Mx Female Confession Is Open

Jun 15, 2019
Hello my name is FatherGrief but you may call me Father. I am available to hear confessions of sin, and to help you find more to ask for forgiveness for.

All character work aside, I'm currently looking for partners to write stories and provoke my creative side with. I have been roleplaying for 10+ years.

Over the last couple years, I have had to take some extensive breaks due to several personal issues, including schooling. I recently completed my course and thus have had more time open up for creativity, which is why I am finally back.

My Style:
I write multi-para responses and tend to err on the side of to much detail rather than not enough. I will give back whatever I am given from my partner and will try to keep things interesting. I prefer PMs and like to have a second OOC thread to discuss ideas and any potential big occurrences in the RP. I will reply as often as possible though I like to reply at least once a day. I usually play Male characters, as its easiest to get into the character, but am open to just about anything. I'm not here for self insertion or cybering, so I'm interested in most roles. I do tend to prefer storylines that are smutty in nature, but smut is empty without a story to back it up.

What I Expect:
I prefer partners who can meet me on relatively even ground. Para to mult-para responses. Some semblance of punctuation or spelling. My expectations are pretty loose, as long as I can see you are putting in effort and not being rude I wont complain. I will let you know if I'm not digging anything about the RP. Otherwise I appreciate you taking the time to write a story with me. 😀

Between 60 hour work weeks and family, I am unfortunately not available quite as often as I would like for replies. Because of this I have to be very selective about the stories I work on to ensure that I have time to dedicate to those that I am participating in. Please don't take offense if I am unable to start a story with you, as more often than not, the cause is simply that I don't wish to disappoint partners I am already writing with.

That being said, partners I write with should also be informed that my reply speed will not be consistent everyday. Some days I may have time to send multiple replies, some days I may only be able to send one. If I am completely unable to respond, I will at least try to send you an OOC message to let you know. I also understand completely if you have a similar situation. We all have lives and as much as writing the stories we get to here is amazing, there are often things in the real world that must take precedence.

What I'm Looking For:
Want to write an exciting or interesting story? Want to feed to darker side of your mind while flexing your imagination? I'm looking for you. I am very open when it comes to partners and am willing to play just about whatever you are looking for, as long as the story catches both of our interest.

My Interests:

I love good OC's. I feel that original characters give you the freedom to explore any avenue of the persona. Got a character idea in mind and want to see what trouble they can get into? Feel free to send me a message. Feeling more of a fandom vibe? I have nothing against playing a character either, but with the lack of cannon events, obviously there might come non-cannon personality traits. Here is a list of some of mine:

The Umbrella Academy
John Wick
Fairy Tail
One-Punch Man
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
and many more.

Want to know if I'm into what you are into? PM me and I'll let you know.

My Stories and Desires:
(My preferred role will be bold, if none is bold I am okay with playing either role)

Basic Pairings:


VillainxHero (Dubcon/Noncon)

I am pretty open when it comes to any character specifics. I don't mind playing most species/race/age characters as long as it follows site guidelines and serves and interesting story.

(Fandom ideas I thought seemed interesting. Any character can be switched out for an OC)
Cole TurnerxPaige Matthews (Charmed)
Victor Stone/CyborgxTerra Markov(Teen Titans)

Potential Plotlines:

A Man's Worth:
Charlie Hunt recently lost his job, his family, and his idea of where to go in the future. He has been living on savings while traveling the world, trying to find himself. Along his travels he will find a mysterious woman who help him get in touch with a whole knew side of himself, one much less civilized.

This idea is pretty much an open set up, I just like the idea of playing a character out of his depth who comes to understand and embrace a more deviant side. Im open to making it more supernatural or daily focused if my partner prefers.

Blood-lust Moon:

Marius had run with his pack for over a decade by this point. The had seen all across the state, hunting and hiding. The life of a werewolf was a freedom he had craved as a human. The only negative aspect was when they ran across another of the denizens of the their hidden world. Whether it was another pack, a coven, a family, or any of the other creatures, their life was competing for the seems hunting grounds and resources and his alpha decreed all competition must be eliminated. He understood why and always followed through, until he met her.

This one could be about a witch, vampire, or any other supernatural creature. I just like the concept of star crossed lovers living in a world that is separate from the world as a whole.

The Demonic Horde:

Sammael had been charged with keeping the armies of hell motivated and satiated as they awaited the final war. But demons are ravenous creatures, demanding meat and drink and women in their boredom at such a rate that the stores of Hell were being drained at an alarming rate. So the demonic prince set upon the smaller communities of earth, taking livestock and abducting humans to satisfy them. It was hardly unusual and he never felt uneasy about fulfilling his role. That was until he met a woman who stuck a chord within him. And all he could think about were the horrific things that he had watched happen to her kind deep in the pits. Now he was forced to make a decision. Would he betray his purpose and attempt explore the connection he felt, or would he toss her to the horde as he had so many before?
F-List:F-list - Warning

Top Kinks:
Dirty Talk

Bathroom play
Underage Characters

Thank you for taking time to read my post and I hope to hear from you soon!

Confession is sacred. Your transgressions stay between us and sins can be forgiven.
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