crimes are more ritualistic sacrifices of magical origin, the expert is a renegade mage, or even a bound demon the detective ties to their service. All on the backdrop of a space station ala your blade runner.

Detective X Criminal
Detective X Cultist/Murderer - The culprit to the crimes with nebulous intentions.
Detective X Familiar - The supernatural murders require supernatural answers, leading the detective to enlist a familiar of his own to help him.
Detective X Mysterious Witness - There is a witness to the crime, and they must be protected while the crime is being solved.

Two captains, one an admiral, another a pirate lord have a long strange history. They were both once to be betrothed, both nobles of powerful families of the empire whose marriage would mold an alliance. One house however fell out of grace with the Empress, their house and assets excommunicated from the Empire. With the breaking of the marriage pact, one went to become a military commander, the other wanting revenge for the betrayal of their entire family and lashing back at the empire through force. The admiral is sent to bring the pirate to justice, fate constantly pulling them back together.

Admiral X Pirate Lord

A powerful nation that has an empire that spans the stars has their share of rebels, criminals, and renegades. The Masterminds take it to a new level. One might be a former slave now on the path to bring things down, the other may have gone mad or enjoys the carnage they do. Through technology or magic or their own race's abilities they are extremely powerful and dangerous. Regardless of their motivations, they are the villains, the ones who rob the airships, spring the banks, overthrow the signals to release the forcefields allowing them to steal, the 'heroes' and forces of the empire hot on their heels.

Criminal X Criminal
Master Criminal X Apprentice Criminal


Theme: Romantic Comedy; Ecchi; Grand Adventure

This RP is going to be pretty standard if you're familiar with the Monster Girls Universe. The portals between worlds allows humans and monsters to interact and coexist. There is still some racism, still some cultural problems, but there's agencies in place to help it along. Muse A is a human, maybe they're a host to a visiting monster (Muse B), maybe they are an agent or specialist, or maybe they are just a regular guy/gal.

Then something happens:
1. The Demon King Attacks and causes untold havoc and chaos with her magic, flinging Muse A into the Monster Realm with Muse B, or they meet in the Monster Realm. Their story is Muse A's journey home.
2. The Demon King Attacks and Muse A and Muse B are chosen heroes attempting to stop her. Very fight the big bad adventure.
3. The Demon King is Muse B, visiting from the Monster Realm either in secret or not. She is ridiculously powerful and has a hard time acclimating to the new modern world. Muse A helps her along and tries not to die in the process. Seriously go nuts with this.

Genders can be reversed, the male being a monster himself.

Human X Monster Girl

Theme: Life of Superhero's, High School Heroes, Secrets

Muse A is in a pretty difficult situation. He/she is in a premier hero program, having just gotten her provincial license she's set to intern at the city's greatest Hero Agencies while completing the program at school. Secretly she's actually a double agent, her family a widespread and dangerous crime syndicate. So she has to juggle school, being a hero, and a villain. What makes matters worse, she catches the eye of a fellow student and aspiring hero, Muse B.

What happens when they start dating? What happens when they dorm together? What happens when they have to fight each other? Can your lover be your nemesis?

Another option, just take out the whole villain thing and just be two aspiring heroes during a crime wave. Can the strain of hero work break the relationship our leads have created? Can they even think about having a normal life together?

Hero X Villain
Hero X Hero

Theme: Battles, Mystery, Intrigue, Genetics and Super Science
Taking place in the world of Pokemon in Detective Pikachu, Pokemon and Humans live and work together. There's still trainers. Still battles, and its very rare for anyone to not have one Pokemon Partner.
Muse A can be anyone and Muse B is their pokemon... but Muse B is poke'napped but Muse A manages to track down the thieves to a secret facility. What he finds is shocking. Controlled evolutions, genetic engineering, medical testing. Finding his pokemon, he narrowly escapes with her with the nappers hot on their heels. Getting away, he tends to his pokemon's injuries, only to watch before his eyes as his pokemon evolves, taking a more human, a more feminine shape.

