Souls Bin Of RP Ideas


One Horny Wolf
Jun 14, 2019


Simple story for furry x human

Female is out hunting accidentally shoots a furry thinking he was a normal wolf she takes care of him but at that time. he was ready to go into heat


Locker Room Romance (College)
Football season is nearly over...So is one of the men on the football team is moving away one of the cheerleaders decide to reward this player by surprising him in the locker room.

I would be playing the male I prefer playing furry

This rp will be sex heavy
Fishing to having a shark girlfriend?!

Basically a guy went fishing for big fish in the ocean and accidentally hooked a shark girl who went for the bait but she ends up intrigued by his looks and they end up becoming lovers

This is a 50/50 smut story plot

After Hours
The boss of a well known company one day caught his or her employee masturbating on the job.... they liked what was seen so they would wait a few days and then after work the boss would call the person into their office but not for punishment but for some fun that may possibly be permanent fun.


The Shapeshifting Queen. (FxF and MxF)

One night your character (female) wakes up to a loud crash down stairs, she goes to check it out only to discover a creature has somehow gotten into her home. When the creature awakes it transforms again to match your characters appearance soon discovering that it could shapeshift and could talk .... The shapeshifter knows nothing of what happened to her but since your character took her in she gets to ask my shapeshifter to do things....


My character was out hunting and accidentally shoots a furry... He takes her in and takes care of her unaware that she was going into heat soon.


Little Red "Riding" Hood

Simple erotic turn of little red riding hood where instead of going to her grandmothers she encounters a wolf. Who definitely has a hunger for her but not in the way that you think ultimately resulting in Red not visiting grandma and spending the night with said wolf


It's a mans lucky day! Remember that lesbian couple that he was friends with in Highschool? well he meets them while looking for a cheap place to live, but why sleep on a bug infested mattress where he can crash in the most comfortable couch in the damn city? also, sometimes he swears that they seem to tease him a bit too much...why is there a crumbled lump of adoption papers? perhaps the happy couple want some babies the old fashioned way.

The Princess who wanted to be kidnapped

Basically your character is a princess while she enjoyed life as royalty but gas groan bored of the strict royal treatment over the last several years. She dreamed of someone who would take her away from the castle and give her a new life then one fateful evening it actually happened a man got in and kidnapped her. Once she wakes from the event her captor reveals that he was paid to kidnap her and to keep her away from the royal family in which she is free to reveal that she secretly wanted something like this or decides to really play along.

Demon King in a Land that has forgotten

This one is real simple.

My character is a reincarnated demon king where in his land they have learned to live without a king. He decides to let this pass as he enjoyed seeing his people live without a ruler one girl however is able to sense his immense power and decides to acquaint herself with him.

The last dragon.

A huntress decides to venture into a cave after a snow storm hit only to discover a draconian a race that was obliterated along with the actual dragons. He temporarily is hostile towards her until he learns of her interest in the now extinct species but he's still going to keep a close eye on her.

Adjusting to the times.

A scientist discovered a perfectly preserved man from another time frozen ice. One night she decided to stay late doing her research the power went out and the man frozen in ice thawed out as the power outage caused damage to the system in the room that was keeping him frozen and it instead thawed him out. It is up to your character to help the man adjust while trying to discover as much as she can about his past life.

The Farmer and The Outlaw

This one is simple A Farmer finds a person on the brink of death. This person happens to be an outlaw although not caring about this the farmer takes the outlaw in and helps him with his injuries. Turns out the outlaws near death experience brought the outlaw to their senses and the outlaw decides that they are going to live a clean life now. The farmer offers the outlaw a chance to live and help them on their farm only catch is the outlaw is working for free because of the status of outlaw and a possible bounty being on the person.

To Please a God

Once every thousand years a woman is born able to have children with the gods however one god in particular can't seem to enjoy the women that have come to him. Then the next woman who has come to him is more than eager to satisfy the god of lust in every way she possibly can.


Can't ever seem to get away from my boss (Maybe ERP heavy thats why only the title is bold)


Your character works as a photographer for a magazine company. She spends time around her boss often and turns out they have a lot of common interests and end up running into eachother often and eventually the two decide to share a drink and they go from there but it will lead to a relationship.


The knight and her blacksmith

Very simple

A knight falls in love with the man who makes or repairs her gear. In order to spend more time with him she tries to hang up her gear to learn blacksmithing from him.


