Do you guys like to decorate threads?

The design team often has very nice threads. I play around with it a little, but I haven't sought out a new partner in the longest time, so mine is a hot mess. I like making title cards for my rps, but I don't put much work into beyond that.
I have an unhealthy obsession with making my threads/posts pretty.

Never really had a partner request it nor requested it from someone. Its just a way for my to deal with my design itch I guess. That's also a reason why I change my avatar/signature frequently.
I very much enjoy touching up and making threads and other things look aesthetically pleasing to me. I'm not much one for including a lot of graphics; I tend to prefer keeping it mostly text (I say that, yet I spent 4-5 hours making a character profile the other day with two graphic banners involved. x3.)
Nope I prefer it to be neat and just have the ideas displayed in an easy to read manner. I find some of the more crowded RT's to be off putting.
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