What results is that Muse B is anthropomorphized (the exact features vary from full on, to minor features- ears, tail, etc). They can talk and understand eachother, and she's not the only one. All over the world, like a virus, pokemon are become more human-like, leading to chaos. The real question is why, why are the nappers doing this? Is there a way to change it back? Should they?

Trainer X Pokemon
Trainer X Trainer
Pokemon X Pokemon

Ill add more as I think of them, and develop strictly smut worthy stories in my next post. For now, please post or PM me if you have an interest.

Again I'm open to discuss.

Hope to hear from you ^^
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Theme: Non-Con, Groping, Public, Voyuerism, Potential Gangbang
Muse A can be any one. Student, working girl, doesn't matter. Through circumstances, Muse A has to take public transportation. Sucks, but A gets by. At school/work/etc, she starts getting attention, wanted or unwanted. Then the problem spreads to her morning commute. Muse B grabs her one morning, sticks something sharp into her back and whispers. "Don't turn around, Don't make a sound." Muse B begins to grope, fondle, and strip A and as the days go on, the pervert gets more and more bold with her.

She does start to notice a few things. The fondling always ends just before she gets off, always at her stop. She starts to notice pieces of clothing her attacker wears and notices that her classmates/coworkers have similar clothing. Does she know her pervert? What will she do if she confronts him. What will happen if she doesn't?


Theme: Master/Pet, Pet Girl, Robot Girl, After Care
Distant future, robots are plentiful and can be sold for all manner of purpose and reason. Companions are the most expensive, literally custom made Robotic wives and husbands. Muse is a lonely every man/woman. He works, goes home, masturbates, goes to sleep, wakes up, repeat repeat repeat. Then one day, he comes across an honest to god companion in a trash dumpster. She seems custom made for him but she doesnt turn on. Not able to pay for repairs, he tries to fix her, maybe even played with her a few times. Then one day, he wakes to smell bacon and eggs cooking in his kitchen. Wearing a cute little apron she greets him with a happy smile. She doesn't know a thing about herself other than to 'serve master'.

Robot girl can become anything. Cat girl in a box in the rain. Girl ends on a door step from some clerical error. It doesnt matter, its the life of one day two people having to live and take care of the other. Maybe some things happen behind the scene.

I know very anime but I like the trope.

Theme: Abuse, Trauma, Enemies into Lovers, Picking Up the Pieces, Intrigue, Master/Slave

In Elysia, nothing strikes fear like the word Demon . Basically, Demons are from beyond reality. Sick twisted creatures that seek nothing but to corrupt and destroy without mercy or pity. They can come in many forms... including a beautiful girl.

Character A is the next in a long line of Elysia invading demons. Her story is tragic. A lowly functionary, slave, or minor attendant. Shes been violated, abused, and kept as little more than a play thing by her superiors for them to take their frustrations and lust out on.

However the demons are losing the war against Elysia's righteous defenders including a powerful hero who storms their strong hold. The demons are decievers. They doll up character A, bestow unholy magics about her, and set her as their leader, her suddenly blessed power enough to attract the heroes attention.

Storming the throne room, the hero comes face to face with their sworn enemy. In a shining moment, she sees her salvation, one who can end the pain. She cries tears of joy and throws herself at the hero. In death or in chains, he can take her from this hell. The hero... is confused. She is an enemy, but shes innocent, and gratful. She is willing to do anything to repay him, even becoming his slave. How could he harbor the enemy? Could he look past his duty.

And theres still a threat out there, what if her master come seeking their power back.

Several ideas all running by the same concept, a girl becomes a space ship's 'moral officer' seeing to the crews sexua needs.

CON IDEAS- Muse A is a courtesan, companion, priestess, prostitute that is hired or on a pilgrimage to spread her name and harbor her craft. We can even get spiritual, she is a missionary from a goddess of fertility and love, and has a whole church deciated to sex.

Dub CON IDEAS - a stowaway or new slave teams up with a captain for freedom or some important quest, offering her skills and her body for a safe passage.

NON CON - Having just been bought, enslaved, or created, she's the personal pet of the pirate captain and used by him and his crew for whatever he needs her for. Maybe she can escape before she accepts her life.