The Wandering Vampire

Your character finds a man who was attacked by wolves seemingly on the verge of death. She takes him to her home using the merchants cart he owned and proceeds to attempt to save him only to find nothing working. She ends up cutting herself and manages to get blood on the mans lips... Hours later and his injuries are gone. Little did she know this encounter would change her life forever as she no longer can stay at her home as she will be hunted to for associating with the former supposed to be dead vampire lord Alucard whos current disguise is a wandering merchant as he no longer holds the power he once held only small remnants

(not going to be anything like the actual Alucard but I like and have been wanting to use the name in an rp so yeah)


A witches pet

Very simple a witch summons a demon and uses him as her servant to satisfy her needs and do various things for her.

This rp could go one of two ways

A failed summon where my character takes advantage of the witch soon after being summoned

Or a successful summon and he is very loyal to what she says

(Can be erp heavy)


Teachers pet(s)

Basically the simple plot of this story is girls are sent to this academy to suit their sexual desires but have to follow their teachers orders and demands ... they start their day given an easy to hide vibrator that the teacher controls which is always on unless the teacher decides to turn it off as punishment or take it off for an even more intimate reward.... although some punishments may be sexual and some may not some will involve grades and some will involve clothing of the school girls there will be a LOT of sex

My character is a male


Alone in a tribe of males

..... All the females of this tribe died of some disease for some reason my(or your) character lived... Now she has to satisfy the fuck lust of all the males... Although she does have one true mate in which she will have pups with.

This is a wolf tribe

You can either be the pack or be the female


Must be able to play a lot of different characters

You will decide who her normal mate is

willing to swap roles



I just got free but I still kind of like animals?!?!(don't worry its furry x human)

The female was a recently freed sex slave although she wasn't popular for humans and due to that she has grown a liking for more animalistic parts

Although the plot is human x Furry

It is not Human x Animal

In other words she was forced into bestiality(when she was a sex slave) but after she was freed she had lost interest in humans and stumbled upon a dating site for furries(not fursuits) who at the moment she didn't know existed and she found one in particular that she liked and they started talking and going out


it was just something that happened in the girls past and won't happen in the plot ^^


She's my collar

Can be furry x furry or furry x human :3

Simple little romance story... My character is a criminal who will be sentenced to death if he can't change so your character is watching over mine and stopping him from doing any crimes or hurting anyone and they began to slowly fall in love and start going on dates and stuff


Pretty much the story the master character goes to an auction of already broken in girls or guys (as in they will willingly do anything for their new master) buys however many he or she wants and begins to immediately have sexual relations

Must not care about post length

Master Female ..... Buys male slaves

Master male..... Buys female slaves

Which role you want is up to you and how many slaves you want is up to you either way


Alone in a city of furries

Story is simple my character is furry wolf who moved to a city of furries but he's scared out of his mind as he is the odd one out of all of them because he's the only wolf (other partner can play one if wanted).... Until he meets one furry(female btw '_') she helps him open up to others ..... Now, this is a romance story but it can either be 50% sex 50% plot or 75 % sex or 25 percent plot or it can contain 100% sex.

For those last two percentages your character will pretty much turn him into her personal fuck toy and will give him to any female who wants him (or keep him all to herself)


Messing with a futa bunny

My character moves into a town and meets her neighbor and immediately becomes friends with her and soon discovered that they worked together at a gym and eventually your female character finds out that Flora has a cock while in the shower and finds herself oddly attracted to it but is too shy to admit it (just know your character can be a futa as well^^)

This can contain 100 % sex or 75 % sex and 25 percent plot or it can be 50 50

No scat

Must not care about post length

Bdsm is ok

You can choose either furry or humanlike appearance

Just know with the futas penis size it's a little bit ridiculous


You're a guy?!

The story is a simple but sex filled one that is an MxM

Simple little story my character goes on a dating site tired of trying to find love naturally, in turn, he found a girl and asked to meet her although it turns out he was catfished by a femboy .... but nonetheless he goes through with the date and started to really like the femboy and they slowly started doing more and more stuff

Furry only please on this one :3

From a barkeeper to fucking the royalty(kinda)?!?!?

The plot is simple really king and or queen(depends on what role you want I am playing a male either way) visits a bar wanting to get away from the castle and its worries for a bit ... soon a lovely bartender comes up to the king or queen they begin talking and such only soon they both decided to get to a bit of drinking and rent a room for the night then as things continued the king or queen continued to invite the male or female into the castle.

this plot can either be furry or human (i prefer furry but can easily play both)


After Hours

The boss of a well known company one day caught his or her employee masturbating on the job.... they liked what was seen so they would wait a few days and then after work the boss would call the person into their office but not for punishment but for some fun that may possibly be permanent fun.


Naughty Princess

A princess had run away from home after a few months of constant talk of forced marriage.... the princess had desired not to be married she wanted to be free.... one day she came upon a town that was far away from her old kingdom and she got to talking to a man about her issue and they got to talking more and more and eventually ended up in bed with each other for a one night stand but little did the princess know she would become quite the slut
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