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Fx Male Desperately craving Inuyasha <3


Mar 11, 2012
Hi there!

Name's Michelle. I'm thirty-one and have been RPing for about... 18 years? As hard to find as they are, I'm looking for some Inuyasha roleplayers. This show holds a huge amount of nostalgia for me, it's among my favourite fandoms to write. I'm very familiar with all of the characters, and am happy to play as many as we need.

I just ask that I can play Sango opposite either Miroku or Sesshomaru (This pairing is volatile/interesting but works well!).

I'm a big fan of build-up to romance, and tension (sexual and otherwise) between characters. Character growth and development is a huge deal to me and I would want a lot of lead up before any smut.


Sango x Miroku

After the final battle, as Naraku's last malicious act he enacts a final curse and separates the group. This can go two ways, they're either separated and looking for one another, or the curse makes them forget the one they love. About three years later our heroes manage to find each other, and either have to go on some sort of quest to get their memories back, or defeat some sort of new evil, and come to terms with the time they lost (if they haven't lost their memories).

Alternatively, I would love to play this pairing in a modern setting. Same characters/personalities/abilities, but rather than Kagome travelling back in time, the modern era secretly has demons and evil. Our characters could be a demon slayer/monk/priestess/half demon, etc. trying to save the world from Naraku/other demons while keeping that aspect of their lives secret from most.

Or maybe the original plot happened and only Kagome & Inuyasha remember and eventually find Sango and Miroku reincarnated in the modern era. Or, no original plot, just the same characters in a slice of life.

Sango x Sesshoumaru *** This is a darker plot, trigger warning for death/suicide ***

This one can be pretty dark. It's a pairing I think works well, but not unless Miroku is out of the picture. During the course of the series, Sango and Sesshoumaru would happen upon each other, both hunter and prey to one another. Maybe Sango kills a demon Sesshoumaru was after, and his pride is injured, or he sees her kill a demon and realizes that she's quite skilled for a human. Maybe they end up fighting and Sango earns some grudging respect when she doesn't get killed. Sango could save Rin and be offered a favour by Sesshoumaru, as payment she asks for training from him, and from there they would start to get to know one another.

Eventually she would return to her friends, and they would fall into a trap which would kill Miroku. Sango would then try and/or succeed at taking her own life, at which point Sesshoumaru (who has confused feelings & urges towards the woman) re-enters the picture and stops her, or brings her back.

I'm happy to play over Discord (or possibly google docs).

Hope to hear from one of you soon!
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