One is a tale where a villainess wins over the hero and captures him to do with what she will. Too bad hes so charming. A bit of a powerplay unfolds. She wants to rub in her victory, lord over the hero, but he's pretty much everything she could ever want in a concubine... a lover... maybe a boyfriend. Eventually they open up to eachother, a battle of wits as one tries to win the one over to their side.

Imagine if Maleficient tries to conquer Prince Charming's heart after she captures him in sleeping beauty.

An ill advised sorceror conjures a devil in a moment of necessity and unwittingly makes a deal. Its not his soul shes after, but his hand in marriage. Shes a demon princess and needs to marry to avoid a terrible fate. Now she gets to be free of her responsibilities while he gets to be the new king of demons. It wont go well.

Inspired a littly by this beauty.
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Added "Youre the Demon King?


Stellar Courtesan to the NSFW section.
Going to get back into it.

Im open to your ideas as well. Still craving a train groping or something with monstergirls.

If I rpd with you before PM me to restart if you like.
I think I might come up with a story about the monster under a bed.

Suddenly a bedroom is invaded by some demonic creature from another place. While initially terrifying, the two end up inseparable and he might even bring her into his strange world.

Lydia and Beetlejuice style.
Another idea.

You ever see sleeping beauty, remember when Maleficent captures the prince?

What if she wants to keep him for herself

A bit of a femdom, bad girl good guy plot. Neither is exactly submissive but shes definitely the more powerful of the two.
Im going to include two new ideas for NSFW.

I Win. Femdom Romance

One is a tale where a villainous wins over the hero and captures him to do with what she will. Too bad hes so charming. Still need to find a picture.

I Summoned my Bride - Rushed marriage and consequences.

An ill advised sorceror conjures a devil in a moment of necessity and unwittingly makes a deal. Its not his soul shes after, but his hand in marriage. Shes a demon princess and needs to marry to avoid a terrible fate. Now she gets to be free of her responsibilities while he gets to be the new king of demons. It wont go well.

Inspired a littly by this beauty.
Im actually considering something kind of SCP
SCP-1471 is about a scary looking creature that begins to enter into the lives of people who download its ap. It doesn't want to hurt them, it just wants to be friends and has a compulsion to be part of that person's life so that they 'don't feel alone'. Starting at sending pictures and messages through the phone and then appearing in the real world.

What if the entity looks more like this (furry-NSFW)? And the compulsion becomes more like infatuation, or obsession?

Yeah, I have an interest in maybe a sci-fi scenario where an AI gets sentience and wants after the user. Can they make it work or will she just keep upping her game until he loves her. Will she find her own body. Invade the real world. Remove the competition. A bit yandere yes, but obsession can be a fun plot to explore.
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Another idea:

The Truce

A war has ranged for decades, if not centuries, bringing endless turmoil and suffering to both sides. The sides could be between races, countries, worlds, federations even mortals, angels, and demons.
Muse A is a Hero, Captain, Prince/Princess, General, Warlord etc storms the stronghold of their enemy and manages to make his way right into the throne room of the enemy king (Muse B). That king however turns out to be not quite as bad as one expects. For one, Muse B's been waiting to meet Muse A and while A might want to get revenge for the war, Muse B offers a better suggestion.
Turns out the war is a hell of alot more complicated then Muse A realized and both of them are just puppets to greater forces at work. If the war ends, it could mean ruin for factions even outside of the conflict. If they play this stupidly, they could be usurped and things will never change as new heroes and kings will rise up. Yes both want to stop the war, but it needs to be done slowly, methodically, the right way. They work together to secretly end the conflict. But how to do it? An illegitimate heir? Could it lead to love?

Themes: Interracial romance, slow burn, breeding, political intrigue
I'm in the mood for an adventure, maybe with an odd pairing.

I'd be quite happy if someone plays a small in-humanoid such as a kobold.
Turns out I wont be as busy in the coming weeks so I should be able to reply to another RP.

Again, would love a small inhumanoid or some other more unusual requests above.
Still would love some kind of tale with a monster girl of some sort. Ill be what you want too.
Another Bump with a few cravings.

