Fx Any Kinky sub looking for some hardcore fun!


Nightmare Fetishist
Jun 18, 2019
Post Style
  • Post Length - I don't really care for one-liners, but I'm not super picky about post length. I generally just mirror the approximate length of the posts of the person I'm roleplaying with. So long as you've got at least a couple sentences that I can respond to, I'm good.
  • Story Length - Anything form short stories to lengthy plots are fine by me, but I prefer the general focus of the story to be on sex or sexual torment. I'm the sort of person who likes to keep her gripping story-driven roleplays separate from her porn.
  • Genres - I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, and dystopia, but I'll also do something set in the real world if the set-up is sufficiently interesting. I'm not really into cute little slice-of-life stories, though. I like to roleplay scenarios I can't (or don't want to) experience in real life.
  • Post Frequency - I'll try to respond at least a few times a week, but I'm currently working a full-time job, so weekdays are always gonna be slower. My time zone is Eastern Standard.
  • Location - I can do either the forums or PMs, but for the sake of keeping everything organized and separate from my other accounts, I would rather it remain on this website, and not over emails, Discord, or some other off-site medium.

I may add more as I remember them. Keep in mind that these are just a few of my biggest kinks, and I'm very open to indulging others. Don't be afraid to let me know what you like. I'm very, very difficult to shock.
  • Bondage is a big one. I love to be restrained. The less capable I am of moving, the better. I like not being able to resist what's being done to me. On top of the usual favorites, I love stockades (especially in fantasy settings) and stuck-in-a-hole-in-the-wall type stuff, particularly if it leaves the fun zones exposed for use and abuse.
  • Forced chastity is another fave. More specifically, I enjoy being forbidden from any kind of masturbation or clit stimulation, especially through the usage of devices like chastity belts. But of course, there's no reason you should have to hold back on sating your own desires; every hole still is fair game.
  • Public humiliation is incredibly hot. The more people taunting and jeering, the better.
  • Pussy whipping. Why confine a spanking to the back when the front can be even more painful?
  • Clit abuse, which you might notice overlaps a little with the last one. Hit it, zap it, burn it, cut it, clamp it with a clothespin... Maybe even have a little overlap with the forced chastity one above and do something a little more permanent. I also like those wooden/iron ponies.
  • Size kink. I like it when whatever goes inside is big enough to hurt.
  • Monsters, the scarier the better. I'm something of a nightmare fetishist. Orcs, tentacle monsters, aliens, mutants, robots, Eldritch horrors... It's all fine by me.
  • Noncon, in case it wasn't already clear.
  • Collars and leashes. Chain leashes are also acceptable.
  • Threats and degradation. Let the insults fly.
  • Forced breeding. She doesn't want to get pregnant, but she's not getting a choice. It's even better if you make no secret of this and she knows prior to getting creampie'd that this is the intent. It's hot to have her impending fertilization emphasized, especially if she's just being viewed as a vessel for the purpose of delivering children, and/or isn't even getting a whole lot of pleasure out of this.
  • Painful anal, particularly as a means of punishment or otherwise putting her in her place.

Naturally, I reserve the right to add to this later.
  • Scat. I've written it a little before, but it's just not my thing. No judgment from me, though.
  • Vomit. Again, not my thing.
  • Incest, at least with original characters. Oddly enough, I'm super into it with characters from an established canon. It's just with my own original characters that I get a little squicked out. Again, no judgment from me.
Scenario Ideas

These are just a few ideas in no particular order. Feel free to suggest other ones or combine them to your liking. If it's been crossed out, it means it's either currently in progress with another person, or I'm just not in the mood for it right now.
  • Sentenced to Sex - A character commits some sort of crime that results in them being sentenced to sexual punishments by whatever governing body presides over their world. Bonus points if at least part of that punishment is conducted publicly.
  • Conquered - Some kind of fictional society gets conquered by neighbors with regressive ideas about gender politics that they begin to enforce on the population, with one young woman in particular finding herself forced to marry one of the invaders. I'd strongly prefer this one take place in a fantasy setting with fantasy races just because, while the idea in and of itself is a turn-on, any kind of real-world politics turn me right back off. By its very nature, this one kind of requires you to play a male character, so consider it a MxF.
  • Breaking the Unbreakable - A spy gets outed, captured, and sexually interrogated by their enemies. Not the most original set-up, but definitely a classic.
  • Forced Chastity - In a setting where masturbation is forbidden, one horny young woman is determined to cum, only to be continually thwarted and punished.
  • The Dragon's Sacrifice - A virgin gets "sacrificed" to a horny dragon.
  • To Do No Harm - A gullible patient gets taken advantage of by an unethical doctor under the guise of a medical examination.
  • Abduction - A human is abducted by an alien and/or a robot built by some alien species and thoroughly studied.
  • M'Queen - A tyrannical king/queen resolves to break the will of a prominent rebel through sexual humiliation.
  • Killing Stalking Rip-Off - A stalker is unknowingly obsessed with a serial killer. Things do not go well for the stalker when said serial killer catches them in their house.
  • The Broodmare - In this setting exist innumerable fertile women being forcibly restrained and fucked with the sole intention of breeding them against their will. The emphasis is primarily on fertilization, with pleasure a distant second. It could be monsters hoping to bolster their numbers for an invasion, humans in a fertility crisis using what few fertile women remain to sustain the population, or some other third reason. Sometimes they might even experiment with ways to further optimize the rate of successful insemination. Possibly more of a MxF one, but you might be able to have a woman oversee it, if you'd like.
  • Happy Farm Life - A furry roleplay (can also be reworked to be non-furry, if desired) about a goat living on a farm, but it's a weird mix of The Handmaid's Tale, The Promised Neverland, and Zootopia. That is to say, herbivores out in the real world get to live in relative peace by having a subset of their population condemned to life on farms to feed the carnivores. The aforementioned goat is one such herbivore who's just been sold to an upscale farm to be milked alongside the other cattle under the ever-present threat of being culled should she fail to meet her quotas.
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Bumping because I added some more kinks and think I can take on a couple more roleplays.
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