Just a place to store character ideas...

Jan 21, 2018
Riley has the power of electricity. She is really cute and a very fun lovable person. Head cheerleader and always has a kind heart.

Dillion has the power of vocal seduction. She is very down to earth and shy. She has the singing voice of an angel, and is easily swept off her feet as a helpless romantic.

Janice has the power of water. She is a spoiled little brat who has always got her way. When she doesn't get her way, she tends to act out though it secretly drives her crazy. Not one above bulling and shaming people.

Bella has super human straight. She is a very determined young lady with a bit of an arrogant attitude. She is the school's star athlete and is driven by a fear of failure and losing.

Ella has the power of fire. She comes from a rough up bringing which has made her not trust men and very tough. She loves to fight, takes no non-sense and is straight forward with her thoughts and feelings.

Lexi is super intelligent and crafty. Her IQ can come off as quite intimidating until someone realizes she is also extremely dizzy and gullible. If not for her intelligence, one would think she was a bimbo.

Lily has the power to control gravity. She is a cheerleader and an athlete, but she most does it for fun. Always thrill seeking and looking for a good time; she is very light hearted and the life of the party.

Sydney has the power to control the wind. She is a very good looking giril who models. She however is really insecure and this makes her very jealous and manipulative toward any man she gets, but she will accept attention from any man as well.

Jill has super speed. Everyone thinks she is really sweet and innocent, but truly she is a dirty little whore who loves to turn guys on and be used. However, it really takes a lot of trust on her part to show this side of her and she is extremely loyal and faithful to someone she cares about.

Tanner has the power to turn invisible. She is the sporty girl who plays anything and everything. She is the coach's daughter, but was never a star. She is always optimistic and friendly to all. However, she is quick to break up with someone for someone else in a hurry, and do so with a smile.

Alexandra has the ability to control rock. She is a dedicated gymnast who is a loner and sometimes the target of bullies. No one ever really gives her a chance when dating because they think she is weird and alloying.

Elsa has the power to manipulate energy into constructs though it appears as blood. She grew up abused by her father and brother, which left her broken in a lot of ways. She comes off very friendly and flirty, but does not care to be labelled a slut or whore. She has no shame and gets off on being degraded.

Darice has diamond hard skin. She was raised poor, which made her greedy. She can shift her personality to suit whomever she is with, becoming a jezebel of sorts. She will do anything to gain money and has a very sadistic personality when threatened.

Addie has the power to fly. She is a preppy girl who worried about her reputation and values other people's opinions way too much. She tends to be easily influenced by those around her and the way they want her to act.

Megan has the power to manipulate the shape of her body. She is a very spiteful person that tries to help those in need and believes in creating karma for those who who do people wrong. She has friends, but always tries to keep them at a distance.

Mia has enhanced senses to a superhuman capacity. She lives for drama, always trying to start trouble between people and picking fights. Those who get to know her realize you can never trust anything she does or says.

Kimmy has the power to absorb energy and discharge it through her hands. Kimmy is very loud and quite air headed though far from being a bimbo. She does not get mad at anything hardly, and pretends like everything is a joke to her most times.

Claire has the ability to teleport herself short distances. Though she plays herself off as a sweet little girl who can do no wrong, she has no problem manipulating and twisting people's emotions to the point they take a fall for something she does. Using people also is a turn on to her, and she feels no remorse for it.

Dani has the ability to repuicate herself. She is straight forward about putting herself first and being quite narcissistic, but she never lies. She is not below using someone's emotions or the situation against someone if it will benefit her.
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