Short Stack Scalies: Aka Kobolds
Themes: Extra Racial Romance, Size Play, Race Play, Fantasy, maybe a little power play, comedy etc
Two ides:
An aristocrat is on an important democratic mission, requiring the services of a knight for protection and influence as she is commonly underestimated by her size. Easily could be an arranged marriage of two different kingdoms of different races.
Big Dreamer, a Kobold (commonly considered a vermin or pest species) dreams of being a great hero, wizard, empress, whatever. Destiny is on her side as she manages to run across a hero she idolizes. He thinks she is more talented then she's letting on and basically struggles to keep up the charade, fake it til you make it. Likewise, alot of people's lives might rest in her tiny claws, and she discovers that its alot harder then she thought. Alot she has a mentor to keep her alive, hopefully.

Based off this MASSIVE LIST

Themes: Possible Group RP, Harem, Political intrigue, rom-com hijinx, fantasy lewds, multiple characters, system RP
A knight/wizard/hero/mercenary is called to action to save a princess. The specifics are unclear on who, but a beautiful princess with a big reward, that's his kind of quest. Coming to the kingdom, he discovers that the country is taken over by the legendary Dragon Sisters, and they had managed to conquer hundreds! HUNDREDS of kingdoms, all of them with their own royals in need of rescue (or perhaps allied with the Dragon Sisters). Which one was he supposed to save again? Better get started.
The world is wacky so this is going to be kind of a silly adventure. I can easily make this a CYOA for a princess, maybe she escapes, or the roles are reversed. She has to save the knight or princes.
Sadly cant get pictures.

Some Halloween ideas: long or short

A house or apartment is haunted by a lonely ghost. Luckily for her, it turns out the new resident is psychic and used to supernatural schnanigans. Maybe she finally found someone who can chase away the lonliness.

A post apocalypse with zombies, etc. A male survivor has lived through hell and finally developed a routine to survive the new world. However, hes surprised that a female zombie keeps following him around. Shes not agressive or violent. She just... follows him, like a lost puppy. He thinks she's cute so doesnt off her, but its soon after he realizes just how weird this nice zombie is.

A phone app or picture carries a demon or ghost that becomes obsessed with the phones owner, sending him pictures of herself, videos, phone calls, all trying to get his attention. Eventually she can mess with his phone, then his computer, then his life. Soon shes out of his phone and he has to notice her. Based on a rather cute SCP, if you like obsessed stalkers.

A yokai demoness latches herself onto a young man with psychic power. In doing so, she opens the veil between worlds, putting both of their lives in danger. All the better reason to stay together.
Bump with some of the ideas of the previous post which I will add to the top eventually.

Still Craving
Monsters, Sci-Fi, Femdom/Switch, Stalking, Supernatural

Ghost (NSFW)
Supernatural Romance, Horror, Haunting

Anthro/Monster Girl/Pokemon Girl
Sci Fantasy Setting
Room for one more:

1. A Short stack Kobold is the assistant to a warlock, and she is the test subject for a number of interesting spells and situations.
2. A quick one. Monster Girls / Anthro enjoy some holiday shenanigan's and some cute toys.
3. An SCP or Demon becomes obsessed with an 'unfortunate victim' leading at first to a femdom dub con that leads to some forbidden pleasure and debauchery.

Modern/Fantasy/ Sci fantasy settings as normal. Short and long for the time being.

Note: If I was in the middle of an RP with you, I'd be happy to get back in, it would only first come first serve though as I only have time for one more.
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If we had an rp and you want to get back into it, just PM me. Apologies for the sudden shift. I had to greatly reduce my rps, saving on occasion what I had for close friends.

***New Plots***​
Learning to Get Along

An interstellar war between two empires is drawing to a close. Both sides are battered, beaten, and publicly sick of it, with soldiers who were once occupying enemy cities, stations, ships and worlds finding themselves going native, laying down their arms and finding friends, even lovers among the opposite side. While there are still resentments, still racism and extreme patriotism, this particular drama has become more and more common. While the war is still technically on, the rebuilding has already begun and the those that occupy their lands feel more like neighbors than enemies. I want to play out one of these mini dramas.
Muse A is a dangerous soldier/pilot/warmage/officer who has received instruction to hold position for the last couple months and has committed to the knowledge that the order for the next battle is never going to come. Encouragement from their comrades and even superiors has told them to lighten up and consider their hold position order an excuse to take an extended leave until they can finally decommission and head home. Muse A, despite the battles attempts to live a civilian life among their enemies, and Muse B, a local, becomes a friend. How will they cope? Will they be able to get over the horror of war? Maybe PTSD means they need to go to therapy, and a local doctor is brought in to help. We can add as many levels to this. Maybe Muse A was terrifying, even legendary in the war, but their normal personality is nothing like the vicious warrior that terrorized the populace. Maybe they're gentle, shy, maybe even desperate to just be taken care of by someone understanding. Muse B could be a healer, an injured soldier on the opposite side, maybe a spy for those who still want the war on and think the growing peace is their way to be victorious. Open for Discussion.

Themes: Interracial romance, slow burn, post war relations, potentially deep and damaged individuals, potentially Care Giver / Little

Walk With Death

Pity Muse A, for they are the sole survivor of a terrible calamity. Their city fell to nuclear war, a terrible plague, famine, magic gone awry, a portal to hell. They saw their whole world fall apart, wiped away in a blink of an eye and slowly rotting before them. They would be next... and then a figure came. Muse B wears a strange mask, cowled in black. In a moment of cruel compassion, he offers Muse A hope. "Come with me, and live." he tells her, offering a claw. It's true, she does live, but she leaves the ashes of the old world and steps into something new. Her companion is a strange task master, showing her things she thought not possible, and asking her to give him her body, mind, and soul in pursuit of What could he be trying to teach her? And what dark and strange worlds does he lead her two, places where the dead walk, where demons and angels dance, where things left unknown watch and scheme.

Themes: Dark Fantasy, Apocalypse Fantasy, Death and Afterlife, Medical Play, Aphrodisiacs', Monsters (Vampires, Tentacled, etc), Master/Apprentice, Potentially Petplay
Cravings from the previous Plots from the Previous Post

A female to play a demon or ghost. Preferring something truly unique like this SCP (NSFW)
An app, game, or computer virus manifests into a demon that slowly tries to reach out through the screen and ensnare the target of her affections. It starts as little messages, conversations that are a little too real. Then its photos and videos. Then she manifests in the real world.

Kinks: Obsession, Yandere, horror, femdom, scratching, psychological abuse, toxic relationship, monster turned lover

A female to play a monstergirl, preferably something small like a Kobold (NSFW) but goblin, halfling, or something stranger might work.
A hero attracts an unusual squire. Maybe he saves them from some terrible fate, buys them from slavery, or they swear some oath for their lives. In any case, the great hero is followed by something unusual, and as it turns out, the two become quite formidable.

Kinks: Sizeplay, Raceplay, slavery, master/pet, manhandling, exploitation (using her as a bargaining chip), dub con, adventure, unusual romance.

A female to play either the budding warlock or the patron, perhaps a Great Old One (NSFW)
Following a life of excess or misery, a disciple looks to ancient powers for a chance to live again, a chance to be happy, a chance for revenge. Their wish attracts the whisper of something dark and deep and offers an exchange. Power for subjugation. They take the deal.

Kinks: Tentacles, Raceplay, Magic, Dark Fantasy Themes, Master/Slave, Epic Adventure, Apprenticeship, Mental Control

Something akin to This. A Creature of great power and ferocity protects a being of innocence and light.
A fleeing girl in a wood comes across the wolf, but instead of eating her, offers her passage and protection. A priest comes to the lair of a monster and calls upon old oaths to bind it to her for her quest to save a corrupted land. A prince lost intrigues a fae witch enough that she wants to see where his story leads. A sacrifice is given to a dragon who needs not food, but a companion. However we want to play it.

Kinks: Sizeplay, Fantasy Creatures, Epic Adventure, Guardian/Ward, Romance, Elements of Light in a Dark Fantasy, Exploiting Innocence, Corrupting Innocence
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